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"Shit, honey, you dress up like that and then call me randy," Peggy said with a little laugh, then, moving behind Wanda, she flipped the hem of her skirt high to show Trent how his sister's black panties covered very little of a very beautiful behind.

The boy caught a quick glimpse of perfectly rounded white buttocks and a shadowy valley between, then the skirt fell into place. The game was on according to plan.

"That did it, Peggy," Wanda said in pretended anger.

"That did what?" Peggy asked.

"It earned you a spanking, that's what."

"Oh no, Wanda. I'm sorry," Peggy said, almost sobbing. "I'll be good."

"It's too late for tears, Peggy. I'm taking you to the bedroom. I'm going to take your panties right down, you are going to lie over my lap with your bare bum turned up and my hand will spank you until you're howling for mercy. Is that clear?"

"Please, Wanda. I'm sorry. Won't you give me one more chance?" she asked and rubbed her bottom through her faded denim jeans.

"You know better than that, Peggy. When I say I'm going to spank you, I spank your ass and that's that."

"But Wanda, Trent will hear. He'll hear your hand smacking my bare bum and he'll hear me crying. Make him go out until it's over."

"This is his house, Peggy. He may stay in if he wants. Maybe he'll like the sound of a woman getting her bare ass spanked."

"Oh no, Wanda. My God, I'll die. I'll know that he's listening and that he will probably have a hard-on thinking of my getting my bare ass smacked with my panties down to my knees."

"I suppose he will, but you should have thought of that earlier. Go to your room and wait for me. Take your blouse off but leave everything on until I get there."

"Yes Wanda," the beautiful young woman said meekly and then she was rubbing her bottom as she walked slowly out of the room.

"Are you really going to give her a spanking on the bare bum?" Trent asked his sister.

"Of course. Since we room together at college, we have to have rules. When I break any of them, she spanks my ass."

"Do you spank hard?" Trent asked.

"Hard enough to make the bum cheeks red all over. When she's getting her ass warmed, you'll hear her howling plenty, but don't let her scare you. A good spanking never hurt anybody."

"Doesn't it hurt to get spanked right on the bare bum?"

"It stings and it brings tears that are very real, but I wouldn't say it hurts. While you're being spanked it's like your bum cheeks are on fire and you cry: but as soon as it stops, there's a hot tingling sensation that's really yummy."

"You mean you like to get spanked?"

"Uh huh. Sometimes I breaks rules deliberately so she will spank me. She does the same. That's what she was up to when she was grabbing at my cunt and showing you my ass."

"Wow! I sure got a lot to learn," Trent said, almost sadly.

"Well you can start now. If you want to, you can be close to the bedroom door. You'll hear everything. I want one promise for you."

"What is it, Wanda? I'll promise anything."

"I want your promise that no matter how randy you get, how hard your cock is, that you won't go off. Promise?"

"Yes, Wanda. I promise," he told his sister, blushing.

Her hand went to the front of his pants and she felt a very hard tool throbbing there. "I want to feel this cock hard and dry when I've finished spanking Peggy's bare ass. If it is, you'll get a reward that will really blow your mind."

"And if I don't, are you going to spank me?"

"Nothing as pleasant as that, brother dear. If you let your cock go off, we'll strip you naked, tie you down on the bed and I'll give you a hard strapping. I can tell you, you wouldn't like that. When I use a strap or a switch on a bare ass, I'm really mean."

"I promise, Wanda. Gee, I wish I could see you giving her a spanking."

"Perhaps another time, dear. Here," she added and the boy gasped as she casually removed her blouse to display an excitingly beautiful pair of white breasts that were snugged into the low cut bra, "hang this over the back of a chair."

While her little brother blinked, Wanda turned and walked from the room. She smiled as she thought there was a distinct possibility that threat or no threat, he would go off in his pants. If it did happen, she told herself, it would only delay his seduction a little and in the meantime, Peggy's educated tongue would serve all her needs.

"All right, Peggy," Wanda said loudly as she closed the bedroom door behind her, and her brother moved close to it, "I'm ready to warm your beautiful bum."

"Oh Wanda, please don't spank my bum. Please give me one more chance."

"Don't be silly. Take your jeans down to your knees."

"Yes, Wanda. Look, I'm taking my jeans down. There, they're right down to my knees."

"That's nice. You look very pretty in your little red panties. Your bum cheeks are going to be the same color as your panties when I'm finished spanking them."

"Oh Wanda, why are you taking your skirt off?" the boy heard Peggy ask.

"Because when I'm spanking your ass, I love to feel you squirming on my thighs. I really enjoy spanking your pretty bum and making you cry."

"Oh Wanda. You're so beautiful, so sexy. I could fall to my knees, take your panties off and suck your cunt."

"I may let you suck my cunt later, Peggy, but first I'm going to give you the spanking you deserve. Take your bra off and let your tits hang out."

"Oh Wanda," the woman sobbed, "not that. You don't have to have my tits bare to spank my bum, do you?"

"I don't have to, but I'd like to. I'll see our reflection in the mirror while I'm spanking your ass. I want to see your beautiful big tits all bare and swaying while you cry and squirm across my thighs. Come on, let those tits out at once," she snapped and the boy trembled as he doubted that he would be able to avoid going off in his pants.

"That's better, Peggy. Come closer to me. I'm going to play with your tits before I spank your ass. My, what lovely tits, you have, Peggy. It's a shame Trent can't see what I'm doing. Mmm, they feel so nice. Hold still, Peggy, I'm going to give each of your tits a little sucking. Mmmmmm…"

"Oh Wanda," Peggy said loudly as she stood close to the door, "you shouldn't suck my tits like that. It makes me so embarrassed to think that Trent may be listening. He'll know you're sucking my tits and that my nipples are getting long and hard. Oh Wanda, no… no… not my other tit. Don't suck my right tit too. Oh Wanda… oh… oh… ooohhhhhh…"

Outside the door, the boy was almost doubled over as he fought to resist ejaculation. His right hand kept moving to the front of his pants in desire to grab at his penis, but he resisted the urge, sure that just one touch would be enough to cause him to starch his underwear and pants.

"There, I'd say your tits have been well sucked Peggy," Wanda said, winking at her lesbian lover. "Now I'm ready to take your panties down and spank your bare bum good and hard."

"Oh Wanda, please, take it easy. My poor bum is so tender. You're going to make it all hot and red, aren't you?"

"That's right, Peggy. I love spanking your beautiful bum. My hand will spank hot roses all over your pretty cheeks. Hold still. Turn your back. Ready now. Down go your pretty little panties. Keep still while I peel these panties down and see you ass. There, your ass is nice and bare. My, how white these cheeks are, but they'll soon be very red, won't they?"

"Yes. Oh Wanda, please let me off without a spanking."

"Don't be silly, Peggy. Come now, lie down across my thighs and show me how nicely you can turn up your lovely white ass for a spanking."

With much sobbing and pleading, Peggy draped her body over her lover's lap and wriggled as she positioned herself. Taking her time, Wanda played with the firm, white cheeks as she scolded Peggy, then she began spanking.

Through the door, the boy heard the sounds of scolding, spanking and crying. His breathing was rough, almost painful and the state of his throbbing penis was no more comfortable. He tried to picture the sight while resisting the compelling urge to take his penis out and jerk off all over the door.