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The young virgin continued to come as she swallowed her brother's hot cum. She felt him fucking one finger in and out of her tiny asshole as they came together, and she shuddered against him. Bill's jizz spurted into Jody's mouth again and again and she swallowed it all down eagerly. She could feel that every single part of her mouth was thickly coated with the tasty spunk, and she sighed with contentment.

Her climax only intensified as she excitedly drank down every drop of her brother's cum. She moved one hand to his balls and gently squeezed them.

Waves of incestuous pleasure trembled through Jody's loins as she came with her brother. More and more juice seeped from her orgasming cunt walls and was quickly swallowed by the young boy as he kept on eating his sister's pussy through her climax.

Finally, Jody's little cunt stopped coming with a final series of tremors and quivers. And there was no more cum for her to swallow. She sighed again when she felt Bill pulling his softening prick out of her mouth, and he smiled down at her as he took her in his arms, the two youngsters lying side by side now.

"That wasn't really wrong, was it, Bill?" Jody asked a few minutes later after catching her breath.

"No, I don't think so," Bill said uncertainly. "It's not like we fucked or anything."

Jody nodded with relief.

"Do you think that we're the only ones who feel this way? I mean, what about the rest of the family?"

"What are you thinking, Sis?" Bill asked, looking at his sister and gently pushing a stray strand of hair back from her forehead.

"Well, it's just that tonight when Daddy hugged me and kissed me good night, I thought I felt his tongue against my lips…"

"Jody!" Bill gasped, shocked and excited by what he was hearing.

"And that's not all," Jody continued. "When he hugged me hard against him, I could have sworn that he had a hard-on!"

"God, Jody! Are you saying that you think Dad wants to fuck you?"

Jody shrugged.

"Not necessarily. I'm just wondering if we're the only ones who feel like we do, Bill," Jody said softly, reaching out and twirling one of her brother's chest hairs around one finger. "What do you think?"

"I think I'm tired and that it's time for me to go back to my own room and go to bed," Bill said, not meeting his little sister's gaze.

He rose from her bed, put his bathrobe back on, and left her room without another word.

As Bill flopped down on his own bed, he closed his eyes and thought about his mother. God, but she's sexy, the youngster thought, reaching for his hardening cock beneath the folds of his robe. He hadn't wanted to admit it to Jody since they were both still so confused about incest – but he had been turned on to his mother for a long time now. And the thought of actually fucking her made him groan with lust. He began to jerk himself off, knowing that it would be a long time before he would be able to fall asleep.


A couple of days later, Jody was startled to find a leaflet on the desk in her room about a local incest club. She gave a little gasp and sank down on the edge of her bed to read the leaflet.

The young girl had never even heard of such a thing as an incest club and she felt an excitement stirring in the pit of her stomach to realize that there were people who openly embraced the idea and practice of incest, and that some of those people were right here in the city where Jody lived with her family.

The leaflet did not offer a lot of information. Basically, it spelled out the philosophy of the club, which was that incest was an act practiced by many people, most of whom were too ashamed of what they were doing to admit it to others. The leaflet made the point that there was nothing wrong with incest and that anyone interested in learning more about it should attend one of the club's meetings.

After thoroughly reading the leaflet, Jody clutched it tightly in her hand and sat there on her bed, trying to deny the fact that her little pussy was wet with sexual excitement. She had no idea where the leaflet had come from or how it had gotten on her desk, but she thought that her brother Bill must have put it there.

But when Jody questioned her brother about it later that day, she found to her surprise that he was just as mystified about the leaflet as she was. However, in a matter of minutes, the two teenagers were talking excitedly about the incest club, all thoughts about where the leaflet had come from forgotten.

"There's a meeting tomorrow night, Bill!" Jody said, her eyes wide. "We've gotta go!"

Bill hesitated only a few seconds before answering his sister. Then he grinned, his eyes lighting up.

"Sure we'll go! Maybe we can learn something that will help us to understand more about the feelings we have for each other," Bill said. "I think Dad will let me drive the car if I tell him that you and I have to go to the library downtown to research a term paper."

And that was exactly what happened. The next evening found Jody and her brother Bill on their way to the incest club's meeting.

"I don't wanna walk into an orgy of families fucking each other," Jody said with a grimace. "I couldn't handle that."

"I couldn't either, Sis," Bill said, reaching over and squeezing his sister's knee. "But the leaflet you showed me sounded a lot more classy and dignified than that. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised."

And they both were. Very pleasantly surprised. They met a group of very friendly people who seemed remarkably well-adjusted and "together" to them. After a brief social period during which refreshments were served, a guest speaker delivered a lecture.

Jody and Bill sat spellbound as they heard the speaker, an anthropologist, discuss the fact that incest was not "taboo" around the world, as most people believed. When she mentioned certain famous historical names of happy and successful incestuous couples, Jody gasped. She had had no idea that, in other parts of the world, and in other more primitive cultures incest was a commonly accepted way of life.

After the lecture, Jody and Bill listened to the president of the club explain that anyone who wanted to become a full-fledged member was expected to seduce at least one member of his or her family. Once that person had actually performed a full sexual act with a member of the family, he or she could become a member of the club.

At the end of the meeting, the teenagers were told that there were private rooms upstairs where incestuous couples could go and have privacy to fuck. Jody and Bill were asked if they wanted to use one of the rooms.

The brother and sister exchanged glances and then declined.

"I love the idea of seducing someone in the family," Jody said as they headed toward home.

"Then you want to join the club?" Bill asked, keeping his eyes on the road before him.

"Sure! Don't you?" Jody cried.

"Yeah, sure," Bill said with a grin.

"Bill," Jody began hesitantly after a few minutes of silence. "There's something we have to talk about. Like I said, I love the thought of making it with someone in the family. And at first, I was thinking that you and I would get it on, especially after the way we sucked each other off."

"Yeah, I was thinking that, too. Do you want to fuck with me, Jody?" Bill asked thickly, turning his head slightly to glance at his little sister.

"Well… actually, Bill, although I'd love to get it on with you later on, I'd kinda been hoping that Daddy could pop my cherry for me," Jody said, turning to look at her big brother with a pleading expression in her eyes. "You do understand, don't you, Bill? I mean, I don't want you to feel hurt or rejected or anything."

Bill laughed and reached out again, stroking his sister's inner thigh with one hand.

"Not to worry, Jody. It's cool. Actually, the idea of you and Dad fucking really turns me on! I don't mind. You go ahead and get him to fuck you. You and I can always fuck later on."