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  I saw the devil—he was working free:   A customs-house he builded by the sea.   "Why do you this?" The devil raised his head;   "Churches and courts I've built enough," he said.


  Upon my desk a single spray,     With starry blossoms fraught.   I write in many an idle way,     Thinking one serious thought.   "O flowers, a fine Greek name ye bear,     And with a fine Greek grace."   Be still, O heart, that turns to share     The sunshine of a face.   "Have ye no messages—no brief,     Still sign: 'Despair', or 'Hope'?"   A sudden stir of stem and leaf—     A breath of heliotrope!


  Come in, old gentleman. How do you do?     Delighted, I'm sure, that you've called.   I'm a sociable sort of a chap and you   Are a pleasant-appearing person, too,     With a head agreeably bald.   That's right—sit down in the scuttle of coal     And put up your feet in a chair.     It is better to have them there:   And I've always said that a hat of lead,     Such as I see you wear,   Was a better hat than a hat of glass.   And your boots of brass     Are a natural kind of boots, I swear.     "May you blow your nose on a paper of pins?"         Why, certainly, man, why not?     I rather expected you'd do it before,     When I saw you poking it in at the door.         It's dev'lish hot—   The weather, I mean. "You are twins"?   Why, that was evident at the start,     From the way that you paint your head   In stripes of purple and red,       With dots of yellow.       That proves you a fellow   With a love of legitimate art.   "You've bitten a snake and are feeling bad"?       That's very sad,   But Longfellow's words I beg to recalclass="underline"   Your lot is the common lot of all.   "Horses are trees and the moon is a sneeze"?   That, I fancy, is just as you please.   Some think that way and others hold       The opposite view;       I never quite knew,       For the matter o' that,   When everything's been said—       May I offer this mat   If you will stand on your head?   I suppose I look to be upside down     From your present point of view.   It's a giddy old world, from king to clown,     And a topsy-turvy, too.   But, worthy and now uninverted old man,   You're built, at least, on a normal plan       If ever a truth I spoke.           Smoke?       Your air and conversation       Are a liberal education,   And your clothes, including the metal hat     And the brazen boots—what's that?     "You never could stomach a Democrat     Since General Jackson ran?   You're another sort, but you predict     That your party'll get consummately licked?"     Good God! what a queer old man!


  A Countess (so they tell the tale)   Who dwelt of old in Arno's vale,   Where ladies, even of high degree,   Know more of love than of A.B.C,   Came once with a prodigious bribe   Unto the learned village scribe,   That most discreet and honest man   Who wrote for all the lover clan,   Nor e'er a secret had betrayed—   Save when inadequately paid.   "Write me," she sobbed—"I pray thee do—   A book about the Prince di Giu—   A book of poetry in praise   Of all his works and all his ways;   The godlike grace of his address,   His more than woman's tenderness,   His courage stern and lack of guile,   The loves that wantoned in his smile.   So great he was, so rich and kind,   I'll not within a fortnight find   His equal as a lover. O,   My God! I shall be drowned in woe!"   "What! Prince di Giu has died!" exclaimed   The honest man for letters famed,   The while he pocketed her gold;   "Of what'?—if I may be so bold."   Fresh storms of tears the lady shed:   "I stabbed him fifty times," she said.


  A famous conqueror, in battle brave,   Who robbed the cradle to supply the grave.   His reign laid quantities of human dust:   He fell upon the just and the unjust.


  What! imitate me, friend? Suppose that you   With agony and difficulty do   What I do easily—what then? You've got   A style I heartily wish I had not.   If I from lack of sense and you from choice   Grieve the judicious and the unwise rejoice,   No equal censure our deserts will suit—   We both are fools, but you're an ape to boot!


    "By good men's prayers see Grant restored!"     Shouts Talmage, pious creature!   Yes, God, by supplication bored     From every droning preacher,   Exclaimed: "So be it, tiresome crew—   But I've a crow to pick with you."