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Jon pursed his lips. He’d agreed with Alice to give up last year. Apart from one lapse, he hadn’t smoked in almost six months. Most of the time it was becoming less and less of a problem, but certain occasions brought on an urge like the need for a cool drink on a summer’s day. A little voice told him it would be OK. She was a fellow smoker. She’d understand. Word would never get back to Alice. He wrestled the temptation down with a shake of his head. ‘Trying to give up, thanks. So, where are you staying?’

‘I’ve got a room just round the corner.’ She gestured vaguely towards the street.

‘In the refuge on Stanhope Street?’ Jon kept his voice low. Fiona’s face went from shock to realisation. ‘Sorry. They told me to keep the address secret. I should have known the police would know about it.’

‘How long are you there for?’

She sighed, and a tremor passed across her lower lip. ‘I don’t know. I really don’t know.’

‘Are you OK, Fiona? We don’t have to do this if you’re not.’

She smiled bleakly. ‘Am I OK? I’ve just walked out on my husband. And then what I heard last night. .’ She ground the cigarette out, drilling the filter hard into the ashtray. ‘Be strong, Fiona. Be strong,’ she said under her breath. Then she looked up. ‘I want to tell you about last night.’ Despite her determined tone, a shiver went through her.

‘Can I get you a coffee first?’

She smiled. ‘Thanks. A latte, please.’

Jon returned a couple of minutes later. He placed a frothfilled cup before her just as she lit another cigarette. ‘Take your time,’ he said, sitting down.

Fiona told her story, starting from when she’d staggered into the foyer of the Platinum Inn and had sat with Dawn in the back office, sharing a few drinks. She began to falter when she had to describe the sound of the couple undressing.

‘OK, Fiona,’ Jon helped her along. ‘They were on the bed by now.’

She nodded.

‘And I’m guessing you could hear them getting down to business? Pardon the pun.’

‘Yes. But then I heard them speak again and they moved. Changed — you know — positions I suppose. And that’s when the struggling began. And this awful choking sound. She was fighting to breathe.’

Jon knew the autopsies on Angela Rowlands and Carol Miller had shown evidence of strangulation. In the background the milk steamer’s splutters ground to a halt.

‘Eventually they stopped moving. Then one person got up, went to the bathroom and the taps came on. He wandered about the room for a bit, went back to the bed.’ She broke to spoon foam into her mouth, fingers trembling. ‘Then there was a thump, like something heavy being dragged off the bed and onto the floor.’

Jon tried to keep his thoughts objective, but he couldn’t stop the waves of excitement running through him. He dragged his eyes from the tip of her cigarette again.

‘I crept across to my door and looked through the spyhole. One person left that room, moving slowly, something big and heavy wrapped in a blanket over his shoulder.’

‘Did you see his face?’

‘No, just a flash of reddish-brown hair, but I reckon that was the girl’s, poking out from the top of the blanket. He headed away from reception to the door at the other end of the corridor. He must have left through the fire exit.’

‘Did any sort of an alarm go off?’

Fiona shook her head. ‘You should see the place. It’s falling apart. I doubt the alarms even work.’

Jon ran the information through his head. The motel was a few minutes’ walk from where the third body had been found. But where had the victim’s skin been removed? Did the killer have a van in the car park or had he even left the building at all? Could he have taken her to a storage room or perhaps the basement?

‘Fiona, do you know what time of night this was?’

She nodded emphatically. ‘Three thirty in the morning they woke me coming into their room. He left at about four I’d imagine.’

Jon’s excitement vanished. ‘You’re absolutely sure on that?’

‘Yes, I looked at my watch.’

‘And it was three thirty in the morning?’

‘Yes. Three thirty-six, to be exact.’

An image of the killer had just started to materialise in his head. Blurred and indistinct maybe, but just enough to create a tingle in his veins. It was a sensation he found completely addictive. Now the hazy silhouette evaporated like a mirage. His lips tensed in regret. ‘Fiona, I’m telling you this in confidence. The body found at just after six this morning. It had been there all night, not placed there just before dawn.’

Fiona frowned. ‘But I heard…What I heard, it wasn’t just sex.’ Her jaw set tight. ‘I really think I heard someone being killed.’

Jon took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling, wondering how much brandy she’d shared with the receptionist. Halogen bulbs glared down at him.

‘And I found this.’ Fiona patted her pockets and pulled out a slightly crumpled business card. ‘It was under the bed.’

‘Under which bed?’

‘The one in the next room. Number nine. The door hadn’t shut properly. I looked around it this morning.’


‘And it was spotless. The bed looked like no one had slept in it. The bathroom was immaculate. Everything had been wiped clean — to destroy evidence, I suppose. This was the only thing there. Oh, and the spare blanket was missing, too.’

The card was still in her outstretched hand, shaking slightly. Jon looked at it. It could have been lying there for days. ‘Fiona, you were attacked by your husband last night. You mentioned you had quite a bit of brandy with the night receptionist-’

‘Don’t say I imagined it!’ she hissed.

‘I’m not. I’m certain you heard something. But this motel

— it’s used on an hourly basis by prostitutes and their clients. All sorts are going on. Doors banging, people coming and going right through the night.’

‘I heard what I heard.’ The card was thrust defiantly towards him.

Reluctantly Jon took it, read the printed writing then flipped it over.

Fiona jabbed a finger at the scrawled biro. ‘I tried her number. A man answered. He hung up on me and when I tried again the number had gone dead.’

Jon raised an eyebrow.

‘Go on. Try it yourself.’

As he took his mobile out he got a surreptitious look at his watch. This was taking up too much time. He rang the number. It went through to a number unavailable announcement.

‘See?’ Fiona insisted. Her voice was beginning to grate. ‘He’s stolen her stuff. The phone’s probably been shoved down some drain by now.’

‘OK.’ Jon got ready to stand up. ‘This Platinum Inn. I’ll stop by and ask some questions, I’ll speak to Cheshire Consorts and I’ll check who this mobile number is registered to.’

Fiona relaxed a little. ‘Thank you.’

‘I’ve really got to go. I’ll call you. Have you got a mobile?’ She gave him her number.


When he walked into the incident room on the top floor of Longsight station, a new buzz was in the air.

Rick was at his desk, a couple of other officers complimenting him on spotting the glove. Jon saw the look of pleasure on his face, the easy way he was taking credit for the find. You’ll go far in this job, he thought.

As he got to their desks Rick finally saw him. ‘It was blood on that glove.’

Jon sat down. ‘That’s great news. Anything on who the girl is?’

‘No. She’s been fingerprinted and a DNA sample’s been taken. All missing reports for young female adults are being checked now, and word’s gone out to the neighbouring forces to do the same.’

‘Door-to-door around Belle Vue?’

‘As we speak.’

The other two officers moved off and Rick quietly said,

‘McCloughlin announced that I’d found the glove to the whole room. It’s been a good way of meeting everyone.’

That surprised Jon, and he thought that maybe there was no link between Rick and McCloughlin. But then he realised Rick could easily have told McCloughlin the true story and the announcement to the incident room could be just McCloughlin keeping up the pretence. ‘What about that footprint?’