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Knowing for weeks that I was going to do this, I'd prepared. Blocks away, I had taken a tee-shirt and shorts from a clothesline and secreted them in the field behind the house. Earlier, I had brought them into the backyard. Now I opened the sliding glass door and went to the clothing. Back in the house, I stepped into the shorts and pulled the tee-shirt over my head. Both were too small but I didn't care as long as I had something to cover myself.

I let myself back out of the sliding glass door, leaving it partly open, and climbed over the back fence. I circled around the block, talking to my dog friends as I went, wasting time until Mommy came home. Finally, idling along the sidewalk, I saw her drive up to the house and open the back door of the car. It was full of grocery bags.

I skipped to the side of the car. "Could I help?" I asked. She looked at me, frowned, and looked around as if for a car or other people. Finally she shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure, I guess." She lifted one of the bags, holding the door keys in the other hand, and led the way to the door. I picked up two bags and followed her into the house. "Einstein," she called, looking around the house. "Einstein!" I set the bags on the kitchen table and went back to the car to get two more. She had found the open door and was outside calling the dog. I got the last two bags, shut the car door, and returned to the kitchen.

"Oh," she said. "Thanks. That's a big help."

"That's okay," I said.

"I wonder where that dumb dog went," she said to herself. She looked worried and I was sorry for her feelings of loss. She turned back to me. "I guess you ought to get home." I just looked down at my hands. It was very calculating. I'd thought about the transition a long time.

She was sort of nervous about me now. I could feel it.

"Could I get you something to drink?" I smiled and nodded. "Okay. But then you'll have to head out before your mother starts worrying about you."

"I don't have a mommy," I said.

"Then your daddy." I shook my head.

"Then who's taking care of you. Your aunt or grandmother?" she speculated.

"No. I'm sort of on my own."

"You mean you have no one?"

"Uh huh." I tried to look sad. "But I'm okay. People take care of me sometimes." She looked at me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Police? Social workers?"

"Huh uh," I said with emphasis, letting my eyes get big and fearful looking. "People who like me and don't want to put me in an orphanage. Guys mostly," I mumbled. I heard her draw in her breath.

"Well," she said with a note of decision. "If you don't have anyone here, then you can stay for a while, while we look for, ah, something better. More permanent." I looked up at her then with the smile I knew she'd like.

Chapter 3

We sat and talked through most of the rest of the afternoon. I told her my name was Sue Love and that I grew up in New York City. I knew there had been a family named Love, that the parents had died, and that their daughter, Sue, had disappeared. I'd learned that when I was a dog in New York and lived for a short time with the real girl on the streets. I watched her die one very cold, dark night but I was sure no one else in the world knew or cared.

I knew my family, since I'd always thought of them that way, would explore for Sue's circumstances. But I was also sure they wouldn't let me be taken back to the situation that Sue Love had died in.

Molly and I got along very well. I can use my intelligence and knowledge to make most people like me. Since I have had no real ill treatment that I haven't taken care of myself, I have no psychological problems or other impediments that other street children have in great quantity. I made her laugh and, a couple of times, made her cry. Finally, someone cried for poor Sue Love even if she wasn't really me.

I would never tell her that I had killed the three teenagers who had raped and killed Sue Love in a New York City alley. I was still sorry that I hadn't been there before they hurt her. Unfortunately, as I told you before, one individual can't take care of evil everywhere it is practiced. But at least that particular evil would never be repeated by those three or two of their associates. The unfortunate girl they were stalking at the time I caught up with them also never knew of her near escape.

"Oh, my. It's 2:30," she said. "We need to get you something more appropriate to wear. Come with me." I knew she'd do this; one of the reasons I hadn't picked clothing very carefully.

I followed her to her room as she began rummaging through her drawers.

"You just hop in the shower," she said, "and toss your old clothes out in the hall. I'll put some clean ones on the bed here for when you get out." I nodded and headed for their master bath and enjoyed a long shower even though I wasn't particularly dirty. It was just very sensual to do in this body.

When I came out, she was out of the room but I saw the jeans and tee-shirt she'd picked out for me along with the set of underwear. I was looking at them when she returned.

"Oh!" she said as she stopped inside the doorway. I'm not sure what she expected. Maybe that I'd already be dressed since I had extended my shower longer than she normally did. I just turned toward her and watched her eyes range down my little body.

I was proud of it. I'd done well in my conceptualizing. But I could see something entirely different in her look as her eyes focused on my large breasts and then slid downward across my tiny waist to my flared hips and the wispy white hair between my legs. It wasn't at all a motherly inspection.

"Well," she said almost breathlessly, "it doesn't look like you'll have any problem filling out my bra." I just smiled and thanked her without moving to put the clothes on yet. I really preferred her inspection of me at the moment. It felt almost as good as the hot shower. "Go ahead and get dressed while I put some things away here."

I stepped into her little panties and then fastened the bra, feeling her eyes on me even as she put clothes away in the drawers from her morning wash.

"Perfect," I said with a big grin, showing her the results. Then I slipped the tee-shirt over my head, letting her watch my bottom as I did so, before putting on the jeans. They were a little tight but fit better than the shorts I'd had on. I went to her then and hugged her. "Oh, thank you so much! It feels so nice to have nice clothes on again. And clean and everything."

"Well, let me help you brush out your hair, okay?" I nodded and sat down at her makeup table as she took the hairbrush and began stroking the long blond tresses. There was another thing that felt wonderful. I was really going to enjoy this. "Some other time we'll have to do some nail polish."

I was almost like a dress-up doll for her and she was reacting in exactly the way she would have when she was 12 and still playing with dolls. I wondered if her dolls had enjoyed being played with as much as I was. She continued the brushing far past the time my hair had dried and every little knot had been removed. It shown in the mirror like spun gold and fell far down my back to a point below the bra strap.

That was something that was going to take a little getting used to. I'd seen bras when Minni and Molly put them on but, since I'd never been a human female, I'd never worn one. It felt sort of secure but at the same time was a little restrictive and the straps itched. Molly saw that as I scratched and squirmed with it.

"You've not used to wearing a bra, huh?"

"No, ma'am," I said. "I haven't had one before."

"Well, you'll get used to it and you need one, I think."

"I thought they were just to keep you from sagging and like that," I said.

"Yes. But a modest young lady wears one so she isn't quite so -obvious."