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Something crumbles in my hands. It seems to be winter: it rages, but cannot be heard, like a silent film. I don’t take it to heart. I will not learn to do so. I want so to accept it, but my heart, like that puppy, sits foolishly in the corner, in the puddle on the floor. It licks its belly or scratches its cheekbone.
Heart, where are you, what are you? Are you nowhere? I don’t know your beating, I don’t feel your heaviness. Lord, stern God, how did you not guess, That I stand here, smiling. Even that I simply stand. There is no feeling of time. Warm, mad, alive, I see nothing but happiness. Why do I need so much of it.
Cold, I know, it’s cold. I know this and cannot let even an atom of the black azure into me — the evening reeking of smoke — the city in dirty snow — the deadliness of this heart — the sound of this wind. I no longer know how to pardon or reprove. What should I ask God for? Nothing more than a smoke.

* * *

If, on the train, sitting opposite each other, we press our cheeks to the frozen glass, and
we try to join our lips, a butterfly will be left on the glass, and
on our cheeks the pattern of fingers of everyone who wanted to know where we’re going.

* * *

I know not what I do, I talk of love to you. Red blinking from each traffic light. Upon this foul and evil night Continents sink into the deep How am I supposed to sleep…
Each traffic light is flashing. I ignore an obstacle to the right, I ignore entire chapters. And this book has no end. In a daze, I drive into the ditch…
There is blinking red… scarlet… dark pink… fiery… Like a heart, the cars stop moving. A pale moon, like a sentry,
the scorched shadow of a willow… Let them know that I’m alive.
I know not what I do, I talk of love to you. You are my dear, my only one, You’ve been my wife a thousand years.


Robins in scarlet clothes. Mowers in white shirts. Pain in work-worn joints. Burning in maddened arms.
The mowers have taken off their clothes, their bodies are blue with cold. Sails have grown upon the masts of pines and aspens.
I drink the salty juice of fatigue, I feel no sickness, and no ease. Groggy, half-asleep I walk barefoot across the sunset.
If you are barefoot, go and dance, until your heels are burning. The mowers, naked to the waist, burn robins in the sunset.

* * *

Stenka Razin lazily watched the bustle of the bees bees swarmed around his head with burnt eyelashes and honey juice on his skin
the bees swarmed around his head mounted on a stake
so much like a flower like a flower on a stem

* * *

Boys to the right — to hell with them. Girls to the left — where the heart is.
The squadron roars to tear an aorta, the mother brings drink to the hall.
The roasted rooster pecked where childhood played, and beat its wings.
We cannot get away from the dead. Who’s last in line to heaven — I’m after you.
Sky full of drizzle, thoughts full of heresy, in a day or two the mass will be held here
Your eye-socket or jaw will be preserved by river slime, a nasty father, the last refuge.
With every beat of the rooster’s wings the unknown darkness is revealed.
Mother brings us something to drink, The pitcher beats, as in a fever, against the teeth.

* * *

woozy on tired horses in the scents of uneasy July sun damp cloth and sweat we enter the village the frightened peasants bring us food knowing already that their baron is now to be hanged (who yesterday cried: to the stables! — and today: wasn’t I like a father to you!) hanged by the rib hanged on the gates
and the uncomprehending peasants cross themselves and hide the girls in the haylofts not knowing that the freedom
given to them cannot be bought with hospitality and they do not guess that by evening the girls will come running in terror from the haylofts that we set alight and we will cool them with buckets of water from the well
and from the heat and the screaming our timid horses will shudder and the chief will dress us down tomorrow for our debauchery but the blaze will be seen from as far away as Astrakhan

* * *

Plunging their nails in blood, the entire dense army howls. Butchery until night or fighting since morning. The heavy mist, like a monster, looks greedily into our eyes. And the desert does not heed. What can it say anyway. Dazed friends draw off tremulous mead. From the beauties in the district only death takes it in the mouth. You cannot find a ram, or new gates. It’s too early to retreat. And no one wants to advance. We sit here. Scratch our ribs. Twist our mouths. Wait for an order. Golden trash! Guys! God remembers us! Here’s our angel in the sky. But he is squint-eyed. The sun shines so brightly… like a fool without pants. Will we make it or is it doubtful? Hey, toss a coin.