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She didn’t delude herself. She might lose him either way. But she believed in odds, and she intended to stack the deck in her favor. To regain control in whatever way she could. She grabbed the lingerie from her sister.

Cat smiled wide. “Whew. I feel better.” She glanced at her watch. “Five minutes are up. The warden’s going to come knocking any minute.” Leaning over, she gave Kayla a quick hug. “I’ll just grab a change of clothes and get out of your way.”

“Take care of yourself, Cat. This mess isn’t over yet.”

“I will. You know that. And you do the same.” She walked to the door, pausing to glance over her shoulder. “Let the seduction begin,” she said with a grin.

“Bye,” Kayla murmured. The door shut behind her sister. Kayla glanced at the garment in her hand, fingering the luxurious silk before burying it in the back of her dresser drawer.

She didn’t need clothes to seduce the man, but she intended to do everything in her power to make him realize what he’d be giving up should he decide to walk away.

HE COULDN’T HANG OUT in the kitchen for the rest of the night. Besides, it wasn’t doing him any good. Kane had sat through Kayla’s shower. Listened to the pulsing, pounding rhythm of the water while his body throbbed to the same beat.

He’d envisioned the stream of water sluicing over her curves, the beads of water clinging to her skin. He braced his hands on the counter and exhaled a groan.

“Something wrong?”

His insides twisted even more at the sound of her husky voice. He turned. Kane didn’t know what he expected. A sexy siren, a vixen to match the arousing voice? He could have handled her and in an absurd way she would have been preferable to the down-to-earth woman facing him now. The old football jersey wasn’t sexy, but the garment had its own share of memories. The faded sweats were far from revealing, but the effect on him was the same.

She looked warm and welcoming.

He felt warm and welcomed. Two sensations he’d never experienced before, at least not in conjunction with a woman. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

“I live here,” she said wryly. “And I was cold after my shower. I figured something hot to drink would take care of that.”

She joined him by the counter. The lemony scent of her shampoo clung to her hair, bringing temptation to life. “Coffee?” he asked. “I saw some instant in the cabinet.”

She shook her head. Damp strands of blond hair clung to her cheek. God, he wanted her. “Tea?” he managed to say.

Her smile caused a tightening in his gut.

“Not what I had in mind,” she said.

“What then?”

Without answering, she reached for the handle on the cabinet behind him. Her arm brushed his shoulder. The heat struck hard and hot, where it counted most. Her touch was electric. He inhaled and counted to five until a semblance of control returned.

“Hot chocolate always seems to do the trick…when I’m cold.” Her voice had dropped an octave. The husky sound turned the knot in his stomach even tighter.

She met his gaze. In her eyes he saw a deadly combination of uncertainty and longing. Kane had been around long enough to know when he was being set up, that she was grasping to regain control. But Kayla’s seduction, or attempted seduction, wasn’t like any other. It was an endearing mixture of innocence and sensuality. One he couldn’t withstand no matter how much he needed to.

He’d already drawn the line and Kayla knew it. He was certain she’d respect his decision to keep his distance, if only because he’d accepted hers to participate with Reid on closing the case on her business. But she was playing a dangerous game with him now, tempting him, hoping he’d give in…wondering how far he’d let her go before backing off.

He wasn’t sure himself. Around Kayla, his self-control was minimal. His only choice was to turn the tables and hope she chose to retreat first, instead of advance.

He stepped toward the refrigerator to her left. “Would you like some whipped cream on top? I seem to remember you enjoy it.” Reaching for the handle, he brushed his forearm across her breasts. The barrier of her clothing might as well have been nonexistent as the hardened peaks of her nipples rasped across his bare skin.

She exhaled a slow moan. He gritted his teeth against the arousing sound and the pleasurable feel of her breasts against his arm. His jeans, already too snug, were now damned uncomfortable. He turned toward her, trapping her between the counter and the length of his body. Her body heat called to his, her scent beckoned to him. Kane wondered when he’d begun to enjoy torturing himself without mercy.

He glanced down. She gripped the sides of the cardboard box of instant cocoa mix, denting the box with her grip. At least she was affected, too.

He leaned forward. “Whipped cream, Kayla?” Her eyes darkened, remembrance and desire flickering in the depths.

“I…” She swallowed hard. “I don’t keep any around. It’s fattening, and I have to draw the line somewhere, I mean there’s only so much indulgence a person can take and…”

“Tell me about it,” he muttered. Kane reached out and eased the box from her hands. Her breathing now came in shallow, uneven gasps. He wasn’t doing too well himself, but damned if he’d let desire rule his head.

Time to end this game before it got out of control, Kane thought. “Relax, sweetheart.” He touched her reddened cheek with his palm. She tipped her head into the cradle of his hand. Such an innocent gesture. One that nearly sent him soaring out of control.

He inhaled hard and fast. “You look flushed. Is your head okay? Maybe your blood sugar dropped. Have a seat and I’ll make you something to drink.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to the nearest chair. It had been too long since she’d taken any kind of break.

Having changed the subject, he exhaled. His breathing came easier, but not much, considering her soft curves now molded against him…and he was strung tighter than ever.

The next move was hers. Kane was counting on it. She had no choice but to take his cue and move on…unless she wanted to end up tangled between the sheets. And though they both wanted, they each had their own agenda as well. She’d let it go, he told himself again.

She stopped short of sitting down. “I’m not thirsty anymore. I think I’ll just go to bed, instead.” He released his next breath in a whoosh of air. She’d accepted his boundaries. He wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight, but at least he was back in control.

She stepped backward, tilting her head until she looked him in the eye. “Ready?”

“For?” he asked warily.

“Bed. Aren’t you going to join me?”

He muttered a curse. Where this woman was concerned, control was a goddamn illusion. What made him think he had any power or control over a situation where Kayla Luck was involved?

Just one more reason he had to put this case, and her, behind him as fast as possible. But he had to get through the night first. “I’ll take the couch.” He crossed his arms and waited for her next shot.

Kayla shot him an amused glance, aware that Kane was edgy and uncomfortable. And it was thanks to her…and the idea of sleeping with her. Amazing.

When in her life had she had the ability to put a man like Kane on the spot? When had she ever made any man feel awkward? Maybe it was an ability she’d always had but never had the courage to explore before. With Kane, she felt secure enough. Comfortable enough. She liked that feeling.

Almost as much as she liked him. A smile formed on her lips. “Go ahead, sleep on the couch. But I should tell you, it’s lumpy and uncomfortable. You won’t get much sleep out there.”

“What makes you think I’ll get any sleep in there, with you?” He gestured toward the hallway and her bedroom.