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From the cloudy blue a white scarf waves.
   …You know what’s her name       how we wandered barefoot         and swum naked           we were caught in the rapids…
I know it all, brother.

* * *

sometimes I think: perhaps everything happened otherwise and what is happening now is just tatters of post-traumatic delirium a spatter of ruptured memory idle running of suspended reason
maybe that spring lying with a machine gun in the frozen and revolting mud covered with cartridge shells maybe then — three hours later — when the shots died down and everyone wandered over to the column torn apart like a bag of Christmas presents I did not get up and remained lying, already freezing and twisted, they dragged me into the vehicle and to tear the gun out of my hands they braced their leg against my hard stomach but I didn’t care or maybe in that winter accident I did not look indifferently at the intricate patterns of the windscreen and remained sitting with the driver who had driven into my ribcage with stupidly open mouth and staring eyes
but most likely in the village where I was born and where I haven’t been for so long — if I can get in there unnoticed and end up there somehow as a spy hiding behind the trees by a yellow ridiculous building — in that village I will see a fair-haired boy with skinny arms looking at baby chicks who of course is not me and cannot be me

* * *

I’ll buy myself a portrait of Stalin three by three in the storeroom of a museum closed for repairs forever from the janitor, who remembers nothing. Doesn’t even remember Stalin.
I’ll buy a portrait of Stalin. — Pipe, coat, cunning squint. — A cheap whore will buy Rublyov. — Bow to the ground and weep. — All sluts can be bought with dope. — They will all stuff their cheeks with pity. — Baddies, your mama, turncoats. — I’ll gouge out your eyes, tyrants. — These are dying, these are frozen. — Are these the lands you inhabit.
Impenitent in the ruins. — Ancestor of my lost grandchildren. — From the fires of the holy Russian camp. — I’ll buy myself a portrait of Stalin. — Even a tyrant, even a devil. — I’ll exchange it for a cross and an amulet. — I’ll be a scum, you’ll dream of me. — Hello, motherland! We are your herd.
We are your cattle and your flock. — We will cook a dish for you. — From two thousand years of fearlessness. — Eat it, dog! paid for with blood! — Our granary is looted. — A grey roof slides sideways. — Our gates are unassailable. — They were torn like a mouth by a yawn. Your lover ogles-Gogols you. — My Dostoevsky homeland — the cornea of the deer’s eye. — Fierce dogs have torn your guts out.
Hey, icon-painting sluts! Raise your shamelessness, your crimson skirts. — Your eyes, tired as God. — Your foolish ginger heads. — Hey, My Rublyov poets, how much heresy there is in you. — My down-to-earth girls, my reckless boys.
Pavel Vasiliev Artyom Vesyoly Ivan Pribludny Boris Kornilov
Come to me, my friends. — We’ll eat black berries together. — I ask you for understanding. — I bring you a request for mercy from my heavenly district. — Your names are in my name. — Our motherland is our protectress. — Eyes up and keep the music quieter — the day of commemoration begins.
I’ll buy myself a portrait of Stalin…

* * *

the sound of a bell the scent of flowers you dancing a waltz alone on a hill your legs are so alluring I dreamt the most radiant dream in a rickety truck where I was lost among the corpses of people who were shot along with me


In the midnight heat at a café by the Jordan everything was mixed. The cocktail did not cool. Faces were touched with inspired heat: the explosive wave was as soft as sour cream. The head trembles. Where do we attack? The East is scattered. Borders are everywhere. Everything was mixed. And the machine gun is pitiful. The brain is squashed with terror, like a tomato. O, spine of mine, I cannot flee from you!
Above the ocean troubles have begun, their step rattles like a happy skeleton. Here midnight is beaten by exquisite rockets, their crimson gullet raised to the Almighty. But He does not grant a cry nor a sigh. The infantry tears ribcages in a roar, and lets hearts go free, enraged. And the funeral songs of the East. And the thin throats of rockets in the dawn.
Stay away from the flash of cigarettes: here snipers don’t believe in glowworms. Where’s that Semite who asked us a question? The answer’s ready, please come in after three glasses. Boy, give us a pomegranate. And a knife — to cut it into pieces, and a dish to gather the crimson juice. Allah Aqbar, O my little counterpart! Let us break this vulgar omnipotence.
Sunrise. The East is losing its boundaries. Ripping off the skin, it is sweet to discover the rye meat. Here the fat is layered. I stamp my foot: East, reveal your soul to me! Can it really be a pathetic gap? Inside Saddam the wind seeks its echo. Inside Adam it is muffled, like in the earth. But at Sodom a blunder appears in a hat with earflaps, and shows a tipsy face.
Be afraid then, haggard neurotic, the quiet heel will squash you. And there will be peace. And blossoming will come into the world. We will see crooked caterpillars in the flowers. The gloom of trousers will impassively arise, without distinguishing the guilty and the innocent. Meanwhile we are still a little tipsy. The East hangs like a curtain in Israeli cafes. We listen to a recording from Palestine.
Meat concert in the café by the Jordan…