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They asked about her health and what she was feeling, the woman being some kind of specialist on rape. They told us we could attend the sentencing hearing the next week if we wanted to though it wouldn't be required. All but the one girl would be going to prison for at least two years. The girl would be in the juvenile facility because she was only 14. That hit Minni hard and made me grit my teeth.

"There is one thing," the policeman said with a frown. "A couple of these guys are still insisting there was a lion that chased them."

"Weird," Minni said, looking at me with a glint in her eye.

"Yeah, that's what we thought, too. You don't think there's anything to it, do you?"

She shrugged. "I sure didn't see a lion."

"This little weirdness could get the leader and his buddy a couple of extra years at the State Mental Health Institution. Probably until they stop thinking they see wild animals everywhere they look. I'll tell you, they're a weird pair right now. Scare the hell out of the other inmates over at county. They're all afraid these guys are going to think they're lions and come at them in the night or something." He seemed to think for a few minutes, not moving.

"Oh, and you said you rode home on a horse." She nodded again. "We sort of checked around and there isn't a horse missing from the neighborhood around their house. I wondered if you could explain that."

"Well, maybe she went back home after she got me here." He frowned.

"Yeah, you're probably right. But if you see the horse again, would you give us a call?"


When they left, she grinned from ear to ear at me. "Crazy, huh?" she said with a wink.

Molly insisted that we take it easy that day, even bringing us lemonades as we sat in the still warm sun of the end of summer. We both knew that when school started the week after next, it would only be a little while before the leaves would start changing.

"Sue?" I heard her voice from the doorway behind us. "There's a boy here to see you. Do you want me to sent him out here?"

I looked at Minni and she only shrugged. "Sure," I said.

"Thank you, ma'am," the boy's voice said from behind us. Then, "Hi." When I looked up at him, the sun was directly behind his head, haloing through his hair.

"Hi." I couldn't tell who it was for the sun, trying to shade my eyes so I could see into the shadows.

"Sorry," he said, walking to the foot of the lounge chair I sat on.

"Oh, hi, Will," I said. "I couldn't tell who you were for the sun behind you. Did you meet Minni at the mall that day?"

"Yeah, hi." He stared at my sweat soaked body and I remembered that this was my skimpiest bikini and blushed at his scrutiny. "Nice suit," he grinned.

"Thanks. Oh, I know. You came for your book, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but no rush. I'm enjoying the scenery." He grinned again and looked around the yard. "Great place. Nice trees." I knew what he'd meant and looked at Minni's grinning face. She did too.

"Could I get you a lemonade," Minni asked but hadn't moved as Molly walked out with one in her hand, giving it to Will.

I watched him drink deeply. At the mall, I'd noticed that he was a good looking guy but I hadn't really noticed how good looking. He had a square jaw, long neatly cut dark hair, muscular shoulders, and large biceps that flexed out of his tanktop shirt. The bottom of the shirt narrowed to a small waist and good butt and muscular legs under his shorts. He had bright green eyes and a great smile.

I knew now. He hadn't smiled during our earlier encounter. That was the big difference. He curled one leg and lowered himself with the other until he sat on the grass between our chairs. He turned to Minni.

"I heard you had a little run-in with our friend Scorpion." She nodded. "I'm sorry. I thought he was gone. Out of the state or something. Him and his pack."

She shrugged, shifting on the lounge chair uncomfortably.

"Sorry. I didn't want to bring up bad memories."

"That's okay. It's over now." She looked at me for reassurance.

"I talked to a cop that says he's bonkers. Talking about lions." He grinned and looked from Minni to me, looking directly into my eyes. "Of course, that's crazy." It was as if he was asking me instead of making a statement. He watched me closely for a reaction and I could feel his scrutiny.

I just smiled and looked back into those green eyes. They twinkled.

"So, you guys ready for school next week?" We talked on for another hour before he excused himself and I went to my room, got the book, and took it to him at the door. I watched him walk to the front walk and away, wondering about him. Then I returned to the backyard.

"God, he's gorgeous," Minni said before I'd even sat down. "Now I have to go take a shower. Before I was sweaty, now I've soaked my bikini bottom." I looked and she certainly had. The light blue material was dark between her legs.

"I was scared to death I was going to have to go to the bathroom before he left," she said. "It almost looks like I already did."

I had looked around and saw the sun was lowered in the sky which probably meant that everyone would be coming home pretty soon and we would have to start helping with dinner.

I followed Minni into the house and went into the kitchen to tell Molly that I thought Minni was still tired. Molly suggested a nap before dinner and I nodded.

Minni was just peeling the now completely wet bikini bottom off her legs when I went into the bathroom.

"Come on," she said. "It really feels great." I unfastened and stepped out of my bikini, noticing that it, too, was a little moist between the legs though the white didn't show it as much. I climbed into the tub and switched places with Minni so I could get wet.

We brushed our breasts together as we passed and Minni put her arms around my neck as I turned my back to the cool water stream from the shower head, leaning my head back into it. Her breasts pressed under and lifted mine as she hung on my neck.

"Thank you for just being here, Sue," she said. I looked at her smiling eyes and smiled back.

"Your mom suggested we take a nap," I said.

"Mmm. I have a better idea." Her lips went around my nipple and I just stood there and let her do what she wanted as the water cascaded down my back, my eyes closed to the wonderful feelings.

When I couldn't stand it any longer, I pulled her into the water stream with me and used the washcloth to clean every square inch of her body – some places several times. She came twice during the process before she insisted on washing me the same way. I only came once but it was magnificent.

We dried thoroughly and went into the bedroom, letting the cooler air from the open window blow across our naked bodies. It was marvelous and I found myself smiling with sheer happiness.

I felt Minni roll onto her elbow, looking down at me. I hoped she felt as good as I did.


"Uh huh," I moaned.

"Would you do something for me?"

"Anything. But that's all," I said without opening my eyes.

"Would you be Einstein?"

"Now," I said. It was so nice just laying here relaxed.

"Yes. There's something I need." I opened my eyes and saw that she was more serious than I felt. I nodded and felt myself reshaping fluidly, the bedspread rolling a bit under me. She grinned widely as she watched.

As a dog, I felt a little silly on my back with my legs splayed the way I had been as a girl and rolled toward her. I quickly licked her nose and she giggled as she fell back.

"Einstein, would you lick me like you used to?" I smiled my doggie smile, my tongue lolling out as I crouched on my front legs, my wagging tail up in the air. "Neat!" she whispered.