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Birrel, Robert («Grammar School Mutiny»), Robert BirrePs diary, quoted in Scottish Diaries and Memoirs, 1550–1746, ed J. G. Fyfe (Stirling, 1927).

Blind Harry («The Rise and Fall of William Wallace»), Blind Harry, The Wallace, ed. Anne McKim (Canongate, Edinburgh, 2003).

Bold, Alan («The Death of Hugh MacDiarmid»), from Alan Bold, MacDiarmid(John Murray, London, 1988). Reproduced by permission of the publisher.

Boswell, James («A Scot Meets Voltaire»), from James Boswell, Boswell on the Grand Tour, ed. Frederick A. Pottle (1953), quoted in The Oxford Book of Literary Anecdotes,ed. James Sutherland (OUP, Oxford, 1975).

Boswell, James («Dr Johnson Arrives in Scotland»), from James Boswell, Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson LLD, 1786, ed. Peter Levi (Folio Society, London, 1990).

Boyd, William («Gordonstoun School»), from William Boyd, Bamboo: Nonfiction 1978–2004(Hamish Hamilton, London, 2005). Reprinted with permission by Penguin.

Boyle, Jimmy («Prison»), from Jimmy Boyle, A Sense of Freedom(Pan/ Canongate, London/Edinburgh, 1977). Reprinted with permission by Pan Macmillan.

Bradley, Edward («Abbotsford, the Tourist Trap»), from Cuthbert Bede [Bradley’s pseudonym], A Tour in Tartan-Land(Richard Bentley, London, 1863).

Brereton, Sir William («A Visitor’s Impression of Edinburgh»), from Sir William Brereton’s account of Edinburgh in 1636, quoted in Early Travellers in Scotland, ed. P. Hume Brown (Edinburgh, 1892).

Brown, George Mackay («Porridge»), from George Mackay Brown, Rockpools and Daffodiis: An Orcadian Diary 1979–1991(Gordon Wright, Edinburgh, 1992). Copyright © George Mackay Brown 1992. Reprinted with permission by Steve Savage Publishers Ltd.

Buchanan, George («The Habits of Highlanders»), George Buchanan, found in Early Descriptioris of Scotland,from Rerum Scoticarum Historia, 1582,trans. James Aikman (Blackie, Fullarton & Со., Edinburgh, 1827).

Campbell, Colonei Archibald («The American Independence War»), from J. P. Maclean, A Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America, prior to the peace of 1783Gohn Mackay, Cleveland and Glasgow, 1900).

Carey, Robert («The Union of the Crowns»), from The Stirring World of Robert Carey: Robert Carey's Memoirs, 1577–1625 ( www.RippingYams.com , 2005).

Carlyle, Reverend Alexander («The Porteous Riot», «The Battle of Prestonpans», «Taking a Play to London»), from The Autobiography of Dr Alexander Carlyle of Inveresk 1722–1805,ed. John Hili Burton (1990, Thoemmes Antiquarian Books Ltd, Bristol).

Carlyle, Jane («Thomas Carlyle’s Tax Return»), from Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle,ed. J. A. Froude (1883), quoted in The Oxford Book of Literary Anecdotes,ed. James Sutherland (OUP, Oxford, 1975).

Carnegie, Andrew («Andrew Carnegie Shows an Early Interest in Libraries»), from Joseph Frazier Wall, Andrew Carnegie(OUP, Oxford, 1970).

Carswell, Catherine («Burns’s Halo Is Tarnished»), from letter, 23 September 1930, British Library Add. MS 48 975, no. 174, quoted in Opening the Doors: The Achievement of Catherine Carswell,ed. Carol Anderson (Ramsay Head Press, Edinburgh, 2001).

Childe, Professor Vere Gordon («Discovering Skara Brae»), the Glasgow Herald,17 August 1929.

The Chronicle of Lanercost(«Church Corruption» and «The Death of Alexander III»), Chronicle of Lanercost,translated by Sir Herbert Maxwell, from Scottish Historical Review,vol. VI (Glasgow, 1909).

Churchill, Winston («Churchill on the Eve of Defeat»), quoted in Martin Gilbert, World in Torment, Winston S. Churchill 1917–1922(William Heinemann, London, 1975).

Cockburn, Henry («The Historical Novel Is Born», «The Scotsman Is Launched», «Reminiscences of Edinburgh Life»), from Henry Cockburn, Memorials of His Time(Robert Grant & Son, Edinburgh, 1856, revised and abridged ed. 1945).

Collin, George («The Eyemouth Fishing Disaster»), the Scotsman,17 October 1881.

Collum, Miss V. С. С. («A Hospital on the Western Front»), quoted in Eileen Crofton, The Women of Royaumont: A Scottish W omen's Hospital on the Western Front(Tuckwell Press, Edinburgh, 1997). Extract reproduced by permission of Birlinn Ltd ( www.birlinn.co.uk).

Connolly, Billy («Glasgow’s Cultural Credentials Are Recognized»), from Billy Connolly, «I'm telling ye, we're the Big Yin of arts»,in the Sunday Times, 26 October 1986, quoted in Glasgow Observed,ed. Simon Berry and Hamish Whyte (John Donald, Edinburgh, 1987).

Craig, James («Highland Emigration»), from Eight Letters on the Subject of the Earl of Selkirk’s Pamphlet on Highland Emigration, by Amicus (James, Gordon of Craig, advocate), as appeared in one of the Edinburgh Newspapers(Edinburgh, 1806).

Crawford, Marion («The Queen’s Governess»), from Marion Crawford, The Little Princesses, The Story of the Queen’s Childhood, by Her Governess(Orion, London, 2002).

Creech, William («Twenty Years of Dramatic Change»), from The First and Second Statistical Accounts of Edinburgh(West Port Books, Edinburgh, 1998).

Cromwell, Oliver («The Battle of Dunbar»), from Oliver Cromwell, Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with elucidation by Thomas Carlyle(Chapman & Hali, London, 1889–1891).

Gumming, Janet; Allen, Janet; Johnson, Jane; Hogg, Isabel; Watson, Jane Peacock («Testimony of Coal Workers»), from Children’s Employment Commission, 1840, quoted in Lillian King, Sair, Sair Work: Women and Mining in Scotland(Windfall Books, Kelty, 2001).

Cunningham, Allan («Henry Raeburn»), from John Brown, MD, Horae Subsecivae,3rd series (Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1882).

The Daily Telegraph(«Prince Charles and the Cherry Brandy»), the Daily Telegraph, 20 June 1963.

Defoe, Daniel («The Run-up to the Union of the Scottish and English Parliaments»), from Paul H. Scott, Daniel Defoe, Defoe in Edinburgh and Other Papers(Tuckwell Press, Edinburgh, 1995); Stirling Town Council, Perth and Kinross Council Archives, Perth Burgh Records, В 59/34/17/3, quoted in Modem Scottish History 1707 to the PresentVol. 5 Major Documents, ed. Anthony Cooke, Ian Donnachie, Ann MacSween, Christopher A. Whatley (Tuckwell Press, Edinburgh, 1998); and George Lockhart of Carnwath, memoir, quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant, vol. III (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1949).

Defoe, Daniel («The Aftermath of the Union of Parliaments»), from Daniel Defoe, A Tour through Scotland, in A Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain(London, 1724–1727).

Demarco, Richard («Sean Connery: a Lifetime’s Perspective»), by Richard Demarco, a memoir written for this book.

Devine, Professor Тот, quoted in the Sunday Herald, 6 May 2002.

Dickson, Sergeant-Major («The Battle of Waterloo»), from «Account by Sergeant-Major Dickson», from Chambers's Journal, 6th series, 19 January 1907.

Dods, Meg («The Recipe for Haggis»), from Mistress Margaret Dods of the Cleikum Inn, St Ronans, The Cook and House wife's Manual1826, quoted in F. Marian McNeill, The Scots Kitchen(Blackie & Son Ltd, London, 1929).

Douglas, David («The Search for the Sugar Pine»), from Douglas of the Forests: The North American Journals оf David Douglas,ed. John Davies (Paul Harris Publishing, Edinburgh, 1980).

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan («The Origins of Sherlock Holmes»), from Arthur Conan Doyle, Memories & Adventures(OUP, Oxford, 1989).

Drummond, William of Hawthornden («Ben Jonson Walks to Scotland»), William Drummond of Hawthornden, from R. F. Patterson, Ben Jonson’s Conversations with Drummond of Hawthornden(Blackie & Son Ltd, London, 1923).

Durland, Kellogg («Down the Mine in Fife»), from Kellogg Durland, Among the Fife Miners(Sonnenschein, London, 1904).

The Edinburgh Evening News(«Eric Liddell Wins Gold at the Olympics»), the Edinburgh Evening News,quoted in Sally Magnusson, The Flying Scotsman(Quartet, London, 1981).

Ewing, Winnie («The SNP Take Their Second Seat at Parliament»), from Stopthe World, The Autobiography of Winnie Ewing, ed.Michael Russell (Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2004). Extract reproduced by permission of Birlinn Ltd ( www.birlinn.co.uk).

Farquharson, Kenny (« Trainspotting»), Scotland on Sunday, 8 August 1993. Copyright © The Scotsman Publications Ltd.

Forbes, Robert («The Aftermath of Culloden»), from Robert Forbes, Jacobite Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1745, ed. Robert Chambers (Edinburgh, 1834).

Froissart, Jean («The Auld Alliance»), Froissart’s Chronicle, ii, chs. 2, 3, in P. Hume Brown, Early Travellers in Scotland, quoted in Source Book of Scottish History, vol. I, ed. W. Croft Dickinson, Gordon Donaldson, Isabel A. Milne (Thomas Nelsori and Sons Ltd, Edinburgh, 1958).

Gall, George M. («On Manoeuvre with the Home Guard»), winning entry in the competition run in the Heraldfor the paperback edition. of Scotland: The Autobiography.Published in the Herald, December 2007.

Gardner, Robert («The First Scottish Football Match»), quoted in Glasgow Observedyed. Simon Berry and Hamish Whyte (John Donald, Edinburgh, 1987).

Garioch, Robert («Prisoner of War»), from Robert Garioch, Two Men and a Blanket: A Prisoner of War's Story(Southside, Edinburgh, 1975).

Gervase of Canterbury («Religious Houses»), from Mappa Mundi, vol. II, quoted in Scottish Annals from English Chroniclers, collected and translated by Alan Orr Anderson, vol. I (Paul Watkins, Stamford, 1991).

The Glasgow Herald(«Glasgow Rent Strike», «Sectarian Anxieties», «The Evacuation of St Kilda»), from the Glasgow Herald, 28 and 29 September; 29 October 1915; 30 May 1923; 30 August, 1930.

The Glasgow Herald («TheClydebank Blitz»; «Rudolf Hess Crash-lands in Scotland»; «The Ibrox Disaster»), from the Glasgow Herald, 22 March and 13 May 1941; 3 January 1971. The Glasgow Herald, Copyright © Newsquest (Herald & Times).

Glasser, Ralph («The Hungry Prostitute»), from Ralph Glasser, Growing Up in the Gorbals(Chatto & Windus, London, 1986). Permission granted by David Higham Associates Limited.

Gould, Lt-Commander R. Т., RN (Retired) («The Loch Ness Monster»), The Times, 9 December 1933.

Gow, Alexander («The Battle of the Braes»), from the Dundee Advertiser, in Donald MacLeod, Gloomy Memories of the Highlands, Letter VII, quoted in Alexander Mackenzie, The History of the Highland Clearances(Mereat Press, Edinburgh, 1991).

Grahame, Kenneth («The Early Adventures of Toad»), from Patrick R. Chalmers, Kenneth Grahame: Life, Letters and Unpublished Work(Methuen, London, 1933).

Gray, Muriel («Munro-bagging»), from Muriel Gray, The First Fifty: Munro-bagging without a Beard(Mainstream, Edinburgh, 1991). Reproduced by permission of the publisher.

The Greenock Advertiser («Cholera Epidemic»), the Greenock Advertiser,9 March 1832.

Gunn, Walter («A Missionary Visits Greenock»), from Walter Gunn, Missionary, Sketches of the Sanitary and Social Condition of Greenock(Greenock 1865).

Guthrie, Tyrone («The Second Edinburgh Festival»), from Tyrone Guthrie, A Life in Theatre(Columbus, London, 1987). Reproduced by kind permission of the Wylie Agency (UK) Ltd.

Hamilton, Ian («Stealing the Stone of Destiny»), from I. R. Hamilton, The Taking of the Stone of Destiny(Lochar, Colonsay, 1991). Reproduced with permission of the author.

Hardie, Keir («Keir Hardie Elected as First Labour MP»), from Keir Hardie’s Speeches and Writings from 1888 to 1915, 4th edn, ed. Emrys Hughes (Forward Printing and Publishing Company, Glasgow, 1927).