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“You ready to start up again?”

The question startled her. She hadn’t expected him to make that kind of suggestion. She avoided answering. “I’m ready to turn over whatever I have to…Who did you say you work for again?”

The gravelly laugh on the other end sent chills racing through her. “Lady, I’m no dummy. This isn’t about work. My mother’s sick. She wants the crosswords your aunt used to do. The ones she bragged about. I’m sure they’ll keep a sick old lady busy.”

“I have them.”

“Tomorrow, noon. Ditch the boyfriend and be at The Silver Café.” A click sounded on the other end.

“Not enough time,” Kane muttered.

“I tried.”

“I know.” He eased the phone out of her hand. Her fingers ached and she realized she’d been gripping the receiver way too hard. Just like the fear that gripped her heart. But she could handle this. She had to handle this.

“What else did he say?” Kane caught her shoulders with both hands.

His touch steadied her. She forced even breaths into her lungs and replayed the conversation in her mind. “He knows about the crosswords, that my aunt was responsible for those. And he wants to meet tomorrow, at…at…” Realization dawned. “He’s been following me.”

“What makes you think that?”

“He wants to meet at the restaurant you took me to. That’s not a coincidence. I’ve never been there before you. I didn’t even know the place existed. He said to ditch you and show up alone. How does he know about you? How long has this guy been watching me?” Her voice rose along with her hysteria.

“Kayla.” Kane shook her gently. “Hey. He’s just trying to rattle you.”

“Well, he’s done a good job.”

“Then back out. No one would blame you and I sure as hell would welcome it.”

“You know I can’t.” She met his gaze.

“Then don’t let him win. Don’t let him make you think you aren’t safe.” He drew her into his arms. His warmth enveloped her, his strength supported her. “Because you are.”

KANE DIDN’T KNOW HOW LONG he held her. Only that at some point, they lay down on the bed until her breathing steadied and relaxed. The first time he tried to untangle their legs, she resisted. He must have dozed off because the sun now shone through the window where moonlight had been.

He called Reid from the kitchen phone. His boss answered his home line on the first ring. “Meeting’s on,” Kane told him. “Noon today.” Kane didn’t like it, but he had no choice.

He’d given up all leverage where Kayla was concerned. She’d cut him loose and he hadn’t argued. Even if the phone call hadn’t interrupted them last night, he wouldn’t have fought the point. She’d given him his freedom, something he’d had anyway, but for some reason, she thought he needed her permission to walk away.

She’d been clear on that point. She didn’t want anything from him. Though it was exactly what he needed to rid himself of any unwanted guilt, the thought rankled. Why the hell didn’t she want more? And why the hell did he care?

“Hey, McDermott. You wake me up to breathe into the phone or you want to discuss backup?”

Focus. A little after noon today, he’d have that ability back in spades. “Yeah, boss.” Kane gave details about Kayla’s phone conversation. “The meeting is at the same place the department sprung for dinner the other night. It’s crowded at lunchtime, so I’d just have some well-dressed undercover cops drop in for a meal and make sure I’m in the booth behind them.”

“No deal. If he followed her the night you two did the town, he’ll spot you in a second.”

The captain was right, but damned if he could just send Kayla off on her own. “Either I’m there, or the meeting’s off.”

Reid should have come down hard on him for asserting authority. He didn’t. His harsh laugh echoed across the phone lines. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were after my job, McDermott.”

“I’d rather rot than sit behind a desk,” Kane muttered.

Reid laughed again. “Okay, just keep out of sight. Make sure she hands over the books and opts out of the partnership. He takes them, we move in. That’s it.”

“I’ll coach her. She won’t even breathe at the wrong time.”

“Yeah, I trust you to be on top of things. Are you ready to end this?” Reid asked.

Kane knew the older man meant more than the case. He’d switched into paternal mode. Reid didn’t do it often, but Kane appreciated the attempt. Too bad he didn’t have an answer that would satisfy either one of them right now.

KAYLA FISHED THROUGH HER closet for the third time. Silk blouses, linen slacks and sensible pumps. Had she really expected the contents to change just because she had? Even during the days she’d worked nine-to-five as an accountant, wearing corporate suits and stuffy blouses, she hadn’t altered her wardrobe on weekends or days off. She was lucky she owned even one pair of jeans, considering she’d had no desire to wear them.

Until now.

Until Kane.

There was no way she wanted to walk out of this house looking like the woman he’d met three days earlier. Not when she felt so different inside. Raiding Catherine’s closet was the only solution. A few trips to her sister’s room and she’d made her decision. She pulled a pair of black cowboy boots over her jeans, then eased another of Cat’s V-necked tops, this one a buttercup cotton, over her head.

Glancing in the mirror, she ran some styling gel through her hair, when she caught site of Kane standing guard in the doorway.

“Ready for action. How do I look?” She turned toward him.

His scowl spoke for him. “This isn’t a date. What the hell do you think you’re doing, dressing like that?”

She recognized his roar. She’d gotten to him on some level that made him uncomfortable. Mission accomplished, she thought and smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment. So you like it?” She smoothed the oversize top down over her hips.

“Damn right I like it. You look great.” His smoky gaze lit on hers.

Her grin widened. “Thank you, Kane,” she said with a deliberate lilt to her voice.

The tension eased and he smiled back. “So the files were right. You are a quick learner.”

“I’m the best.”

“I know that,” he muttered. “Now take it off.”

“Excuse me?”

“You don’t want to arouse the guy, you want him in and out as fast as possible. You want to convince him you want out of the business, not that you’re looking to be hooked up with his next client.”

“Jeans and a cotton top, Kane. It’s standard dress for most women.”

“You’re not most women,” he muttered. “Now do this one thing for me. You don’t want that kind of reaction from the guy.”

“I didn’t think.” Not about anyone’s reaction to her outfit but Kane’s and she’d already gotten that.

“That’s the point. You’re taking this whole meeting too damn lightly.”

“If you’re talking about the clothes, I’ll change.”

Kayla wasn’t one to argue with reason, no matter how bossy the command sounded. Besides, this was her golden opportunity. Her one chance to have Kane see he could be emotionally involved without harmful or, worse, fatal repercussions. Everything rode on this meeting turning out as planned. She would follow his advice, but she would also show him that she could stand on her own.

“But if you’re talking about attitude, you ought to take a lesson. Will obsessing over it change the outcome? You prepped me and I’m ready. I’ll be wearing a wire and I know you’ll be as close as possible. I’ll be surrounded by protection.”

“And you don’t move from your seat. Either he wants the books or he doesn’t. You got that?”

“Considering you told me at least ten times, how could I forget? Relax, Kane. Take a lesson from me.” After her initial panic last night, she’d realized nothing would alter fate…whatever it held. Somehow, the knowledge eased her fear and helped her remain calm. “I can’t control the future,” she told him. “But I can enjoy now.