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He’d known many women. None affected him on any level other than physical. None attempted to challenge him. He’d met his match with Kayla and he respected her for it. Respected her far more than women who played the weak heroine to get his attention and into his bed.

He’d begun having sex early in his teens, too often he’d come to realize. Later he’d become smarter, more discriminating. Only one thing remained constant. He came and went with no thought to looking back or revealing inner truths. Not so with Kayla. After all she’d been through-thanks to him-she deserved a little honesty.

But that wasn’t the sole reason for his confidences now. He didn’t want to think about why he wanted to share the most painful parts of his life with this woman.

She shifted, the movement revealing pale skin and an expanse of thigh that aroused him in an instant.

“My point is you aren’t responsible for me,” she said, meeting his gaze.

Primitive possession flooded his system. “The hell I’m not.”

In the face of his roar, she didn’t blink.

He admired her spunk. “You’re my responsibility at least until this case is over, so let’s drop that part of the conversation now.”


He hadn’t expected her to give in without an argument. “So you aren’t angry?”

“Not about the initial investigation.”

“And what came after?”

“Pheromones,” she explained.


“Two people attracted to each other by stimuli they can’t control.” He’d forgotten the intellectual side of this beautiful woman. “A chemical reaction,” she went on. “So if you’re still blaming yourself for losing focus, don’t. I’m equally at fault.”


“I wanted you, too.” She fiddled with the hem on her jersey without meeting his gaze. This was the Kayla he’d first met. The innocent that threatened to chip away at his heart, if he let her.

Which he wouldn’t. But he couldn’t let her last statement go unchallenged. He had to know. “‘Wanted’ as in past tense?” he asked.

She shrugged and leaned back into the pillows. “Why ask? You’re a man of your word. You said it won’t happen again. Does what I want really matter?”

He could drown in emotion, in her. “Everything you want matters.”

Her expression grew still, then a tear spilled from the corner of one eye. “No one’s ever said that to me. I’m thankful for you, Kane.”

A low growl escaped from his throat. “I don’t want your gratitude.”

“Then what do you want?”

“That’s a loaded question.”

“I know. That’s why I asked.” An impish smile played around her mouth, even as she wiped away a tear.

Kane knew what he wanted. Kayla, soft and giving beneath him. But she was right. He’d laid down the law. It wouldn’t happen again. But he knew what Kayla needed-to be reassured that she counted. It was the only thing he could offer her.

He looked into her eyes-eyes that displayed her soul and mirrored his need. He braced his hands on either side of her face. He caressed her cheek, careful to keep her head steady. “Are you sure you want to know what I want?”

“I wouldn’t have asked otherwise.” She touched a hand to the stubble on his face and ran two delicate fingers down his cheek. “You count, too, Kane. I wonder if anyone’s ever told you that before.”

No one had. No one would again. He leaned over and covered her mouth with his. To block out the truth…and to accept it at the same time. Her lips opened and her tongue sought his, not hesitant but eager. She licked his lips, ran her tongue over his teeth, learning and growing bolder with each taste.

He craved her. She was a drug he couldn’t get enough of. He threaded his fingers through her still damp hair, then eased his lower body over hers. His arms shook with exertion, from the need to keep a safe distance between them, else he lose control and hurt her more.

Her hips jerked upward without warning. She brushed his erection with nothing more than the flimsy cotton he’d found in her drawer. He exhaled a harsh groan and eased himself on top of her, settling himself between her thighs.

It wasn’t enough. He was too damn hard. He wanted to rip off those panties and…A soft moan penetrated the haze of desire. He flipped over fast. Damn but he’d made a mistake.

It wouldn’t happen again. Yeah, right. One battle lost, Kane thought, but the bigger war raged on. He rolled onto his side and glanced over. “Are you okay?”

“Too much too soon,” she whispered, echoing his earlier words.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Once again, his need had gotten in the way of common sense. “Get some rest,” he said in a voice rough with unslaked desire, and self-disgust.

“I’m sorry.” Her shoulders remained stiff.

“For?” He worked the muscles beneath his fingers, kneading her soft skin. As a distraction, it didn’t work. He had a sexy woman in his arms and his body knew it.

“I’m a lot of things, Kane. But I’m not a tease.”

“Did I say you were?”

“No. But I’m sure you’re thinking it.”

He sensed the source of her concern was based in her past and understood. “As a matter of fact, I’m not.”

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

That she didn’t need to dig into her old insecurities. Not with him. He respected everything about her. “That I pushed myself on a poor, frail, injured woman,” he said with a crooked grin.

She laughed. His attempt to lighten the mood had obviously worked. “No, really.”

“That I wasn’t in the mood anyway.”

This time she treated him to a snort of disbelief. “Seriously.”

“I was thinking,” he said, pausing to smooth her hair and inhale the fragrant scent that was Kayla. “That what just happened…”


“Was the best almost sex I ever had.” Just being with her was beyond good. Kane accepted how much he needed her, even as he knew he’d ultimately let her go.

No matter what emotion and softness she offered him, he’d take none. But for the duration of the case, he’d protect her with his life.

FRESH FROM AN UNEVENTFUL shower, Kayla made her way to the family room. Kane sat staring at the boxes she recognized as holding her aunt’s things. “I didn’t hear the doorbell.”

He glanced over his shoulder. “You should be resting.”

She scowled. “I slept half the day yesterday and all last night. I’m fine.” Or as close to fine as she could be with the thug’s threat still echoing in her brain, her aunt’s reputation and her business in jeopardy…and having shared her bed with Kane McDermott for the past dozen hours.

Like her, he’d showered and changed. Judging by his appearance, she realized his clothes must also have arrived with the boxes. She wouldn’t be female if she didn’t admit she liked what she saw. Faded blue jeans stretched across his muscular legs. A bleached sweatshirt, navy with white patches that looked as if they’d occurred more by accident than design, covered his broad chest. The detective might not know much about cleaning his clothes but he knew how to wear them. He just plain looked good.

She walked into her family room and knelt down beside him. Her thigh brushed his, a brief and accidental contact. Her stomach muscles curled into twisted bands of excitement and need. What should have been innocent wasn’t.

“You’ve got some color back in your cheeks,” he noted.

And it had nothing to do with good health, she thought wryly. “I feel better. Up to tackling those boxes, anyway.” She gestured to the opened cartons spread around the room.

“You showered.” He fingered her freshly washed hair.

She grinned. “Even I couldn’t share the bed with me a minute longer.”