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Croaker snapped, "You men get back. Give us room. Murgen, bring my medical kit and I'll do what I can."

I took off. To my amazement Thai Dei bounced up and followed me. He did bark orders at other Nyueng Bao as we went, though. Uncle would be watched over by his own kind.

I dove into Croaker's shelter, found his bag and popped back up into the gathering light. I asked Thai Dei, "Could you tell anything from looking at Uncle?"

"He went into the mangrove alone." Which was Nyueng Bao idiom. It derived from the story of an incautious hunter who chased a wild pig into a mangrove stand and ran into a tiger when he got there.

I dropped Croaker's bag beside him. He grunted acknowledgment, then growled at the Nyueng Bao pressing in around us. Not ten minutes had passed but it seemed every Nyueng Bao following the Old Crew had come to see what was happening. Thai Dei whispered angrily at several. The gist seemed to be that they were shirking their duties by straying from those they were supposed to protect. So strong was the Nyueng Bao concept of debt that the whole bunch scattered immediately.

The Nyueng Bao said little. What they did say I understood perfectly. But I learned nothing.

Thai Dei knelt beside Uncle, on his left side. The Old Man knelt opposite him. Croaker gave Thai Dei a wet cloth. "Here. Sponge the crud off his face so I can see how much real damage there is." There was light enough now to see the dried blood and oozings crusted on Uncle's face.

While we were gone Croaker had accumulated several buckets of water and had opened Uncle Doj's clothing. He concentrated on the damaged shoulder, which still trickled blood. Doj's scalp wound had cauterized itself, evidently.

Uncle shuddered again. He could see because he looked up at Thai Dei, recognized him, tried to raise his arm, barely got hold of Thai Dei's right elbow. He whispered, "The Thousand Voices. Watch for the Thousand Voices."

"Rest, Uncle," Thai Dei replied.

"You must... I have little time left. The Thousand Voices is among us. I struck her down, thinking to reclaim the Key, but my blow was not lethal." That seemed to amaze him.

Croaker glared at me, silently willing me to listen carefully because it was obvious Uncle was saying something important. I nodded, not only listening and remembering but watching Doj's lips to make sure he was saying what I thought I was hearing.

Most of the Nyueng Bao had gone back to their charges. But JoJo had no one to protect anymore. His man had gotten away. He stayed. He stepped forward. "Uncle! Your tongue betrays you."

At least that is what he wanted to say. The instant his mouth opened Croaker made signs to Otto and Hagop, who hovered like angels looking for unbelievers to smite. They wrapped JoJo up, clamped hands over his mouth, carried him away, and managed the whole abduction so slickly that nobody paid any attention.

Uncle Doj thought he was dying. He was trying to stick Thai Dei with some obligation. "Find her before she recovers. Kill her while she is vulnerable. Burn her flesh. Scatter her ashes. Scatter them to the winds."

Thai Dei did not want the obligation. "I am not the one, Uncle. I have a mission already. Rest. Hold your tongue." He knew I was listening.

Uncle's eye shifted my way. He knew I was listening, too, now. But he was convinced he saw Death peering over my shoulder. He kept on talking.

What he said made sense. If you assumed that "the Thousand Voices" was Soulcatcher. That was a good nickname for her particularly where she had not bothered to introduce herself.

Unfortunately, Uncle and Thai Dei did not make illuminating, "As you know" expository speeches to one another so I could only fill the chasms by guesswork. I did get the impression that this Thousand Voices had stolen something from the Nyueng Bao. Uncle called it the Key. Key to what did not come up. Thai Dei had no need to have it explained.

A quest to recover the item might explain why Uncle had been dogging the Company. It might explain his disappearances, both overnight or for as long as after Charandaprash. I suspected I might have been exposed to earlier hints but had been too dense to catch or record them.

Uncle Doj was getting weaker. For a man as strong physically and mentally as he was that hinted that he might be right about having very little time left. I yielded to temptation and gave pettiness a loose rein. I dropped to my haunches, as near Nyueng Bao style as I could manage. "Is there anything you want me to tell Sahra when she gets here?"

His one eye fixed on mine. He winced as Thai Dei peeled a big hunk of scab off his other eye but his gaze did not waver.

"I've known for a long time. I also know we have a son. And I can find no forgiveness in my heart."

Croaker said, "He's got more wounds than I thought. This arm is broken. His leg might be, too."

I said, "He ran into Catcher. Probably when she was making her getaway. He might have cut her up some."

"That would explain the sword. Also him still being in relatively good health. What's the chatter?" We were, of course, muttering in Jewel Cities dialect.

"He's sure he's dying. He's trying to pass some kind of obligation on to Thai Dei. Thai Dei doesn't want it. I think Catcher visited the swamp between the time when we broke the siege of Dejagore and when my in-laws moved in with me in Taglios. She snatched something really important to the Nyueng Bao, something apparently considered an object of power in their religion, like a holy relic and Uncle's quest is to steal it back."

"He ain't ready to check out yet," Croaker told me. "It looks worse than it is. Half this mess isn't his blood. He'll be all right if we can beat the infection. But you don't have to clue him. Let him talk."

I shifted to Nyueng Bao. "Thai Dei, my Captain expresses a regret that your people have not dealt with us frankly. However, in honor of Sahra, and because I asked for it as family, he will do what he can to ease Uncle Doj's passage back to the cao gnum." Cao gnum could be either a place or a state of being that could be described as the universe's central depository of souls. I was not sure which because the Nyueng Bao did not discuss their religious beliefs. Whatever, cao gnum was where souls waited to return to the world if they had not accumulated enough good karma to get off the Wheel of Life. The Gunni call their similar place Swegah, which for them can be several places at once, including Heaven and Hell, with the soul on standby getting doses of each according to the tally sheet that has been kept of his good deeds and bad.

My comments strained Thai Dei's honor and loyalty. He was angry with me. "Too much disrepect, my brother."

I said, "So explain why I should treat him better than some pain-in-the-ass second cousin."

"Ignorance is your shield," Thai Dei advised me. "Grant me a boon."

"Ask away."

"Say nothing more."

I had begun to suspect that I had run my mouth too much already so I had no problem granting his wish. "You got it."

Uncle muttered to Thai Dei several times during the next quarter hour. That was pure delirium. Nothing he said illuminated the situation any better. Then he passed into unconsciousness because Croaker had given him something for his pain. I did not reassure Thai Dei about him waking up. Let him be astounded by the Old Man's medical magic. Let him feel even more obligation than he already did.

Once Uncle was out and unable to fight us we set his bones and cleansed his wounds. Not much flesh had to be abraded. The fireballs had done a great job of cauterization.

Uncle was going to sport some major scars from now on, though.

He might never have complete use of the right side of his body again, either. His right arm was broken in three places. One break was a compound fracture. His right shinbone was broken as well, six inches below the knee.