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As though her dog had heard and understood, Knute rose again, partially mounted the bitch and the skin peeled back over his testicles as he looked for an opening in which to bury his big bone.

It was obvious to Linda, as it was to Knute, that the bitch wanted what he had to offer and as she watched her dog shift the position of his feet to get into serious action, her finger began to move fast in her vagina which had become hot, juicy and receptive to the digital invasion.

"Get it in, Knute," Linda panted. "Ram that beautiful big prick up her cunt. She's horny for it. Ram it to her. Fuck her," she spat the words as her finger worked hotly in her slit.

"Oh Jesus," she gasped aloud as she watched her dog go onto the bitch, driving half the length of his penis home in the first stroke, then he kept pushing over the Collie as he rammed more and more penis into her until it was burled.

Linda didn't have to watch what her finger was doing, it knew the way, so she was free to watch her dog humping the bitch and to see the boy furiously pulling at his hard little penis.

It was all new to Linda. Never before had she watched a serious mating of dogs, nor had she ever seen a male masturbating. Of the two, she didn't know which excited her more, so she went on watching both.

Despite the poor light, she could see her dog's rod glistening with juice as it pistoned in the bitch at such a furious rate that it was almost a blur.

"Oh Christ what must it feel like to have a big, stiff prick going that fast in your cunt?" Linda asked as she drove her finger at almost the same pace. "Christ, what a glorious fuck that would be."

She saw the boy take his hand off his penis and wondered why he had stopped while he was still hard, then she guessed that he wanted to stave off ejaculation until the animals had finished their act and the game was over. Since she didn't have that problem, she went on fingering until her body was jerking in strong orgasm and she was panting loudly.

In the course of the climax, her shorts and panties had fallen around her feet, so she stepped out of them and, nude from the waist down, went on watching the show.

It proved to be a perfect mating, both animals happy with the course of events and then her dog dismounted the bitch, the swivel of his penis permitted him to stay buried in the animal as the two stood almost back to back.

Linda had read enough of animal mating to know that her dog would stay inside the bitch for a long time and that his semen would keep shooting into her to ensure that she became impregnated.

"I wonder how it would feel to get that kind of a fast fucking with such a big cock, then feel the lovely thing still inside and shooting juice?" she asked herself, then decided it was time for some more fingering so she went at it.

Looking out at the erotic scene, she noticed a strange expression pass over the boy's face, then she looked down to see the reason for it. He was holding his stiff penis and his semen was spurting in a high arc and splattering on the right hip and side of her dog.

She smiled, then the smile was replaced by an expression of almost agony as the second orgasm tore through her. After it passed, Linda looked out again and saw that Knute had withdrawn his tool and was lying beside the contented looking bitch, licking up the boy's semen as though he found it very tasty.

"What a way to end a good fuck," she told herself. The boy had put his spent penis back in his pants, the animals were finished, so Linda picked up her shorts and panties and carried them with her as she went to the kitchen to pour herself a drink. It had been quite a session and she was tired, her body wet with sweat, but she was content. Or so she thought.

Thoughts kept flashing through her mind as she sat with her bare behind on the edge of the kitchen counter, sipping the drink. Almost without exception, they were thoughts of her big dog, of his magnificent penis, of the speed with with it had pistoned in the slit of the bitch.

And then the thoughts turned in a direction that she tried to resist but couldn't.

Linda had read erotic stories in which women had mated with animals. In a magazine she had found behind her former husband's desk, she had seen photographs of naked women down on all fours, big dogs mounted on their arched behinds, hard dog penis thrust into soft woman vagina.

At the time the pictures had shocked and revolted her, but there was no horror or revulsion then as she though of the pictures and the reality of her beautiful big dog, and his larger than life penis.

The thought stayed with her and became stronger and more compelling. It was as though her mind and her body were in a state of war. Her body told her to try it, to bring the Dane into her bedroom, strip, allow him to sniff in her crotch for the scent, then get down on all fours and hope for the best.

But her mind resisted. "Christ Linda, so you're horny," said her mind, "but you're still a human being. You're not a bloody animal."

She finished that drink, poured a second, then decided that a warm bath may help her relax and get thoughts of sex with an animal out of her mind. As she soaked in the tub, she thought again of the boy. She thought of how sexually aroused he must have been to have engineered such an act. Gradually, the thought process changed as she wondered how delighted the boy would be to be in a bedroom with a beautiful woman rather than jerking off in the bushes while watching dogs mating.

And Linda was nothing if not a beautiful woman. She was just thirty-three years old and her figure was still such that men turned for second looks. Her face was beautiful too, especially when she was able to hide the bitterness of rejection divorce and sexual frustration. How thrilling it would be to share all of this with an eager, innocent young boy of eighteen, one who had probably never seen the body of a woman, who had never seen or touched breasts and thighs and buttocks, who had never seen what a woman looks like between her thighs.

The thought persisted, growing in strength until Linda found herself kneeling up in the tub, her finger again hard at work in her vagina. When she climaxed, her shiny wet breasts bobbed wildly and her behind, glistening, jerked out of control.

Over the next twenty-four hours, Linda did a lot of thinking, most of her thoughts frightening. With her two daughters in residential school from Monday to Friday, she had more than enough time to think. Gradually, she narrowed temptation down to two alternatives. On the one hand, she could bring the dog into her bedroom and experiment with bestiality. On the other, she could lure the boy into her house and, without any difficulty at all, Linda felt certain, seduce him.

Both alternatives were morally wrong, she reminded herself, but she wasn't able to reject them on that basis. Eventually, she broke down and chose one. She felt something of a sense of relief as she told herself that she was going to bring the boy to her house and relieve him of his innocence while savoring the feel of a hard, young, human penis in her vagina.

Pretending to ignore the boy, Linda began trimming the shrubs. When she reached high, she knew that the hem of her short dress rose to display her tanned, smooth thighs to the boy. Using peripheral vision, she confirmed that he was looking and liking.

And then she began trimming lower branches, her back to him. "I wonder if he has seen my panties and ass cheeks yet?" she asked herself, then reached for a lower branch and made sure that he did. She was aware that her panties covered only a portion of her behind and that there were thrilling contrasts of tanned thighs, white buttocks and black panties.

No normal male could fail to be excited by that, Linda thought, and especially not a boy that was probably still a virgin, being so hungry for sex that he had to jerk off while watching dogs mating.

"Oh hell," Linda said under her breath, "if I keep on at this, I'm going to get all sweaty. If the little bugger isn't randy enough to be seduced by now, he never will be."