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Pearson, H., A Life of Shakespeare (Harmondsworth, 1942)

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Picard, Liza, Elizabeth’s London (London, 2003)

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Pollard, A. W. and Dover Wilson, J., Shakespeare’s Hand in the Play of “Sir Thomas More” (Cambridge, 1923)

Pollock, L.A., Parent-Child Relations from 1500–1900 (Cambridge, 1988)

Price, G.R., Thomas Dekker (New York, 1969)

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Rabkin, Norman, Shakespeare and the Common Understanding (Chicago and London, 1984)

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Reynolds, G.F., On Shakespeare’s Stage (Boulder, 1967)

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Salingar, L., Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy (Cambridge, 1974)

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Sams, E. (ed.), Shakespeare’s host Play: Edmund Ironside (London, 1985)

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Schmidgall, G., Shakespeare and the Poet’s Life (Lexington, 1996)

Schoenbuaum, S., William Shakespeare: A Documentary Life (Oxford, 1975)

Schoenbaum, S., Shakespeare’s Lives, new edition (Oxford, 1991)

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Shakespeare Studies, all vols. (Cincinnati)

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Skura, H.A., Shakespeare the Actor (London, 1993)

Slater, A.D., Shakespeare the Director (Brighton, 1982)

Smart, J.S., Shakespeare: Truth and Tradition (London, 1928)

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Smidt, K., Unconformities in Shakespeare’s Early Comedies (London and Basingstoke, 1986)

Smidt, K., Unconformities in Shakespeare’s Tragedies (London and Basingstoke, 1989)

Smith, B.R., Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare’s England (Chicago, 1991)

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Smith, L.T. (ed.), The Itinerary of John Leland (London, 1907)

Soellner, Rolf, “Shakespeare’s Lucrece and the Garnier — Pembroke Connection,” Shakespeare Studies, XV (1982)

Sohmer, S., The Opening of the Globe Theatre 1599 (New York, 1999)

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Steggle, M., Wars of the Theatres (Victoria, BC, 1998)

Sternfield, F.W., Music in Shakespearean Tragedy (London, 1963)

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Taylor, M., Shakespeare Criticism in the Twentieth Century (Oxford, 2001)

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Thistleton Dyer, Rev. T.F., Folk-Lore of Shakespeare (New York, 1966)

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