In Zimbabwe a mass Conference was held in Bulawayo, on the site where Lobengula held court. The modern Lobengula was present, and released several thousand prisoners to indicate his joy at the occasion. It was there, in the heart of the erstwhile Dark Continent, that George Sherban allowed himself to be briefed to represent the Dark Races in the forthcoming Trial - which event was being spoken of by everyone as if it were to be a real Trial. They do not seem to be able to take in the concept, or perhaps the usefulness, of a Trial merely for propaganda effectiveness. Of course they may very well have found themselves confused at the situation, as were the - very many - representatives of the brown and other races (our own included) who had somehow made their way there. It was unprecedented, for its daring, its imagination, its success. This almost entirely white man was enthusiastically accepted by blacks as a representative, and moreover, as an Indian, the history of dislike of all things Indian up and down Africa apparently mattering not at all. My informants tell me that this was an occasion unprecedented also for its vigour, emotionalism, high spirits. I would have given a good deal to be there. Benjamin Sherban kept in the background, in a way which I would not have expected, if believing the many reports of an earlier ebullience and big-headedness. He was merely one of many assistants to George Sherban, the only one with a white skin. He has the advantage of representing the Junior Youth - eight- to fourteen-year-olds, and this is a powerful emotional stimulus everywhere.
This party stayed several weeks in Zimbabwe. They made an illicit trip over into the Transvaal, which I am informed combined daring and ingenuity quite remarkably. They then flew back to Greece, after being blessed (the word is used by Benjamin Sherban in a private letter reporting on the occasion) by the modern Lobengula.
They had already been informed that there will be no military protection, no extra rations, no co-operation from the authorities.
I am informed that their preparations are everything that we could wish.
I was not able to be present myself in this amphitheatre for the Trial, for had I been there it would have underlined a concern on our part that I did not wish to be evident. But I had plentiful observers, both open - in our own delegation, who are of course keeping me informed - and concealed, who are distributed among the various delegations. It is from these many, and very varied reports, that I am compiling this account.
The five thousand delegates were a sorry lot compared with what until now has been the norm. We have become accustomed to seeing such occasions as demonstrating the comparative well-being of the Youth Armies. These were ill-fed, shabby, some in obviously bad health. The mood of confidence in themselves as a viable future is gone. They are sombre, cynical.
Getting there had been difficult for all of them, although I had given instructions - which I had no confidence would be observed - that they should not be obstructed. Many had walked long distances: this was true mostly of the Europeans.
Pilfering and looting began from the moment the delegates arrived, but was checked at once, by an appeal to their sense of responsibility. But the damage had been done, and the local inhabitants, informed that they were being "honoured" by the occasion, must be imagined as a silent, sullen, closely observing crowd, always present around the camp, sometimes numbering hundreds.
The organisers had arranged guards, sentinels, everything needed for security, but this was precarious from the first and throughout, more from internal tensions than from external. It was arranged that the races should be distributed evenly through the camp, but almost at once the subject of the "Trial" showed its strength in separating the white race into a minority, a camp within a camp, separately sentinelled and guarded. From the start there were jokes, on the whole friendly, that the Chief Prosecutor was in fact white. From the very first day a song was popular among all sections, black, brown, gold, jade, and white: "I have an Indian grandmother," which of course was plentifully adapted, "I have a white grandmother" being the favourite. There were occasions when the entire encampment was singing "I have a - grandmother" - white, black, brown, Irish, African, Eskimo, at the same time, at the top of their voices, and in the mood which was the style or stamp of the occasion: a mocking, sardonic nihilism, but which was not, in fact, devoid of good humour.
Who writes these songs? Where do they come from? The strength of the People is indeed great!
It was extremely hot. This was the key fact of the month, overriding everything. The large and commodious mess tents were partly in the shade of some ancient olive trees, but most of the tents were in the sun. The camp simmered and baked, day after day. Water was scarce. The sanitary arrangements were just adequate. By the end, this camp was an unsavoury place. If it had not been for some showers of rain the place would have been intolerable before the end of the first week.
I have spent several hours rereading the agents' reports, and this, resulted in my reconsidering the event. There is something here that is puzzling. That these youngsters are brilliant organisers is no news to any of us: indeed, we can benefit from learning from them. But this went beyond ordinary common sense and even good timing.
I remind you that this "Trial" seemed to begin with almost a joke - there was that quality in the first news of it. "The kids are deriding us again" - that sort of thing. It seemed in bad taste, not to mention pointless, considering the real and deep violence of the passion shown everywhere on racial issues. And then, from our reports, it became evident how seriously they were all taking it. Then there was the amount of preparation that went into it - the visit to Southern Africa, for instance, which was prepared for, and followed with interest, by the Youth of the world. And finally, the participation of the highest echelons of the Armies, and the presence, in the thick of everything, of George Sherban, who always seems to be around at key moments. Incidentally, he was recommended for removal but the orders were countermanded, in order to give him time to show his hand - and I believe he has done so.
To continue. Why Greece? Rumours were at first plentiful that the "Trial" was to be held in one of the bullrings in Spain, but it was given out, with more than adequate propaganda, that "this would prejudice the issue, bullrings are places of blood." Without comment. The amphitheatres in Greece? For Europeans these elicit associations of civilisation and culture. The old Greeks, not noticeably a peace-loving or particularly stable or democratic people - they were a slave-state, despised women, admired homosexuality - were revered by "the western tradition." Without comment.
The amphitheatres are circular empty spaces, surrounded by tiers of circular stone seating, like benches. Uncovered. The climate is bitterly hot or cold. Has the climate then changed, or were the ancient Greeks impervious to cold and heat?