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“You with Viper, Evie? Is it true?” His gaze traveled down her body, taking in her outfit, and he scowled. “That where you’re going tonight? You’re meeting the fucking president of the fucking Black Jacks?”

Evie closed the door, taking a minute to compose herself before she whirled around. “Not that it’s any of your damn business, but yes.”

“Jesus Christ.” He scrubbed his hand over his face. “All those bastards we saved you from in high school, and you’ve still going for the most dangerous fucking scum of the earth. Except Viper’s not just dangerous. He’s lethal. He’ll fucking chew you up and spit you out if he doesn’t kill you first.”

“Don’t patronize me, Jagger.” She folded her arms and leaned against the door, her cheeks heating in anger, only vaguely aware of Connie in the hallway behind her. “I’m a grown woman now and I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. I know who Viper is and he’s never been anything but kind to me.”

“Kind?” Jagger’s lips curled in disgust. “Kind is not in Viper’s vocabulary. Zane’s gonna go out of his fucking mind when he finds out that Black Jack bitch wasn’t lying.” He pulled out his phone but before he could type out his text, his eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open in a manner unbecoming an outlaw biker president. “Holy. Fucking. Shit.”

Evie didn’t need to turn around to know the reason for his outburst, and it was too late to undo what had been done. Damn. She wasn’t ready for this. The timing was off. She hadn’t prepared or even thought about what to say. And really, Zane should have been the first to know.

“Hell, Evie. Tell me he isn’t—”

“He is.” She held out her hand to her son. “Ty. This is mom’s friend, Jagger. And Jagger, this is Ty.”

“Jesus Christ.” Jagger ran a hand through his hair. “He looks just like him.”

“He swears,” Ty said with delight. “Just like a real biker.” He ran to the kitchen and returned with the glass jar Evie had designated as their swear jar to curb the bad language Ty was learning at school. “You owe four quarters. Or does Jesus Christ count as two swears?”


“I was just saying what he said.”

“Hey, Ty. How about we go find that board game so mom and her friend can talk.” Connie took the jar from Ty and led him down the hallway to the bedroom.

Jagger let out a long breath and then sat heavily on the couch, taking up the bulk of the space with the vast spread of his long legs. “Zane doesn’t know, does he?”

“He left Stanton before I even knew I was pregnant.” Evie sagged against the wall. “He told me he would come for me. And when I found out about the baby, I tried to find him. I didn’t believe he killed my dad like everyone said. I waited, kept trying to find him, but after a while I lost faith. He’s still wanted by the police, Jagger. There’s a warrant out for his arrest.”

Jagger leaned forward on the couch, dropping his hands between his legs. “I know about the warrant. He told me about it when he joined the club because he was worried it would come back on the MC. He had changed his last name, got fake ID, grew his hair. I didn’t give a damn. I know Zane and I didn’t need the details. Neither did the brothers. The club protects him now.”

Evie sighed and twisted a loose strand of hair around her finger. “No wonder I couldn’t find him. I tried everything, even got child services involved on the basis he wasn’t paying child support just because I thought they’d have more resources to track him down. Then my mom died and I was so alone. I had to sell the house to cover the debts. I was struggling, and I had to accept that Zane wasn’t coming back. Then I bumped into Mark.”

She didn’t tell him the rest—Mark’s insecurities and controlling behavior, the drinking, the affairs, the money problems, and the night she finally had enough—not just because she knew it would anger Jagger, but because she was embarrassed that she’d stayed so long.

Jagger shifted on the couch. “You have to tell him, Evie.”

Her mouth opened then closed again. Yes, she had to tell him, and if Ty got hurt, she would help him through it and they would move on. But now that she’d spent more time with Zane, she wondered if that was really a concern. He’d been outraged at the thought Mark hadn’t been there for his son …

“Evie.” Jagger’s deep voice echoed in the small space.

“Yes, of course. I just … I want it to be right. I’ve been worried Zane wouldn’t want to be involved and I don’t want Ty to get hurt.”

“You think he wouldn’t want to be involved? That’s his son.” Jagger stood and paced the room. “All these years he’s been talking about a woman who betrayed him, a woman who broke his heart—although he never said it in so many words. I never imagined it was you. I never even thought you and he … I thought we were all just friends.”

“We were. At least until that one night when Zane and I suddenly realized we were more.” She bit her lip, her forehead creasing in worry. “Do you think he’ll want to be a part of Ty’s life? I mean, you guys don’t really live a family-friendly lifestyle.”

“Do you really need to ask that question?” Jagger’s voice thickened. “Despite the shit he went through at home, he was always there for us. He even dragged me out of bed one night to rescue you from that heavy metal guitar player who lured you to his trailer … Derek. Zane called him Derek the Dick.”

Evie’s stomach tightened at the memory. Derek had been wild and exciting, irreverent and cool. All the girls in high school wanted the talented frontman and he picked her. She hadn’t even stopped to think what might happen in that trailer after the concert when Derek invited her to join him and the rest of the band. But, of course, Zane had known and he came to her rescue.

“Zane flew across the ocean using a fake passport to save me,” Jagger continued. “Even though he was wanted by the police. I was dying in a fucking hospital bed and he came to give me a kick in the ass so I would get on with my life. He’s had my back since the day we met. There is no man I trust more than Zane. No man more loyal. And once he finds out about Ty, nothing will tear him away.”

“I don’t know if I want Ty involved in your life, Jagger. It’s dangerous.”

Jagger pulled out his phone. “It’s too late to make that choice. He is involved because Zane is involved. You know my views, but I won’t push you. Do I tell Zane you’re safe and arrange to meet him at the clubhouse, or do I tell him to come here?”

“Mom?” Ty appeared in the hallway. “Can I play my game again?”

Evie smiled at Ty, the spitting image of his father, and let out a ragged breath. “Tell him to come. I’ll get Ty ready.”

*   *   *

Hope was his friend once more.

Zane pulled up in front of Evie’s house and nodded to Shooter and Tank, keeping watch as he’d instructed while their president was inside. He’d been at the far edge of town when he got Jagger’s message that Evie was safe at home.

He dismounted his bike, wondering what he was going to say. This wasn’t high school. He couldn’t grab Viper in the locker room and threaten to dismember him if he went near Evie again. He couldn’t stop Evie from seeing him if that’s what she wanted to do. Hell, he didn’t really know her any more. He didn’t know if she still preferred running outdoors to spending time in the gym. He had no idea if she still liked her pizza with anchovies and olives, or if she liked pizza at all. What did she do when she wasn’t at work? How did she look after her boy alone? How often did Mark show up to see him? Why the hell had she married Mark, and what the fuck was she doing with Viper?

The door opened before he could knock, and Jagger blocked his way. “Brother…” He hesitated, his face a curious mix of sympathy and pain. “I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’ll be right outside. You need me, I’m here. You need to ride, we’ll ride.” He gestured behind him and Connie slipped past, giving Zane a wan smile.