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DD watched Lomax step over the fallen man and quickly search the rest of the room. Lomax examined the man behind the desk. Blood was pooling out from his right arm. Lomax fashioned a temporary tourniquet from a handkerchief to staunch the loss of blood. He then swivelled the man around and produced some plasti-cuffs. Lomax first cuffed his hands behind his back then tied his ankles together.

At last Lomax came over to DD and undid the tape holding his arms and legs to the chair. DD felt a rising tide of nausea engulf him. His stomach heaved and he was violently sick over Lomax.

Lomax seemed unperturbed, as though nothing DD could do would surprise him any longer.

* * *

DD came round slowly. The relief from terror coupled with the improved circulation after Lomax undid his bonds, was followed by a brief period of unconsciousness.

What woke him was the sound of a bellow. In his fuzzy state he thought the sound was coming from himself. But when he looked around he saw Lomax leaning over the man behind the desk. The man was tied to his chair just as DD had been only minutes before. This time however Lomax was conducting the interrogation and he wasn’t as gentle about it as they had been.

DD heard the groans of disbelief and pain and saw blood streaming down the man’s face. ‘No!’ he shouted. ‘That’s enough!’

Lomax turned to see what the fuss was about.

‘Jesus, please go easy on him!’ DD pleaded. He hated violence, especially when he was forced to watch it meted out to others — even to his own tormentors.

Lomax turned back to the man on the chair. ‘I need to know now’ he said in a quiet voice.

‘OK, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know’ said the man listlessly.

DD slumped back in his chair. If the man had refused he had no doubt that Lomax would finish him off.

* * *

Lomax made sure that his live prisoner was tied up securely before searching him thoroughly. He didn’t expect to find much. None of the men had any form of ID and their wallets contained only cash: no credit cards or driver’s licence. Lomax collected the guns, ejected all the cartridges and threw the pistols out of a window. Next he went to DD to check he was comfortable before going over to the main house. He wanted to find out if the men had occupied any other rooms, even if only on a temporary basis.

He found two ground floor rooms side by side that were locked. He broke in. One room was a living area where the interrogators cooked and ate while the other was kitted out with camp-style beds. He made a thorough search and found only a short-wave two-way radio, a pile of porno mags and some mouldy cheese and dry bread. Lomax took time to look on the first floor but there was no evidence any of the rooms were occupied.

* * *

Natasha felt tired. She passed a sign for a motel and decided to pull in. After registering she made her way to the diner where she ordered tea and a burger.

‘Make that two burgers and a coffee’ said a voice behind her.

She turned around to see Sean coming towards her. She was so shocked she could hardly speak.

‘Why are you following me?’ Natasha asked indignantly.

‘You need a guardian angel. I’m it.’ Sean responded evenly as he took the seat opposite.

‘Look Sean I really appreciate what you did yesterday. But all I want is some peace and quiet.’

‘The trouble is’ said Sean ‘violence tends to follow you around.’

The food arrived and they stopped talking.

Sean glanced at Natasha. ‘We’ve spoken before about what our respective governments allow us to say. I’m going to tell you as much as I can without breaking confidence. Will you do the same?’

Natasha was too tired to argue. They began to eat.

‘I’ve been sent to find out what happened to Ben. I have a personal interest too because we were good friends. We didn’t see each other very often but when you’re in the forces you come to rely on your friends a lot.’

‘Ben was in the forces?’ asked Natasha.

Sean shook his head. ‘No — I’m referring to me.’

‘You didn’t have a family?’

‘Not for a long time — but you come to rely on your friends.’

‘Comrades in arms?’

‘Something like that.’

Natasha looked at him. ‘What do you want from me?’ she asked.

‘I think you and Ben shared a secret.’

A brief look flickered over her face.

‘Something happened, probably at work. Perhaps a project that you and Ben were involved in — or even something you and Ben discovered about a project?’

‘You’re fishing.’

‘You’re right, I am. I’m determined to know why Ben was killed and who is responsible.’

‘Why would you think I know?’

Sean drank the rest of the coffee. ‘Because of the connection between you and Ben.’

They finished the meal.

‘Come on, we have things to discuss’ said Sean as they walked out. He stopped outside his room and opened the door for Natasha.

She hesitated. ‘I’m really tired Sean.’

‘I haven’t told you everything yet’ Sean replied. ‘And then you’re going to tell me what you know too.’

Reluctantly Natasha entered the room.

‘Nightcap?’ Sean showed Natasha a bottle of Southern Comfort he had brought from the restaurant.

‘No thanks, I don’t drink strong liqueur.’ She sat in the chair. ‘Sean, I know you have been very protective towards me. But how do I know I can trust you? I only met you a few days ago.’

Sean took a sip of the bourbon. ‘You’re right not to trust me. Trust needs time and I haven’t got much of that left.’

‘I haven’t much time left either.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘They’re closing down the company until the investigation is completed. Some of the staff have left already and it’s only a matter of time before I go too.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that. What will you do?’

‘I planned to get away for a while and think things through.’

Sean swirled the bourbon in his glass. ‘Is there anything you can tell me about Ben that could help me?’

Natasha got up and walked around to stretch her legs. ‘I think I will have a drink after all.’

Sean found a second glass. For a moment there was an awkward silence, then Sean raised his drink. ‘To absent friends.’

‘To absent friends’ she echoed. She sat on the bed keeping a distance between them. ‘How did you two meet?’

‘He was very bright. We met after he’d completed a masters degree at Cambridge. We got on like long lost brothers. Similar interests, young, crazy.’ Sean finished his drink.

‘He always wanted to work in the States and he went out there looking for work. He wasn’t able to get the job he wanted even after getting his citizen papers. I spoke to one of my superiors back home and they wangled him a job working in the defence industry.’

Sean poured himself another shot. ‘I think there was some quid pro quo. He got the job and occasionally he would report back on any interesting developments.’ Sean looked at Natasha. ‘He didn’t like it but there’s no other way to dress it up — he became a spy.’

Natasha looked surprised. ‘I never thought he could do that.’

‘Don’t get me wrong’ Sean began. ‘I don’t think he was passing on any detailed information — plans, maps, documents, or anything like that. Just general information about the projects he was involved on.’

He topped up her drink. ‘Still, it doesn’t make it any more comfortable.’ Sean glanced at Natasha. ‘Would you be comfortable in that position?’

Natasha gulped her drink and put it down. ‘No’ she said at last. ‘I don’t think I would be comfortable.’ She looked straight at Sean. ‘I know because I am doing something similar.’