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Sean looked curious. ‘What’s that?’

Natasha looked away. ‘I’m not sure I should say anything more.’

‘You have another role at SeaTek?’

Natasha turned to face Sean. ‘I’m not very good at it. I report to the National Security Agency every now and again. The NSA is supposed to protect national security systems, and our company is classified as being a security system. I’m just supposed to let them know if there’s anything going on that might compromise security.’ She held her glass up for a refill.

‘Isn’t that Jack Langham’s job?’

Natasha looked at him curiously. ‘What do you know about Jack?’

Sean shrugged. ‘He left a message on Ben’s answer phone. Said he could see Ben at the weekend.’

‘You’ve been to Ben’s apartment?’ she said, surprised.

‘I went to see if there was anything of Ben’s that his parents might want to keep.’

‘Oh. I’m sorry.’

Sean filled her glass. ‘So your role is separate to Jack’s?’

‘Yes.’ Natasha sipped her drink. ‘Only the Directors know about my NSA involvement. They wanted it that way.’

‘I see. Do the NSA know about Ben?’

‘Only what I know.’

‘I suppose you’ve told them about me?’

Natasha nodded. ‘Why did you arrive when you did — just after Ben was involved in the motorcycle accident?’

‘I got a message from him out of the blue. It didn’t say much just that he had come across a problem which he couldn’t discuss with anyone else. It wasn’t like Ben at all. It felt like he couldn’t confide in anyone at work.’

Natasha thought she knew the reason. Ben couldn’t talk to anyone at work because he didn’t know who he could trust.

‘So you came out to bring him back’ she said simply.

‘Ben wanted to come back to the UK for a period and I was asked to bring him back safely.’

Natasha attempted a brave smile. ‘I’m sorry — I’m just tired.’

Sean took her glass and put it down. ‘I know. Why don’t you go to bed?’

‘There is something else. I’m wondering why you have been following me. Oh — I know you have been protecting me, but what is it you want from me?’

Sean poured them both another stiff drink. ‘Just information. I think you must know something and someone wants your silence — one way or another.’

Natasha took a sip. ‘Something did happen at work’ she said tentatively. Several people lost their lives as a result. But it happened after Ben was killed.’

‘Could it be that Ben discovered something before? Maybe the list he was working on was related to it?’

Natasha shook her head. ‘I don’t think so’ she said slowly. At first I thought that it was an accident on the project — that people had lost their lives because of some kind of communications problem — and the rescue people weren’t able to reach them in time.’

‘And what do you think now?’

‘It wasn’t an accident. I found… some evidence that proved the project was sabotaged. Since then I’ve been hounded to death.’

Natasha took a deep breath. ‘Listen I need to ask you for a really big favour.’ She looked directly at Sean. ‘I’m bushed but I don’t want to go to bed in my own room. I won’t sleep at all if I do.’

Sean turned. ‘You’re welcome to the bed. I’ll take the chair — no funny business, I promise.’

‘It’s no problem if you want to share the bed, honest.’

Sean thought for a moment. ‘It’s not that I don’t like you Natasha.’

‘Sean, I’m just talking about somewhere to sleep — not about making love.’

‘I might not be able to resist’ Sean said with a mischievous grin.

‘Well I certainly can.’

The words hung in the air. She made a big effort and smiled. ‘I’m sorry, I’m tired. If you want to sleep on the chair that’s fine with me.’

Sean visited the bathroom first. While Natasha was in the bathroom Sean went outside to call Lomax.

‘Someone’s on to Natasha. Oh, she also confirmed she reports back to the NSA. I have an idea about that.’

‘Yes?’ queried Lomax.

‘Well we might be able to use her reporting channel to our advantage.’

Lomax thought about that for a minute. ‘OK, when can I expect you?’

‘No idea. I’m planning to stick with Natasha.’

‘Think they will try again?’


‘Make sure you use the opportunity wisely.’

Sean closed the call abruptly.

Instinct and training required one more patrol before he could rest and he made his way back out to the parking lot. He walked over to the hire car and looked around casually. The car park was nearly deserted — the few guests staying the night were already in their rooms.

Sean bent down and felt behind the chrome bumpers with his finger tips. He moved on to feel underneath the sills. Pulling a small flashlight from an inner pocket he lay down on the tarmac to inspect underneath the car. He could not find any kind of tracking device attached.

He walked over to Natasha’s car, brushing the dust off his clothes. Pulling out a spare mobile, he punched in a code and bent down once more. This time he fixed the spare up under one of the sills. The mobile had a strong magnet that would keep it in place however bumpy the ride.

‘What are you doing?’ Natasha called from the doorway.

‘Just checking your exhaust — I noticed it blowing on the way here.’

When he returned Natasha was already in bed. He slipped off his shirt and trousers but before he could make himself comfortable on the chair she flipped the covers back on his side of the bed.

Sean got in. Natasha was turned on her side facing him. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world for Sean to put his arm around her. But he resisted, past memories preventing him. Finally she turned away.

Chapter 18

‘Ow!’ DD yelped as Lomax prodded his chest. DD was laid out on the bed at Lomax’s safe house, doing his best to relax as Lomax tried to find the extent of his injuries.

‘No broken bones — so far’ said Lomax cheerfully. Now let’s have a look at your eyes. Lomax produced a flashlight and shone it into each eye, noting the rate of contraction of the pupils. ‘Mmm. They’ll probably do.’ Lomax took DD’s pulse. For fifteen seconds there was quiet. ‘Your pulse is a little high but that’s only to be expected. I can’t find anything wrong with you — nothing that a rest won’t cure.’ He gave DD some tablets. ‘These will reduce the pain and the swelling and help you get a good night’s sleep.’ Lomax watched as DD swallowed them with a glass of water. He was relieved DD had not suffered any major physical injuries.

Now it was time for Lomax to get tough. ‘What happened?’

DD struggled to sit up. ‘I gave London two names. London found they were being paid by the same corporation.’

‘You mean Advanced Marine Agency?’

‘Yes. I thought I might be able to hack into their wireless network, but two goons grabbed me before I managed to get in.’

Lomax shook his head. ‘I saw it happen. How often have you been told that everything you do, you check with me first?’

DD looked shame faced. ‘I know — I just forgot. I’m sorry. Believe me it won’t happen again.’ DD’s voice was noticeably drowsier as the drugs began to take effect.

‘You’re damn right about that’ said Lomax. ‘It won’t happen again’.

Outside the room Lomax listened as DD’s breathing settled into a rhythm. Lomax took out his cell phone and called Sean. ‘OK I have DD back, safe and sound. He won’t be going off on a jaunt again. He’s a bit roughed up but sleeping it off now.’ Lomax listened briefly. ‘You remember the company where DD was snatched — the Advanced Marine Agency — well I know for definite they’re involved. I’ve also got a name for you: Christopher Schaeffer. He’s the guy DD’s snatch squad reported to. I’ll work on his background.’