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I speeded my movements until she was panting for breath and both our climaxes neared. Then I speeded again and we both tumbled over the edge, my cock filling her body with its pulsing hot contents. Her entire body convulsed around me from calves to cock to finger to her hands and arms at my biceps. Her teeth cut into my shoulder as she screamed. It was magnificent.

As she came back to herself, she tasted my blood and licked me clean of it before moving back. I lifted her bodily free of me and laid her down beside me again. I don't know whether she slept or lost consciousness but I know she didn't feel Sue's body back beside her.

My soft shoulder was unharmed as I fell asleep. I smiled to myself. I'd forgotten how I enjoyed the barbarian's body.

Chapter 15

By the end of the first month of school, I had a cadre of girlfriends, had figured out my courses and how to study for them, and was known as the quarterback's girl. I'd planned on all but the last one and enjoyed each. But I really wasn't the quarterback's girl. He hadn't even asked me out yet.

The reason we were identified with each other was our lunches every day and the walks together between classes. I'd also gone to all the football games and a couple of practices to watch him.

I thought he was a magnificent creature. Poised. Intelligent. Fluid in his easy movements. Strong in a gentle way. All around, he was a great catch. I just hadn't caught him yet. He was certainly the topic of a lot of female conversation.

I got together with one or more of my girlfriends a couple of days during the week and some weekend days and nights. The girls, Becky foremost and Ann and Veronica later, were all intelligent, good-looking, and chatterboxes. I loved them all in different ways.

Becky was the quiet one, very reserved unless you were alone with her. Then she turned her personality loose, not fearing rejection, and became a real wonder. It seemed she knew something about almost everything with only a few erroneous ideas or bad information. I worked hard around all the girls not to be overbearing and know-it-all but I sometimes had to fight myself to keep from correcting ridiculous statements. Of course I had that problem with adults as well.

Becky was a little taller than me with almost white hair she kept in a ponytail most of the time. She was the reason we experimented with makeup one night at a slumber party. Without makeup, she was mousy and uninspiring looking even with a tiny waist and wonderful legs. With some eyebrow pencil, mascara, and blush, she was gorgeous.

Ann was tall – we told her she was statuesque but she was really just tall and skinny. We made her stop stooping to hide her height and even got her to wear high heels that emphasized it. She got a lot of looks now, particularly at her very long and well shaped legs, and they were all positive. She was starting to date one of the basketball players whom she had to stretch on tiptoes to kiss.

Veronica was our wildcard. Dark haired and dark complected, she was exotic in a way I had been familiar with in Eastern Europe. If she'd had a Slavic or Germanic accent, I would have known the name of the town she came from. As it was, that heritage was probably two or three generations removed. She has full lips that, if I had been a guy, I would have died for. That and very large breasts for her 110 pound body.

What truly made her our wildcard was that she was as sexually oriented as anyone I've ever known. She thought it, talked it, and did it whenever possible. She was mentally very sharp but seemed to be able to turn any conversation to sex with ease. Not wanting to be held down to any one guy, she dated a mix of guys, one after another, and her reputation was terrible and probably deserved.

We all had one thing in common: we were not part of the social structure. Becky wasn't particularly interested in other girls at school, Ann had been an outcast since grade school because of her height, Veronica was a "slut," and I was new and unusual.

I was quickly identified as a "brain" by the truly stupid in the school because I got my homework in on time, did well on the tests (though purposely not perfect), and always had the answer to questions when no one else did. I explained my knowledge of French by saying I had a French friend in New York once. Actually I'd been French a very long time ago (really a Briton). I worked hard not to overpower history (an easy course for me). I did well in Biology because I was very very interested in it and was kind of continuing a search for the reason for my being. Psychology was just fun, which made it easy. English was no problem with the writing assignments challenging while the high school dissection of literature fairly grating. The Calculus, not invented when I'd last taken mathematics formally, was my hardest course and the most time consuming. Luckily, both Becky, in the evenings occasionally, and Will, during lunch periods, could help me with it.

Because my group of friends was open to anyone, Minni was frequently with us when we went out and always when we were at our house. She was now dating Paul fairly regularly and studying with him some evenings at our house and under the careful supervision of Molly.

Molly undoubtedly would have been appalled if she'd know Minni and Paul had been making love at every opportunity and most locations where they dated for most of the month. Minni, of course, told me all the details. They'd done it in his brother's car, in the park, in the field behind our house, at the movie theater, in an employee's only bathroom at the mall, and once in a downtown alleyway. I wondered where they were going to do it when it got colder outside.

Molly, all the kids in school all day, had finally taken a secretarial job for a lawyer downtown. Thus the kids and I had the house to ourselves from school to five each day.

That two hour period had produced a couple of wrestling matches with the boys and a couple of licking sessions from Einstein. Minni and I, of course, didn't need that help at night since we still regularly made love after we'd gone to our room to sleep.

Minni had told me after the visit of the barbarian that she didn't want to get spoiled for any other man so didn't ask for him again. I thought maybe I'd plan something private for her birthday or Christmas.

Phil still put his hand under my short skirts as I washed dishes or made dinner in the evening. We'd made love on the couch one Sunday afternoon as Molly took a nap and everyone else was out.

Molly and I had made time for each other on three occasions when everyone was out.

I thought my sex life very active and varied until that weekend.

Friday night.

At lunch, Will asked me if I'd go to the football game as his date, grinning self- consciously. I agree readily though I knew I'd be alone from sometime before the game to some while after it as he dressed, played, and then showered and dressed again.

It went as I'd anticipated except that he asked me for a good luck kiss before he went to the locker room and, after spending the game with my girlfriends and their dates, got to give him the congratulatory after game kiss while half the school watched us.

Much more fun, he took me to the game dance where I got to share in his glory. We drank Cokes and danced most of the fast dances. I only knew a few of the steps but he was a good teacher and, as long as you stayed close to the beat, it didn't matter much what you did.

All three of my girlfriends were there with dates. Veronica whispered in my ear that she'd climaxed on the dance floor and that they were going soon so there'd be time for a real fuck before going home. The guy obviously knew he was in luck.

Then, about eleven, the band changed to slow dances. Will and I didn't miss one. He was wonderful dancing slow. First he held my arm out in a natural, comfortable way and effortlessly moved me in perfect synchronization with his body. Then he moved my hand to his shoulder and his lips to my ear. He held me so tight to him, I could only move with him. And finally, I put my arms around his neck, his around my waist, and his lips moved to my neck and chin and, ultimately, to my mouth. It was fantastically arousing and I found myself moving rhythmically against his thigh.