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Kathy Harris

Sister does dogs


Gail Barkley spread her legs wider, fondling her naked pussy with increasing urgency. She could feel more and more juice seeping from the walls of her aroused cunt, and she moaned softly as she continued to make love to herself with her hand.

"Oh, wow, Scotty, I'm really horny today!" the young teenager said with a little giggle, glancing at the Irish terrier that sat next to her on the living room floor.

Gail's face suddenly sobered and she moaned again as an icy-hot wave of tingling fuck-lust swept through her. Her cheeks flushed and sweat began to ooze out from her pores. She could feel both of her dollar-sized nipples hardening, and again the youngster moaned.

Scotty responded to his mistress' throaty moan with a deep bestial growl. His ears pricked up and his furry body began to tremble. His cock was growing hard and as he breathed in the fragrant aroma of the girl's aroused pussy, his cock grew harder still. He hunched down and rubbed his stiffening dog-prick against the rough fabric of the carpet in a desperate attempt to vent the animalistic desire that pounded through him.

"Don't worry, Scotty, you don't have to get yourself off like that," Gail said, giggling again as she gazed at her dog. "As soon as I make myself come, I'll take good care of you, I promise."

While Scotty whimpered beside her, the teenaged girl closed her eyes and gave every bit of her concentration to giving herself as much erotic pleasure as possible.

As Gail squeezed her cunt, her fingers grew wetter. More and more juice was oozing from her pussy. The warm sauce trickled out from between the girl's swollen cuntlips and began to run down her thighs.

Gail stroked her hard clit with one finger while she fucked her middle finger straight up into her tight little pussy hole.

"God, that's good!" she cried, writhing and rocking from side to side on the floor.

Scotty whined and moved between his mistress' legs, his cock hard and throbbing.

Gail continued to stroke her clit with one finger while she fucked her stiffened middle finger in and out of her cunt hole. She worked her cunt muscles on that finger, squeezing it as if it were a cock. All the while that Gail finger-fucked herself, she fantasized that her dog's cock was deep inside her pussy, as it had been so many times before, and as it would be again in a matter of minutes.

Scotty whimpered and lowered his head, breathing in the heady scent of the girl's sopping wet cunt. He let his long, pink tongue loll out of his mouth and dog-drool dripped down onto the girl's cunt mound.

Gail felt the warm saliva wetting the fur that covered her pussy, and she opened her eyes, gazing upwards at her dog.

"Oh, Scotty, you're as turned on as I am, aren't you?" she murmured, seeing the lust-glazed expression in the animal's eyes.

Scotty barked and Gail grinned excitedly. She took her fingers out of her cunt and raised them to her mouth. While her pet watched her, Gail slowly licked the pussy juices off of her fingers.

"Mmm, good. Bet you'd like a taste of this stuff, wouldn't you?" she asked the dog, her voice thick with lust.

Scotty barked again, and Gail laughed.

"Right. Why should I have to play with my pussy when I've got you and your nice big tongue to make me come? Okay, boy, you know what to do… go for it… lick my pussy… make me come!" Gail cried. She reached down between her legs with both hands and gripped the edges of her puffy cuntlips. She hauled her pussylips far apart, fully exposing the pink cuntmeat inside, which glistened with juice.

Scotty didn't hesitate a single second. He lowered his head more and swiped his rough tongue across the exposed cuntmeat. "Oh, God!" Gail cried, shivering all over. As many times as her dog had licked her pussy to orgasm, that first swipe of his tongue never failed to surprise her by just how good it felt.

Again, Scotty licked his mistress' inner pussy flesh. And again, Gail shook and trembled. The young girl released her hold on her pussylips, since the animal's snout was keeping them spread far apart.

Now that Gail's hands were free, she was able to play with her tits while her dog licked her. She clutched both of her tits and rotated them around and around. She caught her big nipples between her thumbs and forefingers and pinched them lightly.

"Yeah, good," she groaned.

She pinched her nips harder this time, feeling them pulsating violently between her fingers.

"Great!" she gurgled.

Scotty growled and began to lick his mistress' fully exposed cunt faster and faster. His tongue became a blur in a matter of seconds as he ate Gail's pussy toward orgasm.

"God, Scotty! You're the greatest!" the youngster cried, throwing her head back and moaning loudly.

She felt as if she would literally explode with erotic pleasure as her aroused dog continued to eat her out. More and more juice flowed from her puckering pussy hole. As Scotty licked her pussy faster and harder, Gail could feel every inch of her cunt flesh burning hotly beneath his forbidden caresses.

"My clit! Lick my clit, you Goddamn horny dog!" the teenager shrieked at the top of her lungs. She shifted and rolled her asscheeks against her carpet to get just the right angle. "Yes! God, yes, that's it!"

His entire body shuddered with excitement. He lapped the rough surface of his large, pink tongue over the throbbing head of Gail's clit, whimpering with doggy fuck-lust.

"Jeeesus, I'm gonna come, Scotty!" Gail cried, her eyes rolling back in her head.

She felt a huge explosion suddenly ripping through her and she screamed out again. As she came, she reached down and gripped both sides of Scotty's furry head, holding him in place. His tongue continued to lick at her clit and the dog growled with pleasure as he felt his mistress' pussy orgasming against his tongue.

"Coming! Jesus, yes, I'll say I'm coming!" Gail shouted, clutching the sides of her dog's head so tightly that he gave out a savage-sounding growl.

Gail panted, releasing her hold on her pet's head. She then reached for her tits again, pinching the stiff nips so hard that they throbbed with pain.

"I love it!" she cried, enjoying the pain every bit as much as the pleasure.

And still she came. Tremors of orgasmic delight shot through her entire body as her climax swept over her.

"God, it's soooo good!" Gail screeched, clawing at her aching tits.

Scotty's cock grew harder still as he licked his mistress through her orgasm. He repeatedly stabbed at her shuddering clit with the flat of his tongue. His saliva drooled onto her cunt, wetting it down completely.

"Yieeeee!" Gail cried, and then she began to sob brokenly as her orgasm peaked. Even as the last of her powerful climax quaked through her, Gail licked her lips with anticipation of the dog-fuck she knew her little pussy was about to enjoy.

But before the young girl could steady her breathing and get into position for her pet to fuck her from behind, she heard her big brother's voice booming across the room.

"You slut!" Biff Barkley thundered, moving toward his little sister.

"Biff!" Gail gasped in surprise. She looked up and saw the unmistakable lust in her brother's eyes, and she trembled in fear and excitement. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough, whore!" Biff snorted. He reached his sister's side and stared down at the youngster's naked body. Her tits were still slightly heaving from her mighty orgasm and the teenaged boy felt his cock going hard within the confines of his pants. "Long enough to see you lying there with your legs spread open! Long enough to see this fucking dog's tongue in your cunt! Long enough to watch him make you come!"

"I-I didn't know I had an audience," Gail said, smiling weakly.

"Obviously," Biff said dryly. The naked girl could see a growing hard-on bulging out from her brother's crotch and she felt a stab of hot desire. But she also heard the anger in Biff's voice, and she was afraid.