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She had to take off the bra to wear the one we liked best – a little black dress with a ring of material around her neck from which two strips of material dropped across her breasts and opened below them to show her bellybutton. It was backless and short, the hem coming down just below the tops of the stockings.

We chose long, dangling earrings, four bracelets for her wrists, and (at Veronica's insistence) a shining ankle bracelet.

For half an hour, we had her sit, stand, walk around the room, and strike poses. Almost by the moment, her confidence grew and the way her body moved, her voice sounded, everything became a woman instead of a girl.

Ann changed the night for us then. "You look about twenty-five," she said. Becky giggled and blushed at the compliment and began posing like a sophisticate. "I'll bet you could go out and order a drink and get served without even a question," Ann added.

"No way!" Becky said.

"I'll bet!" Ann said.

"The only way I could collect would be get caught and make a fool out of myself at a bar or something."

"Yeah, sort of. If I lost. I'll bet that if you win, I'll do whatever you say for one whole day. You can make me do the most embarrassing thing you can think of. But if I win, you have to do what I say for a day. Okay? That way, if you get embarrassed, you can get back at me the same way. Okay?"

We chose an evening bag for her and gave her five dollars for the drink.

Finally, Becky agreed. Giggling and laughing Ann drove us to one of the big hotels downtown. We chose it because it had a bar that was open onto the lobby so we could watch her without giving her away.

We went into the posh hotel first and Ann used the house phone, faking a call to someone in the hotel. The guy behind the reception desk seemed happy with that and even stopped watching us as we sat down on the lobby couches as if waiting. We had a clear view of the bar from our position as she came into the lobby, her eyes only flickering quickly across us as she went in and sat down on one of the high stools.

As per Ann's prediction, the bartender came to her, nodded, and poured a drink for her. She sat there nervously bouncing her foot as she sipped at it. After a little while, the bartender came and stood beside her as he cleaned glasses. It was obvious that he was just talking to her while she drank but we couldn't hear the conversation. Then he was called to another customer.

We were surprised when the bartender poured her another drink, since the $5 would only buy one, and even more surprised when the nice looking man at the side of the bar moved over to her side. She blushed and looked a little nervously at us, but sat there and talked to the man.

He was older, probably in his 30's or early 40's, and wore a three piece suit. He seemed like one of those touchy-feely guys who punctuate their conversation with little touches on the shoulder or knee and a constant arm on the back of her chair.

Finally we saw her nod a couple of times and then shake her head, no. She obviously excused herself, for our benefit, and went through the lobby to the restrooms. Ann, ready to gloat over her win, followed her. A couple of minutes later Ann returned to us. Huddling with us, she said that the man had asked Becky to go to his room for the night. We all giggled.

Then Ann told us that she'd told Becky that her payoff for the bet was to go to a table with the man and, somehow, to touch his penis. We thought that was exciting but cruel and maybe even dangerous. We could hardly wait to see what happened.

She came back, looking at us and blushing before she went back to her seat next to the man. Without sitting down, she said something to him and he nodded and picked up their drinks. They moved to a corner booth that was almost too dark for us to see their faces but, a trick of the light or something, we could see her legs under the table a little better.

They talked for a little while and we saw her put her hand on the man's leg. We saw his smile, too. Then his hand was on her leg. They talked some more and we saw her hand move up his leg more.

He looked around the bar but seemed to ignore us sitting in the lobby trying to act like we belonged and talking among ourselves. We didn't want to stop things by having him catch us staring. Ann kept looking at the elevators like whoever we'd called was late and making us wait.

I happened to look past them quickly as the man was unzipping his pants for her. It didn't much matter if we stared now because he turned a little in the seat, leaning his head against his hand between us.

We all saw it when Becky spread her knees and the large expanse of her inner thighs was visible to us. We could all watch his hand as it went between her legs and into her panties right there in the open bar. We watched them both squirm around in their seats for a while.

Then Becky threw back her blond head and I knew she'd had an orgasm. She'd just recovered from it when the man reached for both their bar napkins and took them down between his legs. Becky kissed him then chastely, picked up her handbag, and walked past us with a grin. We couldn't wait to get outside and catch up with her as she almost trotted to the car.

She was already in the back seat with a huge smile on her face as we piled in, jabbering questions at her.

"It was fantastic!" she screamed.

"What happened? Exactly!"

"When I put my hand on his leg, he started talking about sex and all the things he'd like to do to me in his room tonight. His hand touched my leg and started rubbing it.

"I told him that I was meeting a friend at a place down the street and couldn't go with him but that I just had to touch him. He seemed sort of shocked but said that sounded interesting. I could feel that I was getting him excited as we talked and I left my hand on his leg.

"Then when I moved my hand up, he unzipped his pants and got himself out so I could touch him. That was like a signal for him then because he put his hand between my legs and inside my panties and right away put his finger in my pussy and started rubbing me.

"I was just going to touch him once, like you said I had to, and then get out of there. But then I couldn't. So while he rubbed me, I started moving my hand on him, too.

"Then he made me come!" she screamed excitedly. We all laughed and shared her excitement.

"Then I kept doing him like I had been and felt him getting close. When I knew he was going to go off, I put my hand over the end of his penis. And you know what?" She grinned through her blush. None of us did and just looked at her. "Look!"

She opened her hand and it was filled with white semen. She put her hand on the back of the front seat by Ann and Ann, a silly grin on her face, licked her hand and laughed wildly. Veronica, always our wild one, grabbed her wrist and put her whole mouth over Becky's palm, sucking the sticky come into her mouth. Then she opened her mouth to show it sticking all around her tongue and lips. We all laughed at her gross display but, I noticed, Becky finished licking her own palm and grinned when she caught me watching her.

Chapter 16


We'd gone back to Veronica's house then and got Becky changed out of her little black dress and come soaked red panties. We spent a long time just putting all her mother's things back away where they belonged and talking, reliving and rehashing Becky's experience.

Then we all changed into our nighties, exchanging the heavy, long, and unrevealing one Becky had brought with her for one of Veronica's baby dolls, and sat on Veronica's bed telling boy stories until late that night. We slept until almost noon when we made breakfast, got dressed, and went home.

Like most every Sunday afternoon, it took me about two minutes at home before I was bored silly. I really think it's part of Sunday afternoons as a human. I guess because of the start of the week coming up the next day and all.