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Before she realized what she was doing, she rose to her feet and knocked twice on Captain Reid’s door. Without waiting for a response, she let herself inside. “I have the answer.”

“I don’t recall asking a question.” Captain Reid rose to his feet from behind the metal desk in the corner.

“Trade-off,” she explained. “You know whoever attacked me will call back and when he does, I’ll offer him the books.”

“In exchange for…?” Captain Reid picked up on her earlier statement.

“Information. I know my aunt was innocent and I want to prove it.”


At the sound of Kane’s voice, Kayla turned. He leaned against an adjoining wall in a deceptively lazy stance. The muscles bunched beneath his shirt and his jaw was clenched hard. He glared from beneath hooded eyes. She didn’t have to hear him speak to know he wasn’t pleased with her suggestion.

“As long as she’s willing, McDermott, she’s our best option.” The older man gestured to the metal-frame chair. “Have a seat.”

At least Captain Reid hadn’t shot down her idea immediately, despite what Kane wanted. Kayla lowered herself into the chair. “I want my business and my family name cleared.” She wanted to feel in control of both herself and her life once more.

Kane shook his head. “Clearing you is my job,” he reminded her. One he hadn’t done a great job of accomplishing so far. But things were heating up and he was ready. No way he’d allow Kayla to set herself up as a target. “Use a drop or a police decoy.”

“In which case we get the errand boy and not the people involved,” the captain said.

“I’ll lean on him,” Kane muttered. “Hard.”

“He’ll talk if he thinks he’s not being threatened.” Kayla spoke up. “And what’s less threatening than a woman he already roughed up?”

Kane didn’t like the enthusiasm in her voice, liked the reminder of the guy’s hands around her neck even less. He glanced over, taking in her cheeks flushed with excitement and the determination in her green eyes, and stifled a groan. Back on her feet, Kayla Luck was a force to be reckoned with.

What happened to the quiet woman who liked cozy restaurants, a traveling salesman and books? Even as he wondered, he already knew the answer. She lurked beneath the intriguing woman in form-fitting jeans and a tight, sexy top. A steady rush of adrenaline pumped through his veins. Even this strong-willed version of Kayla excited him in ways he had yet to understand. He’d never run into a woman who challenged him on so many levels. Who dared to assert her authority at the expense of his own. He might respect her independence, but he’d be damned if he’d let her risk her life to get it back. He shook his head. “No meeting. No way.”

She braced her hands on her legs and jumped up from her seat. “It’s not your decision.” She turned to his superior. “Is it?” she asked Reid.

“Ultimately, no.”

Kane shot daggers at his boss, but the man shrugged his shoulders. “The lady asked a question, McDermott. I’m just answering.”

Kayla’s smile widened. “Then I want in.”

“What the hell do you mean, you want in? This isn’t some action movie, it’s real life.” Exasperated, Kane ran a hand through his hair.

“Right. It’s my life and you guys have shredded it to hell and back. I want to do this.”

“There is no this.” Kane glanced at Captain Reid for backup, certain the older man wouldn’t have patience for a civilian plan of action. But he looked more amused than annoyed, which only served to anger Kane more. “No.”

“Yes.” Kayla folded her arms in front of her.

Despite the serious circumstances, his gaze followed the movement. He took in the press of her forearms against her chest, the rise of her full breasts, visible in the V of her shirt. He knew damn well how that soft flesh felt in his hands, how sweet it tasted in his mouth. He swallowed, but his throat had grown dry.

“Sorry to interrupt this amusing show, but we’ve got some decisions to make.” Reid paced the small area behind his desk. “First, we decipher the books.”

“I can do that,” Kayla said.

“So can Tucker,” Kane muttered.

“Why pull extra manpower on something I can do myself?” Looking too pleased with herself, once again Kayla glanced at the captain for confirmation.

“She’s got a point, McDermott. Besides, with you watching her every minute, what can go wrong?”

Kane hadn’t mentioned to his boss that he’d lost Kayla for one solid hour because of raging hormones and foolish trust. He wasn’t about to do so now.

“And then?” Kayla asked. “What if he calls again?”

I handle it.”

She scowled.

“We’ll tap your phones and see what turns up,” Reid said.

“The last call came from a pay phone,” Kane said. He had no doubt the next one would, too.

The captain shrugged. “If he calls, improvise. Go with the moment.” He looked at Kane. “You need backup, let me know.”

In other words, if the opportunity presented itself and Kayla was still willing, let her in. Kane grabbed the bag of books in one fist, Kayla’s hand in the other and headed for the door. He knew damn well his boss had a point. He usually did. Kane respected Reid’s judgment and looked up to the older man, but he disagreed with his call on this one. Violently disagreed. Kayla might be their best option for ending this thing quick, but he didn’t like setting her up as a target. Just the thought made him ice-cold all over.

He picked up his stride. Making his way through the precinct, he ignored the stares of the other cops on duty.

“Where are you dragging me?” She stumbled over her feet in an effort to keep up.

Kane slowed his pace. “Home.”

“So you can yell in private?”

There were many things he wanted to do with Kayla. Yelling wasn’t one of them. He stopped midstep and glanced over his shoulder.

She met his gaze with a determined one of her own. “You want an argument, I’m ready. Because you can’t talk me out of this.”

“I don’t want to fight with you, sweetheart.”

She narrowed her eyes in obvious confusion.

“Then what do you want?” Kayla asked.

The scene in the library replayed itself in his mind. She didn’t think he wanted her. He did. With a need so deep and intense it would have scared him, if he were capable of rational thought around her.

He brushed a soft strand of hair off her cheek. Her pupils dilated at the brief contact.

What did he want? The question hovered between them. Kane knew the answer, just as he knew she needed more. But he couldn’t control his need for her any more than he could control the outcome of this case. The most he could do was guide things in the direction he wanted and hope for the best.

He turned to Kayla and answered. “To finish what we started earlier.”

OF ALL THE ARROGANT, self-assured, conceited statements, Kane’s was at the top of the list. Kayla chopped salad ingredients with more force than necessary, sending tomato juice and seeds flying onto the backsplash against the kitchen wall. To finish what we started earlier.

As if she’d allow it without question. Not that she didn’t want to sleep with him again. She did. But that was her body talking, not her mind. A ribbon of warmth curled through her stomach each time he walked into the room. What other proof of desire did she need? However, more important things were at stake than raging hormones. Her life, for one. Her business, for another. And, finally, her future.

It came down to a balance of power, Kayla thought. He thought he could control the situation and her. First by withholding sex. Then, by preventing her from helping to wrap up this mess with Charmed! And now, by informing her he intended to pick up where they’d left off earlier. More like where he’d left off.