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"You know Detective Pedro Alvarez?" Martinez asked.

"We've met in court, I believe," Eagle said, shaking the man's hand.

"The gentleman handcuffed to the table in the next room is Harold Fuentes," Martinez said. "He's a small-time offender who imagines himself capable of bigger things. He was released from the county jail this morning and, with his wife, went directly to Joe Big Bear's trailer, broke in and started ransacking it. Pedro and I followed him and watched as he forcibly removed a safe that was bolted to the floor. We arrested him on a burglary charge, and we've got somebody working on the safe right now, to see what he was stealing."

"Have you questioned him at all?" Eagle asked.

"Not yet."

The door opened, and a uniformed officer walked in carrying a basket containing a substantial sum of cash. "Here we are, Mr. Martinez," the officer said. "The safe had over thirty-six thousand dollars in it and a copy of a receipt from Western Union, showing that a Pepe Oso Grande received a wire transfer of twenty-five thousand dollars the day before yesterday."

"Spanish for Joe Big Bear," Alvarez said.

"The money was wired from a bank in Mazatlan, Mexico," the officer said. "There was no name listed in the space for the sender."

"Thank you," Martinez said. The man set down the basket and left.

"My wife is in Mexico," Eagle said.

"Pedro," Martinez said, "I think it's time for you to wring out Mr. Fuentes for us. We'll watch."

Alvarez got up and left the room, and a moment later, appeared on the other side of the glass. Martinez turned up the volume on a speaker.

"I've read you your rights," Alvarez said. "Do you understand them?"

"Sure," Fuentes replied.

"Sign this," Alvarez said, placing a sheet of paper before him. Fuentes signed.

"Well, Harold," Alvarez said, "it's more than simple burglary, now; it's grand theft. There was thirty-six thousand dollars in that safe."

Fuentes didn't looked surprised. "That money belongs to me," he said. "I didn't steal nothing."

"So, the day before yesterday you were in Mexico, instead of in jail?"


"Twenty-five thousand dollars of that money was wired from a bank in Mexico on that day. How'd you manage that, Harold?"

"It was the woman wired it, then," Harold said. "The other twelve thousand, five hundred was mine, what I gave Joe Big Bear."

"Let's start at the beginning of all this, Harold, and while you're telling me the story, don't leave out the part about the woman."

"Okay, a couple of weeks ago, right before I got arrested and sent to jail, I'm sitting at a traffic light on Paseo de Peralta, and this woman in a big SUV pulls up next to me and waves. She says, 'Follow me; there's money in it for you,' and drives off. I'm curious, so I follow her. We go up Canyon Road, and we make a few turns and she parks, waves me over, gets out of her car and gets into my truck. She says she's heard that I'm a man who can get things done, and she has a job for me. Am I interested?

"I say, maybe, and she says she wants somebody killed. I ask who, and she says her lawyer, name of Ed Eagle. I heard of him, and I ask why she wants him dead. She says, none of my business, and she says how much? I say fifty grand, and we bargain some. We settle on twenty-five grand, all of it up front, because after that moment, we won't meet again."

"Wait a minute, Harold," Alvarez said. "You're telling me she gave you twenty-five grand up front? What's to keep you from just walking away with the money and doing nothing?"

"That's what I figured to do," Fuentes said, "but after she counts out the cash from her pocketbook, she says there's another guy who's going to be watching me, and if the job doesn't get done, he's going to kill me."

"And you believed her?"

"Sort of, yeah."

"Did she tell you her name?"

"No, and I didn't ask. I just figured she was a dissatisfied client of Eagle's."

"And when did you hear from her next?"

"I didn't hear from her again; I got busted on an old warrant the next day, and the judge gave me thirty days, half of it suspended."

"Did you make any attempt to kill Ed Eagle?"


"So how did Joe Big Bear get involved in this?"

"He was in at the same time I was, but I didn't have no truck with him. Then, a few days ago, he turns up in the visitor's room at the jail and asks for me. I sit down with him, and he says he's going to do the job on Eagle, and he wants twelve, five for it. He says he knows I was paid twenty-five, and he wants half. In fact, he insists.

He says if I don't give him the money, he's going to visit my wife, kill her and steal it, so I call her, and she gives him the money. She'll tell you."

"And that's it?"

"Oh, yeah, he wants the cell phone number of the woman who hired me."

"You had her cell phone number? You didn't mention that before."

"Yeah, she gave me the number and told me to call her when Eagle was dead."

"What was the number?"

Fuentes gave it to him.

"So did Joe Big Bear contact her?"

"I guess so, because there was all that money in his safe. I mean, I just went there to get my twelve, five back, see? I wasn't stealing it."

EAGLE, WATCHING AND LISTENING with Martinez in the next room turned to the D.A. "Bob, I got a message this morning: she's driving from La Paz up the Baja to Tijuana, with a private detective I hired, and she'll cross into San Diego, probably tonight. Can you get the cops there to pick her up?"

Martinez got up. "I'll go see Judge O'Hara for a warrant; I know what golf course he's playing on."


CUPIE WAITED UNTIL HE WENT AROUND A SHARP CURVE, separating him from the red car, then he floored the Toyota. It didn't exactly give him whiplash, but the V-6 began to put on speed, while Cupie watched the rearview mirror. The red car was a good half mile behind him, so he had a thirty-or forty-second edge.

The road whipped back in the other direction, putting two curves between the Toyota and the red car, and then Cupie saw exactly what he wanted: a dirt road to the left, climbing a hill into a grove of pinons. He jerked the wheel and left the main road. The dirt road was little more than a track, and the Toyota did some dancing.

"What the hell is going on?" Barbara shouted from the rear seat.

"Shut up," Cupie explained. He whipped the car to the left behind some trees and quickly got out, peering through the branches at the road below him. The red car shot by, having picked up speed.

For a moment, Cupie had thought he saw Vittorio at the wheel, but he guessed his mind must be playing tricks. He turned to Barbara, who was leaning out the rear window. "Break out the sandwiches," he said. "We're having lunch here."

VITTORIO CAME OUT of the first curve and saw an empty road ahead. He stood on the accelerator and by the time he got around the second curve, he was doing eighty. He went around several more curves before he realized he had been snookered. He had underestimated Cupie.

He slowed to make a U-turn, but before he could execute it he saw blue lights flashing in his rearview mirror. A police car came up quickly and sat on his bumper. Behind that was the black Suburban. He pulled over, rolled down his window and placed his hands on the steering wheel.

The police car pulled in front of him and stopped, and from the passenger side emerged an officer wearing a captain's insignia, the same cop he had seen in the rear seat of the Suburban the last time he had been stopped.

The captain strolled toward him in a leisurely fashion, then stopped, looking astonished. "Dios mio!" he said. "Are you a dead man?"