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USA Paramilitary: N/A

- ~ 2 million volunteers undergoing regular military training. Product of a massive and expensive recruiting blitz.

Neutral Oklahoma & Texas:

Nominally part of USA, but are semi-autonomous in practice.


Population: 30 million

Civilian population of prime military age (18–24): 3 million

GDP per Capita: $52,926.38 (10 % of previous GDP)

Crude Oil Production: 966 million barrels /year


Personnel: 35,000

All Guard and Reservists forces available to United States for defensive action only. Refuse to take part in offensive operations into UAR.

Paramilitary: 15,000 official militia members, poorly trained/equipped and disciplined, but highly motivated.

Nuclear Warheads: n/a

Insurgent Groups:

Florida Freedom fighters: Approximately 5,500 surviving Florida National Guard personnel and official irregulars. After the invasion, 2,000 fled to Cuba, 1,500 to the URA and an estimated 2,000 stayed in Florida, with vast hidden weapons caches, to continue an underground resistance. They provide the nucleus of a well-organized insurgent movement, which is the most effective guerrilla force in the country.

Their stated goal is the overthrow of the president and a return to the pre-war status quo. Their attacks are focused purely on federal military forces and military-related infrastructure. Additionally, nearly 50,000 civilians and law enforcement personnel are active sympathizers and covertly provide either intelligence and/or logistical support throughout Florida.

Southern Constitutional Society: A loose confederacy formed from hundreds of militias and clubs, from white supremacists to simple conspiracy theorists, rallying behind Senator Dimone and Governor Pickens. They continue to fight a war over presidential succession, even though most of the country has moved on. Comprising nearly 60,000 members originally, their numbers and relevancy have dwindled to only a few hundred hardcore followers. A fading power.

Unified Biblical Foundation, aka, “Soldiers of Christ:” A Jonney-come-lately insurgent movement dominated by religious fanatics. Often referred to as the “American Taliban” by the mainstream media. Their powerbase is centered throughout the Deep South and Bible Belt. Fanatical but undisciplined terrorists, their bloody influence is nevertheless growing daily. Rather than attack difficult military targets, they are fond of mass terror attacks against civilians who are “in league with the anti-Christ.” I.E, non-whites, non-Baptists, liberals… their target list is quite broad.

Their stated goal is to reunite both countries under a theocracy in order to usher in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In essence, they desire to jumpstart the apocalypse. They do not cooperate with either the URA rebels or any other insurgent group.

Vigilantes/bandits: Both sides struggle with overzealous civilian supporters and enemy sympathizers living within their borders. These people rarely organize longer than for a single attack, but are responsible for countless random acts of violence, cross-border raiding, atrocities against civilians, assassinations and sabotage of infrastructure. Complicating things further, both the URA and USA routinely insert Special Forces detachments deep behind enemy lines to help stir up and arm hotbeds of resistance within the other side’s heartland.

The early days of the war also saw widespread banditry and general lawlessness along the poorly defined border region. By the start of the Midwest Campaign, law and order had been mostly restored throughout the continent. Thanks largely to the brutal tactics of the Freedom Brigades in the URA and the declaration of martial law in the USA.