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"I just don't want them growing up faster than children are supposed to. I want them to enjoy their childhood without worrying about the scum that's out there in the streets."

"Of course, but I don't think Sue is going to bring any of that into the house."

"You're probably right. But we ought to keep our eyes open for any signs. You know?"

"Of course."

The television program ended and we all filed out to the kitchen to kiss them goodnight. Then we went to our rooms. That night, Minni wanted to reciprocate for what I'd done with her the night before. I enjoyed letting her before we fell asleep in each others' arms.

Molly loaned me a swimsuit and we spent quite a lot of time in the backyard during the next week getting a suntan. Nothing else happened with her except the continuation of that comradeship we'd started that first day.

On the other hand, almost every night Minni and I made love to each other – warmly and sweetly – before we went to sleep.

Friday night Phil and Molly went out – Molly dressed in her new dress that Phil liked as much as I thought he would. Minni and I were left to "babysit" with the boys. It started out innocently enough.

Marshall grabbed my leg as I walked in front of him on the way back from the kitchen. I said, "Hey, no wrestling in the house."

"Okay then," Marshall said. "Let's go outside in the back." Billy added to the demand and Minni just grinned at my entrapment.

"Okay. Let's go," I said and led the way until they broke past me at the doorway. I hadn't worn shoes all day since Molly and I didn't leave the house, and after my afternoon shower, I hadn't put on a bra or panties. Just my shorts and a tank top.

"You're bottom first," Marshall said. I got on all fours and he put his arm around me. This time his arm crossed my breasts. "Go," he said and started madly tugging to pull me over toward him. I turned fast to escape his hold on me and slipped out except that he held on to my shirt. It pulled well away from my front as he held on and I tried to back away.

Seeing that he was about to tear the new shirt and that the neck had stretched out until my boobs were about to fall out, I moved back to him and pushed him over to sit on him. The way he ducked, he ended up with his chin between my breasts while I lay on top of him. Actually, when I was laying on him, they were on either side of his mouth. He started making noises into my chest and squirming to get away before I realized I was about to smother him.

When I let him go, he was a little mad.

"That's no fair," he grumbled. "You could have drowned me."

"Smothered you," Minni said.

"Whatever. And I couldn't do that to you if I wanted to." A little embarrassed, I had to agree with him.

"My turn now," Billy said.

"Huh uh," I replied quickly. "I learned my lesson last time. Marshall tires me out and then it's easy for you to get me."

"But you didn't get tired," he said. "You just rolled over and smothered him is all."

"Oh, okay. Come on."

"You're down again because you cheated with Marsh." I got back on all fours. He wrapped his arm around me and, slightly longer than Marshall's, it reached directly to my left breast. He cupped it. I moved it further up onto my chest because I didn't want him grabbing on there.

"Up there," I said. His mouth was at my ear. He whispered, "I liked it there," and moved it back, squeezing it.

"Now quit that," I said, moving his hand again. This time he left it on my chest but as soon as I yelled "Go" he grabbed it again and almost immobilized me. I couldn't turn out from under him with his hand there. Instead, he held on and pushed me forward until my arms couldn't hold me anymore and I fell forward onto my front with his trapped hand under me.

He moved around on top of me but I could tell, except for holding me down, he wasn't really trying to turn me for a pin. He was just squeezing and releasing my breast. And it was getting to me, too.

"Billy," I said into the grass. "Uncle. Let me up."

"Huh uh," he said.

"Are you just going to hold me down like this forever?" I moaned, unable to move anything but my legs.

"Yeah," he grunted. "I like this."

"I don't. I can't get loose. What do I have to do?"

"Do?" he mumbled into my neck. I think he only just realized then that he had me under his control. "Uh, show me," he said directly over my ear. I knew only I could hear him.

"Come on, guys," Marshall said somewhere near. "This is boring. Are you just going to lay there?"

"Show you?" I asked.

"Yeah. What I'm holding on to. And anything else I want to see. Okay?"

"Just show you?"


"Okay. Now let me up."

"You promise?"

"Yeah, okay," I mumbled. "Where?"

"Just follow my lead. Okay? I'll figure it out in a while. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Okay." He pulled his hand out from under me then and rolled off.

"I won," he yelled as he got off. "She said uncle."

"It was still a boring wrestling match," Marshall said.

"Whatever. I still won," Billy said again, flushed as I got up from the grass.

"I'm next," Marshall said then.

"I'm too tired," I said and moved toward Minni. "You guys go ahead." They quickly agreed and started their match standing up. I saw that they put a lot more energy into it and were a lot rougher than when they wrestled with me.

Minni and I sat on the step watching as they wrestled. Finally, Billy got Marshall down on his back and held him there no matter how Marshall squirmed and writhed to get loose.

Minni said, "Anybody for some hot chocolate?" The boys both hopped up from the ground as Minni led the way to the kitchen. Inside the sliding glass door, Billy looked at me meaningfully and said, "I'll be right there," and turned into the hallway. Knowing I'd promised, I went to the kitchen and a moment later went down the hallway alone.

As I got even with the door to Minni's room, Billy whispered from the door across the hall. "In here. Quick." I went into Phil and Molly's bedroom and he shut the door behind us and turned on the lights.

"You said you'd show me." I nodded. "So show me." Looking at the door and knowing we couldn't be gone for long without someone else coming to see where we were, I crossed my arms in front of me and pulled my tank top over my head. "Yeah. That's neat." His eyes were about to bug out of his head as he stared at my hardening nipples. "Boy, you have great tits!" he whispered.

"We've got to get back before they come for us," I said, picking up my top again.

"No, not yet. They won't even have the milk in the pan yet." His hand almost leapt out to touch my nipple, making me cringe away from him.

"They're sensitive. Be careful," I hissed.

"Yeah, sure," he said slowing his reach and touching my nipple softly. He rolled it as I stood there, embarrassed, letting him do it. "I could make you show me the other part, too, if I wanted to. You promised you'd let me see whatever I wanted."

"We'll get caught and how will we explain that?" His finger and thumb were still rolling my nipple and it was turning me on. His eyes never left my breast.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Tell you what," I didn't like the look in his eyes. "In the morning, when you take your shower?"


"You've got to come and wake me up. Okay?"

"It's Saturday."

"Yeah, I know. Marshall and everybody else will probably sleep in. Just wake me up and I'll go in the bathroom with you when you take your shower. So I can see the rest. Okay?"

"Whatever you say," I said, shrugging like I didn't have a choice.

"Okay. You can put on your shirt thing again." I did in a single movement, seeing the swollen nipple showing through the material plainly. "I've got to go to the bathroom. Maybe you could get a clean shirt cause that one's dirty."

He turned out the light and checked the hallway before moving to his door and the bathroom. I went into Minni's and my room and got a clean shirt as he'd suggested.