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When he got up from Peggy's lap, his penis was very stiff and twitched excitedly as he rubbed his hot behind while the woman congratulated him on how well he had taken his first sound spanking.

"It was great," he said, between sniffles. "Now I know why you two enjoy spanking so much. My bum feels so hot and tingly, so good."

"I get the impression that your cock feels pretty good too," his sister teased and gave it a squeeze, then she was ordered to present herself to Peggy for her spanking. Just a minute later, she was howling and kicking her legs as she lay naked on Peggy's lovely thighs while her buttocks hotly changed from white to pink to bright red.

As she spanked, Peggy's beautiful breasts bobbed wildly, adding to the boy's delight, then he moved around, viewing the spanking from different vantage points, including one in which he crouched between Peggy's feet, staring at the pink slash in her crotch while she spanked his crying, squirming sister.

After the spanking, Peggy would have been delighted to have her brother mount her for another taste of intercourse, but Peggy protested.

"I want plenty of cunt lapping tonight," she explained, "and I don't want to eat a cunt that's full of cock juice."

By way of compromise, the women allowed Trent to suck them both to climax, provide a dessert course of nice anal reaming, then his sister went down on him and, taking hard penis into her mouth, she sucked him until he drained his charge in her mouth, she sucked him until he drained his charge in her mouth and was too weak to protest, even had he felt like doing so and he didn't.

Through the rest of the vacation period, Trent gained not just a degree in sexuality, but qualified for a doctorate as his sister and her friend. And then it was as though his life had ended.

Wanda and Peggy went back to college when his parents returned from their extended vacation and, after months of orgy, he had nothing. Trent thought he would lose his mind and he even contemplated suicide.

And then came a flash of hope. He was passing the kitchen door one evening when something his mother said to her husband caused him to stop and listen.

"No wonder the kid left home as soon as she reached age," Trent's mother said. "That woman didn't just spank her as a matter of discipline, she was getting sex kicks out of giving her spankings and strappings."

"Oh come on, dear," Trent's father said. "Are you sure you're not exaggerating?"

"I'm very sure. I've seen her eyes when she described those spankings and strappings in intimate detail. I tell you, dear, she was almost climaxing as she talked about it."

Trent's body was suddenly covered with sweat. He knew the woman they were talking about and his mind told him that if she was that crazy about spanking and had lost her victim, then she must be as desperate as he.

The thought stayed with him and grew in intensity so that he found it hard to get to sleep that night. Next afternoon, he hurried to the woman's house after skipping two classes.

"Please, Miz Carson," he stammered, blushing as the big woman opened the door, "can I talk to you. It's important."

"What on earth, Trent? Of course. Come on in."

Trent had difficulty beginning the conversation as he looked at the woman, saw the strong arms, the bulge of big, mature breasts and the outline of thighs that would be big and beautiful to lie across for spankings, thighs between which he hungered to bury his face and suck his thanks.

Gradually, he found courage, then he was blurting the words.

"…please… I'm going crazy… I need spankings… make me cry… make my bum all red and hot… do anything for you… suck your cunt… your asshole… anything… please…"

At first there was shock on her face, but that passed and Trent's heart gave a leap as he saw the smile, the hot excitement in her eyes.

"Where did you develop this taste, dear?" the woman asked, her tone confidential and exciting.

"I can't say. It was two woman. They taught me but they're gone away now. I'm going crazy," he told her and his hands went to the seat of his pants to rub his sadly neglected behind.

"Two women, was it?" she asked with a strange smile. "Your sister and her beautiful friend spent the summer at your house. They didn't go out much."

As she looked at the boy, he blushed furiously, aware that she knew, feeling guilty at having spilled what was to have been a secret.

"My my, Trent. You really are a naughty boy, aren't you. How old are you?"


"Eighteen, and you've been doing sexy things with two women, have you? You've been sucking cunts? You've also no doubt been sucking tits and, judging from what you've said, you've been sucking and licking assholes. Is that true?"

"Y… yes… oh please… please… You're so big and strong."

Without replying, the woman went to the door and locked it. As she returned to the boy, he saw her dazzling smile, then she turned it off and replaced it with a stern expression as she went to an antique desk, opened a drawer and took out a wide leather strap and tapped it against her right leg.

"I can see that you are a very naughty boy, Trent," the woman told him as he trembled. "It's obvious that you need to be taken in hand. You require sound discipline. Are you going to submit to the discipline you deserve?"

"Oh yes," he gasped as he looked at the strap and almost felt it curling around his naked behind.

"Prove it, Trent. Strip naked this instant."

His fingers trembled as they worked on his clothes, and then he was standing naked before the woman as she looked at the stiff, twitching penis that said so much more than words could.

"Punishing a boy is very warm work Trent," she said as she turned her back to him. "Open the top of my dress."

The trembling boy was barely able to do so, then he let a cry of lust escape him as she removed the dress and showed that she was wearing a black corselets which hugged her big figure so excitingly, showing how it stretched to contain big breasts and buttocks. Below the garment, a garter belt held the sheer, dark brown nylons in an erotic caress of big thighs. Just below the edge of the corselets, he saw that panties, and black nylons, snugged in a crotch that promised to be hot and moist, a place where, as his buttocks blazed, he would drink greedily.

"Follow me to my bedroom, Trent," she commanded. "Your training is about to begin."

He didn't follow too closely, wanting to enjoy the view of the excitingly big, strong looking woman in the exciting, clinging garment. Those thighs would be so smooth and warm, her behind looked so wide, so much to be kissed and licked. Was there any hope in the world, he wondered, that one day, that big behind would be turned up naked over his lap with color spreading as he spanked it?

In her bedroom, the woman put the strap down and sat on an armless chair. Her knees wide apart, she allowed him to watch as she rubbed a hand hotly over the crotch of her panties, then she issued a command and the boy sobbed as he went to her and lay across the beautiful big thighs which were not as firm as the thighs he had known, but felt so smooth and just nicely soft. As he wriggled into position, his stiff penis twitched against silken skin and the woman played with a pair of white buttocks as she scolded her naughty boy.

She spanked hard and Trent cried loudly as he kicked his legs and squirmed, but always there was that twitching, stiff penis to tell her how much he was enjoying the punishment as her big hand kept rising and falling, slapping from cheek to cheek, increasing the volume of his crying and the hardness of his penis.