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8 ibid., page 246.

9 Quoted in Schoenbaum: Shakespeare’s Lives, page 78.

Chapter Ninety-one

1 Quoted in Duncan-Jones: Ungentle Shakespeare, page 309.

2 Quoted in Schoenbaum: Shakespeare’s Lives, page 182.


I came to this study as a Shakespearian enthusiast rather than expert, and my debt to previous scholarship is as obvious as it is profound. Of the most recent biographies, I have found these most illuminating: Katherine Duncan-Jones’s Ungentle Shakespeare, Stephen Greenblatt’s Will in the World, Anthony Holden’s William Shakespeare, Park Honan’s Shakespeare: A Life, Eric Sams’s The Real Shakespeare, Stanley Wells’s Shakespeare: A Dramatic Life, Richard Wilson’s Will Power and Secret Shakespeare, and Michael Wood’s In Search of Shakespeare. To all these scholars and biographers I extend my thanks, as well as to those whose books are to be found in the following bibliography.

Adams, J.Q., A Life of William Shakespeare (London, 1923)

Akrigg, G.P.V., Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton (London, 1968)

Anon., Tarleton’s Jests (London, 1844)

Archer, I., The Pursuit of Stability: Social Relations in Elizabethan London (Cambridge, 1991)

Armin, R., The Italian Taylor and His Boy (London, 1609)

Armin, R., Nest of Ninnies (London, 1842)

Armstrong, E.A., Shakespeare’s Imagination (London, 1946)

Baines, R.J., Thomas Heywood (Boston, 1984)

Baker, O., In Shakespeare’s Warwickshire (London, 1937)

Baldwin, T.W., The Organisation and Personnel of the Shakespearean Company (Princeton, 1927)

Baldwin, T.W., William Shakespeare Adapts a Hanging (Princeton, 1931)

Baldwin, T.W., William Shakespeare’s Petty School (Urbana, 1943)

Baldwin, T.W., William Shakespeare’s Small Latine and Lesse Greeke (Urbana, 1944)

Baldwin, T.W., William Shakespeare’s Five Act Structure (Urbana, 1947)

Barber, C.L. and Wheller, R.P., The Whole Journey: Shakespeare’s Power of Development (Berkeley, 1981)

Barish, J., The Antithetical Prejudice (London, 1981)

Barroll, L., Politics, Plague and Shakespeare’s Theatre (London, 1991)

Barton, J., Playing Shakespeare (London, 1984)

Baskerville, C.S., The Elizabethan Jig and Related Song Drama (Chicago, 1929)

Bate, Jonathan (ed.), The Romantics on Shakespeare (London, 1992)

Bate, Jonathan, Shakespeare and Ovid (Oxford, 1993)

Bate, Jonathan, The Genius of Shakespeare (Basingstoke and London, 1997)

Bayley, J., Shakespeare and Tragedy (London, 1981)

Bayne, Rev. R., Lesser Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists (London, 1910)

Bearman, R. (ed.), The History of an English Borough: Stratford-upon-Avon (Stroud, 1997)

Beckerman, Bernard, Shakespeare at the Globe: 1599–1609 (New York, 1962)

Bednatz, J.P., Shakespeare and the Poets’ War (New York, 2001)

Bentley, G.E., Shakespeare: A Biographical Handbook (New Haven, 1961)

Bevington, D., From “Mankind” to Marlowe (Cambridge, 1962)

Bevington, D., Shakespeare (Oxford, 2002)

Binns, J.W., Intellectual Culture in Elizabethan and Jacobean England (Leeds, 1990)

Bloom, Harold, Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human (London, 1999)

Bloom, J.H., Folk-Lore, Old Customs and Superstitions in Shakespeare’s Land (London, 1930)

Boas, F.S., Christopher Marlowe: A Biographical and Critical Study (Oxford, 1940)

Bolt, Rodney, History Play: The Lives and Afterlife of Christopher Marlowe (London, 2004)

Bradbrook, M.C., The Rise of the Common Player (London, 1962)

Bradbrook, M.C., Shakespeare: The Poet in His World (London, 1978)

Bradbrook, M.C., John Webster (London, 1980)

Bradley, A.C., Shakespearean Tragedy (Basingstoke and London, 1974)

Bradley, D., From Text to Performance in the Elizabethan Theatre (Cambridge, 1992)

Braunmuller, A.R., George Peek (Boston, 1983)

Bray, A., Homosexuality in Renaissance England (London, 1982)

Brennan, M., Literary Patronage in the English Renaissance (London, 1988)

Brinkworth, E.R.C., Shakespeare and the Bawdy Court of Stratford (Chichester, 1972)

Brooks, D.A., From Playhouse to Printing Home (Cambridge, 2000)

Brown, I., How Shakespeare Spent the Day (London, 1963)

Brown, I., Shakespeare and the Actors (London, 1970)

Brown, J.R., Shakespeare’s Plays in Performance (London, 1966)

Bullough, Geoffrey, Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare (London, 1957)

Burgess, Anthony, Shakespeare (London, 1970)

Buxton, J. (ed.), The Poems of Michael Drayton (London, 1953)

Callow, Simon, Being an Actor (London, 1984)

Callow, Simon, Charles Laughton: A Difficult Actor (London, 1987)

Carew Hazlitt, W. (ed.), Shakespeare’s Jest Books (London, 1881)

Cargill, A., Shakespeare the Player (London, 1916)

Carlin, M., Medieval Southwark (London and Rio Grande, 1996)

Carlisle, C.J., Shakespeare from the Greenroom (Richmond, 1969)

Carson, N., A Companion to Henslowe’s Diary (Cambridge, 1988)

Chambers, E.K., The Elizabethan and Caroline Stage, 7 vols. (Oxford, 1941)

Chambers, E.K., Shakespearean Gleanings (Oxford, 1944)

Chambers, E.K., Sources for a Biography of Shakespeare (Oxford, 1946)

Chambers, E.K., William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems (Oxford, 1930)

Chute, Marchette, Shakespeare of London (London, 1951)

Clemen, W., English Tragedy before Shakespeare (London, 1961)

Clemens, W.H., The Development of Shakespeare’s Imagery (London, 1951)

Coghill, N., Shakespeare’s Professional Skills (Cambridge, 1964)

Collinson, P., “William Shakespeare’s Religious Inheritance and Environment” in Elizabethan Essays, ed. P. Collinson (London, 1994)

Collinson, P. and Craig, J. (eds.), The Reformation in English Towns 1500–1640 (Basingstoke, 1998)

Cook, A.J., The Privileged Playgoers of Shakespeare’s London 1576–1642 (Princeton, 1981)

Craig, H., A New Look at Shakespeare’s Quartos (Stratford, 1961)

Cressy, D., Birth, Marriage and Death: Ritual, Religion and the Life-cycle in Tudor and Stuart England (Oxford, 1997)