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Jan Coffey

Silent Waters


To our Taft ’05 Sons—

Arrin Alexander, Spencer Clark, Ryan Cleary, Patrick Coleman,

Bruno Daniel, Matthew Davis, Camden Flath, Javier Garcia,

Freddy Gonzalez, Jake Hammer, Wesley Hung, Minkailu Jalloh,

Patrick Joseph, Will Karnasiewicz, Cory Keeling, Christopher Lacaria,

Jason Lam, Seth Lentz, Mike Negron, Sean O’Mealia, Cameron Picton,

Will Sealy, Jeremy Tretiak, Thomas Wopat-Moreau, Joel Yu


Cyrus McGoldrick

May your day be filled with blessings

Like the sun that lights the sky,

And may you always have the courage

To spread your wings and fly!

Chapter 1

Electric Boat Shipyard
Groton, Connecticut
Monday, November 3rd
3:50 a.m.

They emerged from the black water of the river thirty feet from where the rain swept the shore. Like primordial beasts rising from the deep, the divers turned their heads to take in the surroundings.

The wind whipped across the dark waters, the swells rising up to meet the rain and the night. The leader looked at the huge steel doors of the shipyard’s North Yard Ways. Then, silently, they moved as one behind him toward the building.

Close to the doors, the leader’s feet touched the sloping concrete on the river’s bottom. To his right, he could see the submarine tied to the far side of the wide, flat concrete pier. USS Hartford glistened in the floodlights and the icy rain. A single crewman stood on top of the curved hull, huddled against the black sail.

Together, the group waded without making a sound beneath the huge doors overhanging the water. The rain beat against the steel walls, pellets of water ricocheting off hollow tin.

Inside, the shipyard’s cavernous building was dark and empty. The metal skids emerging from the water disappeared up the incline into the darkness, reappearing a hundred yards up, beneath dim amber floodlights.

Before the intruders had a chance to leave the black water, a door opened halfway up the Ways. Two security guards entered, silhouetted by the amber light in the distance.

“Jeez, do you think it could rain any fucking harder?” one of them said as he unsnapped his orange rain gear and shook the water off.

The other guard muttered something and reached inside his coat for a smoke.

The group standing in the shallows halted. When the two men turned their backs, the leader slowly lowered himself back into the water. The rest followed suit. He looked at his watch— 3:53.

“I’m really hoping it’ll be a landslide,” the guard said as he took a cigarette from his friend. “I hate that last minute shit with Florida and Ohio deciding the future for everybody else in the country.”

“I never thought there’d be a day when I’d be agreeing with you about fucking politics.” He lit a match and held it out for his buddy. Their faces glowed in the light of it. “But, for chrissake, this last four years of Hawkins in the White House has meant nothing but shit for this country.”

The intruders were thirty-five yards away.

“I warned you at the last election that Hawkins would screw the pooch before he was done.”

“Look, I wasn’t the only one fooled.”

As the two argued, the leader of the intruders motioned to the men on his right. Silently, the pair stripped off their tanks and moved through the water until they reached the concrete wall. Using the darkness behind them, they emerged from the water and edged along the wall toward the guards, whose arguments were rising in intensity and volume.

“… don’t have to reinvent the fucking wheel just because the past four years was a mistake.”

“Hawkins isn’t the only president who’s wormed his way into office.”

Six feet away, they drew their knives.

Chapter 2

Electric Boat Shipyard
4:01 a.m.

Cutting like a razor, the wind tore up the Thames River from Long Island Sound, driving the freezing rain into the submarine commander’s face.

Standing for a moment by his car, Darius McCann looked down at the mist-enshrouded shipyard as he adjusted his hat and buttoned up his raincoat. The smell of the changing tide bore into his senses. There had been a time not so long ago when this scene and the anticipation of the upcoming patrol would have excited him, energized him. But not today. At least, not at this godforsaken hour.

He shook his head. It was the day. It was his age. He was forty today. Another milestone. Another step closer to the grave.

He’d achieved every goal in his five-year, ten-year, twenty-year career plans. For what? His personal life sucked. He was forty years old and alone. No wife, no kids. Nothing of the everyday routines and the closeness that was the very essence of the way he’d been raised. That all traced back to his job. Six months away at sea at a time. Sometimes longer. Coming ashore only to start all over again. This time, he had just a few weeks ashore.

And here he was looking at some dark shipyard at four o’clock in the morning on his birthday.

His own sourness was in itself sobering — a slap of reality regarding what a miserable bastard he’d become. McCann ran a hand down his face, trying to brush away the rain, along with the feeling of gloom and doom.

He reached inside the car and grabbed his coffee and briefcase before locking up. He took a deep breath and shifted his attention from inside to outside, to the job that he’d signed on to do. The job that had to come first.

There were only a dozen cars scattered around the parking lot. Floodlights positioned on tops of tall poles and on adjacent buildings cast an amber glow over the cars.

A squall of rain blasted McCann as he wove his way through the restricted navy personnel lot and descended to the road that ran along the front of Electric Boat. Across Eastern Point Road, just inside the high chain link fence, a neat line of administration and engineering buildings formed the public face of the shipyard.

You couldn’t see it from the street, but beyond them, down the side of the steep hill to the river, a jumbled mix of buildings — brick, cement, wood and steel — formed an entire city. A rabbit warren of lanes and alleys threaded between machine shops and warehouses. Various trade huts and fabrication shops huddled against the huge steel buildings that housed the Ways, where subs in the earliest stages of construction were built. All along the riverfront, shops crowded the ends of piers and docks, and even barges held three-story workspaces — all for the thousands of tradesman who had been building the navy’s subs since the days of Teddy Roosevelt.

This was his life, McCann reminded himself. With each step, he buried deeper his discontent and focused on what was required of him.

There were few sounds of work coming up through the wide chain link gates tonight. Since the end of the Cold War, the need for new subs had dramatically decreased. Electric Boat’s third shift was now merely a formality, and as McCann approached the main gate, the smell of the burnt steel on the cold wind and the sound of heavy HVAC units running on the buildings were the only signs of anything going on below.

A solitary coffee-and-sandwich truck was parked on the side of the road, and McCann glanced at the driver who’d dozed off inside the cab. Gusts of wind continued to blow against his back as he headed down the hill toward EB’s main gate.