Startled, Kamele looked down at the screen.
Out of range. The letters were red. Kamele tapped the query button.
The unit you attempting to contact is not responding. The help text scrolled, as if she didn't know that. This may mean that the device has been damaged, or that it is presently located at a point outside the university network. A systemic lapse may, rarely, return a false negative. It is suggested that you wait a few moments and try again. If a second negative is returned, please contact the Office of Academic Safety.
Out of range? Kamele eased down into one of the rickety plastic chairs in the receiving parlor, and pulled Theo's message out of archive.
Gone to buy a rug, back before ninebells. Terse to the point of rudeness, with no please or thank you or request for a bluekey...
Kamele bit her lip, staring hard at the blameless floor. Request for a bluekey... If Theo's mumu was outside the college's network – but surely not! No question that she was headstrong and willful – but even Theo wasn't foolish enough to go Outside without a bluekey –
Unless, she interrupted herself, Theo had a bluekey. What if she had applied to Jen Sar?
Kamele shook her head. No. Theo might have asked, but she would not have talked Jen Sar Kiladi into violating the proprieties. Which left two possibilities: Either there had been a rare momentary stutter of the Wall intranet, or Theo had gone Outside without a bluekey, without asking permission, and without telling her mother where she was going.
Well, thought Kamele, there's a way to test that proposition.
But she didn't immediately tap her mumu. Instead, she sat with it in hand, her eyes on the rug she had brought from home. She and Jen Sar had bought it together, at an eccentric little shop in Nonactown. They'd laid it on the floor of the common room in his house, and there it had stayed, a delight to the eye and the foot until – Kamele shook her head. They'd put it away years ago – she no longer remembered precisely why – and forgotten about it until –
The apartment door twittered, clicked and opened. There was the sound of quick steps, and a quiet, "Oh no, the door!"
Theo stepped into the room.
* * * *
Her mother sat poised on one of the stupid plastic chairs, mumu in hand and an expression of cool remoteness on her face that Theo knew all too well. Kamele was in what Theo privately called her Mother Scholar Mode. What it meant was that Theo was about to be questioned, lectured, then questioned again to be sure that she had internalized her lesson.
She felt her shoulders crawling up toward her ears, fingers unoccupied with handwork curling in toward the palms. She tried to take a deep breath, but her chest was so tight, it –
"Prrpt?" The query was followed by a vigorous bump against her knee. Theo looked down as Coyster finished weaving himself around her ankles. He sat on her foot and wrapped his tail 'round his toes.
You should've told her about Coyster at breakfast, Theo scolded herself. She wouldn't have heard you, anyway.
"Good evening, Theo," Kamele said coolly. "Would you like to tell me where you've been?"
Well, no, Theo thought; I wouldn't. Unfortunately, she couldn't see any way out of it.
"I left a message in your queue," she said, sounding sullen in her own ears. "I went to buy a rug."
"I saw that message. You promised to be back before ninebells, but you failed to tell me where exactly you intended to purchase this... rug."
Theo bent down and picked Coyster up, which at least gave her something to do with her hands. He hooked his front paws over her shoulder and stuck his nose in her ear, purring.
Kamele raised her mumu and Theo saw the glint of red letters on the screen and the unmistakable shape of the Safety Office logo. She swallowed. Had the Eye reported her, after all? But she'd been inside before ninebells!
Perhaps a case of luck over intention, Theo? Father's voice asked from memory, and Theo bit her lip. Great. Like it wasn't bad enough that Kamele was going to lecture her...
"Could you," her mother said quietly, "be a little more specific?"
Might as well, Theo thought, reaching up to stroke Coyster, get it over with. She raised her head and met Kamele's eyes.
"I went to Nonactown," she said. "To a store called Gently Used." She hesitated, then decided that explaining a bit further wouldn't seem to be a excuse. "Father had taken me there, when... before."
Kamele... blinked, her expression wavering. She looked down quickly, and cleared her throat.
"I see," she said after a long moment. "And you went alone on this... expedition?"
"Yes," Theo admitted, adding, "I knew exactly where I was going," which might have been – just a small – excuse.
"Sometimes," Kamele said, glancing down again, "the unexpected happens, even when we know exactly where we're going." She sat up straighter in her chair and put the mumu on the battered table top.
"Traveling to Nonactown by yourself demonstrates an extreme lack of judgment, Theo. I'd thought you were more mature, but obviously I was mistaken. For the remainder of this grade-term you will go to school and to teamplay, and then you will come home. We'll revisit this subject at the Interval, and evaluate. If, at that time, I see evidence of more mature behavior, we'll discuss an adjustment to these arrangements. Am I clear?"
Theo stared. No lecture? And hardly any questions? That was so unlike Kamele that for a moment Theo forgot to be upset about being grounded.
"Theo," Kamele repeated sternly. "Am I clear?"
"Yes," Theo assured her, hurriedly. "However, I have... conflicts."
Kamele looked stormy. "And they are?"
"Tomorrow after teamplay, I have an appointment with Marjene," Theo said hurriedly. "And on Oktavi, I'm... Father and I meet for dinner."
Her mother sighed. "You may keep your appointment tomorrow with Marjene, of course, and will come directly home afterward. As for the Oktavi arrangement with Professor Kiladi..." She glanced down – maybe at the floor, or maybe, Theo thought, holding her breath, at the rug.
"I will consider that, and let you know my decision tomorrow. Is there anything else?"
"No, Mother," Theo said meekly.
Kamele nodded. "Where's your rug?" she asked suddenly.
"My – rug?"
"You went to Nonactown to buy a rug, you said. Where is it? Or didn't Ms. Dail have anything to your liking?"
"I... she..." Theo closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment on the solid presence of Coyster beneath her hands – soft over hard, she thought, and stroked him again before opening her eyes and looking at her parent.
"It's going to be delivered," she said steadily. "Tomorrow. After teamplay."
"Delivered," Kamele echoed, and sighed. Theo waited, shoulders tense despite Coyster's warmth – but Kamele only sighed again and shook her head.
"Very well. My last subject for the evening." She frowned. "Smuggling a cat into this apartment shows another disturbing lack of judgment. How long did – "
"I didn't smuggle him!" Theo interrupted, stung. "He brought himself!"
Kamele frowned. "I beg your pardon?"
"He brought himself," Theo repeated. "I was packing – he must've jumped into the cube when I wasn't looking, and then I was in a hurry, so I just sealed the lid without – and when I opened it here, there he was!"
"And you didn't bother to tell me?"
"It was late," Theo said, trying to be as diplomatic as possible about her mother's state last night, "and you were – you were tired. I was going to tell you tonight, but – "
"But other matters intervened," Kamele finished for her, lips pressed tight. She sighed. "Call Professor Kiladi, please, and ask him to arrange to retrieve his cat."