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"If you'll be okay, we'll go ahead to bed then. Billy?" she said. "You probably ought to go to bed, too."

"You should," I added. "There's always tomorrow." He knew what I meant and that it wouldn't be such a good idea to touch me as he had been with his parents in the next room.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said. He got up and stretched before leaning back to me and kissing my cheek. "G'night, sis."

"Night, Billy." I watched him almost stagger down the hallway with his tiredness.

Molly came and sat down beside me on the couch. I hoped she wouldn't smell my musky woman's smells though I couldn't see how she could not. Billy's fingers between my legs had been having an effect.

She sat poised on the edge of the seat near me, her legs turned toward me.

"You sure have a way with the boys," she said. I didn't say, "You don't know the half of it." Instead I just nodded.

"They're good boys."

"I know, but you're particularly good with them. Better than any babysitter we've ever had by a long way."

"Thanks," I said, sincerely happy with the praise.

"You're good with Phil and I, too," she said, her hand squeezing my wrist in a friendly way. "I'm glad you're here."

"I'm glad to be here, too."

"Is it going to bother you too much to wait up for Minni?"

"No. Even if I went to bed, I'd still wait up for her. Read or something. But I really want to see the end of the movie so it's okay."

"Okay. If you're sure."

"I'm sure." She got up and started out of the room, stopping before she went into the hallway. "Good night, Sue."

"Good night, Molly. Kiss Phil for me too, okay?" I grinned and she blushed.

"I will." She did a girlish little shoulder shrug around her smile. I knew what they were going to be doing for the next hour or so. She hadn't been able to smell my musk over her own that still hung in the air around where she had been sitting. *** I watched the end of the movie and the beginning of the next one before I heard the key in the front door and Minni sneaking in as quietly as she could. I went to the foyer and grinned as she turned, her high heels in her hand, creeping toward our room.

"Hi Minni," I said and she almost jumped out of her skin. Then she grinned sheepishly.

"Are mom and dad up?" she whispered.

"Huh uh. They went to bed about an hour ago."

"You're all alone?"

"Yeah." Still creeping on tiptoe, she came to me and followed when I turned back into the family room. She sat down real close to me on the couch. "How was your prom?"

"Great!" she whispered and blushed brightly through her broad smile. "I've got to tell you."

"So tell me." Her barely contained excitement was palpable. She looked around at the hallway as if to make sure her parents weren't standing in the doorway before she started.

"Well, the dance was pretty neat. It was decorated real nice for a gym and all and the music was nice. Paul doesn't dance too well, but that's okay."

"So what has you so excited?"

"Well," she began looking over her shoulder again. "Paul's big brother – I think he's 17 or something – picked us up after the dance. He had his girlfriend with him. And instead of taking us right home, he drove out to Miller's woods and parked.

"They were in the front seat, of course, and we were in the back. Paul's brother started to kiss his girlfriend after we got there and Paul kissed me. Then pretty soon, he was playing with my titties. He did that for a long time and I was getting really hot. That's what he calls it.

"Then, all of a sudden, Paul's brother opens the door and they get out. He turns around and says, 'You kids have a good time,' and then goes to the trunk. I could just see him pull a blanket out of the trunk and shut it. Then they went off into the trees somewhere.

"Paul smiled at me and unzipped the back of my dress. Then her started kissing me again and playing with my titties. Right on my skin. Pretty soon, he was sucking on my nipples and playing with them with his fingers. It felt so good! You can't believe it, Sue!"

I nodded and smiled with her. She was starry- eyed.

"Anyway, then I decided that I ought to play with him a little too and put my hand in his lap and squeezed and rubbed him. He's really big there! So he was still sucking on my nipple but his other hand pulled my skirt up and he put his hand right inside my panties!" She was gigglingly excited now.

"After about a minute, he made me come with his finger and that excited him so much that he did too. Right in his pants. It made them all wet on the front and stuff. He thanked me and I thanked him for doing me and all of a sudden the door of the car opened again.

"I grabbed for the top of my dress real fast and his brother and his girlfriend got back in the car. He said, 'Okay that's all you get kids,' and started up the car. Paul helped me zip up my dress without them seeing.

"We stood out on the front porch for quite a while kissing until we were afraid his brother was going to beep the horn and wake everybody up. Then I came it."

"You liked it? Having him play with you?"

"Sure, yeah!" she bubbled. She hadn't quite figured out that she and I actually did more than that in bed most nights. She looked over her shoulder again. "You can't believe how neat it is, Sue. Doing it with a guy is totally different than with us."

I nodded and smiled. Of course it was.

"I don't know how to say it. It's like he takes over your body and you can't do anything but go along. You know?"

"Did you want him to make love to you?"

"Sort of," she said. "He said he wanted to 'fuck' me so bad he couldn't stand it. But we were both afraid that if we did anything that showed, you know, took our clothes off or anything, his brother and his girlfriend would come back and catch us. We didn't want that."

"Yeah. That's good."

"Besides, he said he didn't have a condom and he wouldn't do it without one."

"That's good," I said.

I sat with her for the next half hour as she relived the experience in detail and came down off the high she'd been on. Finally, she calmed down enough that we could go to bed. We slept in each others' arms as usual.

We woke at the same time, about 10 o'clock, hearing stirrings in the house. After showers, we put on skirts and blouses and our low heeled shoes but nothing else – both of us feeling sinful and sexy with no stockings and no underwear. I didn't think it showed or that anyone would even notice until I went into the kitchen and Phil looked up at me, then down at the front of my blouse, and back into my eyes with a knowing grin.

The boys were already up and outside somewhere playing. We ate breakfast and talked before Minni suggested going to the mall for a while. We were both broke, so shopping wasn't the reason. I knew that a lot of the kids spent weekends at the mall – mostly seeing other kids and being seen. Besides, as Minni said, shopping didn't necessarily mean buying stuff.

Phil gave us a ride and said he'd pick us back up at five unless we called. Then he gave me $20 for babysitting the night before while they went out. At least, I thought, we'd have money for drinks. We went into the mall after I'd wished Phil luck. He knew what I meant as he returned home to his wife and no kids, a big smile on his face.

It seemed like Minni knew all the kids in the mall, saying hello or talking to everyone. Of course, she introduced me to everyone as well and pretty soon, I sort of knew many of the kids as well. She filled me in on who the "soces" were and didn't bother to say hello to them since we would only be ignored anyway. She also pointed out the little group of four guys in black leather with their girls in tee-shirts and tight bike shorts. They looked tough and Minni didn't like them.

A couple of boys, pimples on their faces and glasses, tried to talk to us as we passed the computer store but Minni brushed past them. "Nerds," she explained. I didn't like all these fake separations between the kids and vowed that I'd talk to anyone.

Of course, our first stop was one of the several fast food places, getting nachos and Cokes and chattering with each other and some other kids who joined us. Then Minni led me off to shop.