"Oh, Jesus, honey," he moaned at her, "you really know how to get my cock muscle stiff and hot, don't you?" He smiled and kissed her on the lips. He gave her his tongue. He rubbed his lips against her lips. He pushed his mouth down hard, grinding his face into hers. He took his hands and applied both palms to her two big titties. He rubbed her chest with his ten fingers. He made sure that that creamy breast flesh of hers was properly sexually stimulated. "Mmmm," he hummed, leaning close and gathering up one titty for a proper sucking, "I just want to make sure that you get the most out of this." And with that he took to mouthing her breast like it was bread and butter. He licked up and down and ate her all up, gobbled down her titty flesh like there was no tomorrow.
Sharon Pettibone, in the meanwhile, worked out on Danny's boner. She had the thing between her two hands. She was rolling it back and forth. She'd cupped the two big hairy balls in her fingers and she was sliding her other fingers up and down alongside the shaft of the boner. She was sliding up and down and squeezing, too. She could tug, when she wanted to, on the rim of the head, and that was a special thrill. It made her hot to get a good hold on that lip of mushroom head, and when she felt how spongy and hot it was she decided to go down on it.
"Oh, yeah, good baby," said Danny. "Go to town on it."
He held her face in his two hands. Her lips spread to accommodate the massive thickness of the meat. He pushed on the back of her neck, and down her mouth went, around and around the hairy hard-on. She took all of it into her face. She sucked tight on it, a good seal, and soon she had the thing properly and wetted for action. She began sliding back and forth, up and down, slurping up the meat as though it were some specially flavored flesh pole. "Mmm," she would hum. "I love it," she would moan between strokes. "What an extraordinary muscle you have," she would say in order to keep him hot while working out on the tip. She would splay her tongue at it, stick out that big mouth muscle and wipe it across the top of the heady boner tip. She would work at getting the thick skinned rim and the sensitized flesh of the shaft and the boner root part of the base – she would work at getting it all hot and stimulated and ready for cuming.
Soon Danny got that muscle of his so far into Sharon Pettibone's face that she thought she was going to choke. She didn't know that her throat could swallow so long a meat, so big a suckable boner. She loved it though, loved the feel of that big mushroom head tickling the back of her mouth. She wanted more of it, and she went down even harder.
Just to make sure that everything was nice and easy for Danny, she wrapped her hands around his buns and pulled on his two cheeks. She worked her fingers up and down his asshole crack. She stuffed a big long digit into his anus, even, and she wormed it around, up and down and from side to side while sucking on the knobby piece of flesh at the front side. It didn't take her long at all to have that meaty thing of his ready for fucking.
But Danny himself wasn't ready for fucking. He wanted to do some eating. He pushed Sharon Pettibone down on the back seat of the fantasy car and stroked her twat lips open and ready for a bit of the gobbling action. He used his tongue to get to her clitoris. He got the thing between his lips and pulled on it. He tugged and sucked at the same time. It didn't take long at all for him to get that erection of hers up to full strength. When he had the thing hard and slippery, he took to waving his tongue back and forth at it. He ate her little clit button like there was no tomorrow. Back and forth, up and down, in and out, he moved his tongue in every conceivable direction. And then he climbed up higher on her nice smooth body.
Her titties were inflamed. Her nipples were cherry red and hot. Her mouth was wide open and gasping. Her thick lips were moist, her tongue was ready, her cunt was spread apart and open. Her legs were bent at the knees. Danny went sliding his boner up and down on her smooth ample thighs. He thought for sure he could feel the way her tanned body was warm to the touch, the way it gave off heat and glowed. He liked the feel of that hot skin brushing, against his boner. Then he entered her.
"Mmm, good," she moaned at him. "Give me all of that thing, Danny. Give it to me hard." She swiveled her hips from side to side and showed him a good time. She used her hips to make sure that his penis got a good rubbing between her twat lips. Those inner labia were stroking up and down on the sides of his joint. His pecker was fully erect, ready to roll for a lot of hot fucking. He jammed it all the way down inside her cave. He gave her everything, and she reached around his waist and held on tight so that she would be ready for the incredible ride that went with it all. She held on to his waist while his hips flipped his meaty pecker up and down inside her pussy. "Oooh, God, yes, baby," she hummed at him. "Give it to me hard." She said all of this in his ear in a gentle, hot whisper. "Give it to me so hard that I never forget it."
He bore down, drilled up into her vaginal cave. He worked his meat from side to side against the labia lips of her twat. He used all the juice that was there to lubricate the exciting screwing. It didn't take more than about five more strokes for young Sharon Pettibone, in her fantasy, to cum off. "Oooh, Jesus! Oh, fucking Christ Almighty fuck!" she roared at him. "Oh, shit."
Her pussy flooded with sex soup. A moment later Danny pulled his long stiff phallus out of her hole. Sharon sat up. "That meat of yours," she said, sliding her finger up and down the pecker, "it's so pretty. So slippery and stiff. I just love it. I really do, Danny. I love that meaty cock muscle of yours. We have to fuck many times together. We will be lovers. I don't know if we'll ever get married the way they do in all the pretty books…" she gave his bone a special little squeeze with her whole fist, "… but we sure will do some hot fucking and sucking, eh?" She tugged on his meat bone and pulled out another drop of his semen juice. She leaned down with her mouth open and sucked it all up. She got that last drop of cum down her throat. "Mmmmmm, goooood!" she groaned, and then, almost instantaneously, Sharon Pettibone came back to reality.
"Oh, Jesus," she grunted, taking her fingers out of her pie, "what the hell have I been doing?" She looked down between her legs. Beneath her little buns there was a slippery little puddle of clit juice. "I must have been fucking myself wild," she moaned. "I have to stop getting so carried away." But no sooner had she said something to this affect, when, without even thinking about it, she reached under her buttocks and stuffed a digit into her ass-hole. "Ahhhh, yes," she groaned, sliding her finger into her anus and all the way up to her bowels, "that's a little more like it." She wanted to really got in there and abuse herself, to hurt herself, to cause her asshole some pain. "Mmmmmmm, oooooohhh, yyyeeessss!" she groaned, beginning to grovel on her bed. She pulled her legs up close to her chest and kept stabbing her asshole with her finger. "Oh, God, yes," she moaned, "I wonder what goes with this!"
A fantasy came to mind. She saw a big and not very friendly stranger reaching down to her buns. "I'm going to fuck you, Sharon," he said. "I'm going to ram my cock muscle up your asshole until you beg me for mercy. And then, you know what I'm going to do then? Do you think I'm going to pull my meat out of that tight little tube of yours? When you are begging and pleading with me, and when you are wincing from pain and bleeding from your sphincter, do you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to reach around in front of you and take hold of your clit and stab you there with my fingers. I'm going to make you get all soft and juicy all over and I'm going to suck off your flesh little titties and your big red nipples – I'm going to ravish your body until you cry out in ecstasy that you've never had it so good. Are you ready my little darling Sharon?"
"Would it matter if I said no?"
He slapped her on the buttocks. He used an open hand. His palm stung her pure white cheeks. They turned cherry red as soon as his fingers cleared her butt. He spanked her a second time and then she began to welp and cry. "No, please, stop," she moaned. "You shouldn't spank me. It's not good that way. No hitting. Please!"