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l sol tace: translates as ‘Where the sun is silent.’ The Prince was very widely read.

Cui prodest? To whose benefit?

The Adventure of the Second Stain: Britain’s Prime Minister Lord Bellinger and Trelawney Hope, the Secretary of State for European Affairs, come to Holmes in the matter of a document stolen from Hope’s dispatch box, which he kept at home in Whitehall Terrace when not at work. If divulged, this document would bring about very dire consequences for all Europe, even war.

The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton: in this, Holmes refers to the death of the eponymous blackmailer. Holmes deliberately fails to reveal the identity of the woman who shot Milverton.

In 1905 Ford Madox Hueffer published his travellers’ book on London titled ‘The Soul Of London’.

Author’s post-script

I realise when writing my Sherlock Holmes novels how much I owe my paternal grandfather for whatever insight I have into the Victorian/Edwardian period in which Holmes and Watson operated. My Bristol-born grandfather called himself Professor Mark James Burgess and throughout my early years transported my grandmother, my mother and me around the watering holes of England and the Channel Islands with his brass plate, setting up during the season as a Consultant Psychologist. He had all the paraphernalia of the Victorians including a handsome china phrenological head by L.N. Fowler which could now only be found at great expense in antique shops, and a beautiful teak and brass contraption which delivered a very high voltage to the brain for people suffering depression which practitioners of those times used without any medical qualifications whatsoever.

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© Copyright 2012 Tim Symonds and Lesley Abdela

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