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"What-what are you g-going to do, Biff?" she asked, finally giving voice to her fears.

"You'll find out soon enough," Biff sneered.

Scotty looked up at the boy and whimpered, and Biff gave the dog a hard push with his left foot. Scotty whimpered again and ran across the room to keep out of Biff's way. But the Irish terrier's eyes remained fixed on his mistress. He stared at her still-drooling pussy, and his dog-cock twitched excitedly.

"Don't hurt my dog!" Gail protested angrily.

"Aw, he's okay," Biff said, reaching down and grabbing his little sister by the arm. He yanked her roughly to her feet. "I think you care more about that fucking dog than you do me!"

"Well, what if I do?" Gail said.

She knew that she was making her brother even angrier, but she couldn't seem to help herself. In fact, she felt a perverse sort of pleasure in arousing his anger. She still felt a little afraid of him but she felt mostly excited. And she could hardly wait to see what he had in mind for her. All this time, Gail knew that Scotty was watching her intently. She glanced over in the dog's direction and saw his stiffening cock between his furry legs. Gail shuddered in her brother's grasp, feeling more pussy juice seeping into her horny cunt.

"You bitch!" Biff snarled, shoving his sister toward the big round wooden table in the center of the room. "You got off so much on letting your fucking dog lick your pussy! It would serve you right if I made that mongrel fuck you!"

"Oh, God!" Gail cried, feeling a red-hot bestial desire sweep over her.

Her brother had interrupted her and Scotty just when Gail had been about to let the animal fuck her. Her little pussy still needed a good hard fuck… by a dog-cock. And the idea of her own brother making it happen just aroused the youngster more.

But Biff misunderstood his sister's excited cry. He thought he was frightening her beyond all reason, not realizing that Gail and Scotty had been fucking for quite some time now. The boy laughed cruelly and tightened his grip on Gail's bruised arm.

"Never thought of that, did you?" he sneered. "Never thought of such a thing, did you? Well, I've got news for you, bitch! A lot of little girls get off on fucking dogs!"

Gail hid a smile, forcing herself to remain quiet. She gave another little cry as her brother pushed her across the heavy circular table. Gail found herself stretched across it, face down, quivering nakedly. She raised her head and saw Scotty across the room. The dog was still watching her intently, and she could see that his cock was growing harder by the second. She longed to rush across the room and beg her pet to fuck her right then and there. But she knew that Biff had no intention of letting her go just yet. And Gail sensed that if her brother knew just how horny she was for her dog's cock, he would not let her and Scotty fuck. He was that cruel.

The young girl was positioned across the wooden table, her tits pressed flat beneath her.

"Jesus, you sure look sexy like that," Biff muttered, releasing his hold on her. He reached down with one hand and rubbed his aching hard-on through his jeans, moaning a little.

"What are you going to do to me?" Gail asked in what she hoped was a tremulous voice.

"You'll see!" Biff shouted. "Get up on your knees now!"

Gail quickly obeyed her brother, rising up on her knees. But as she began to raise the upper half of her body, Biff stopped her by pushing the flat of one meaty hand hard against her back, holding her in place.

"No! Keep down from your waist up. Just keep those knees raised. I don't want you making one move unless I tell you to. You got that, bitch?"

"Y-yes, Biff, I've got it," Gail said in a deliberately submissive tone of voice.

The young girl was now raised up on her knees, the upper part of her body still pressed flat against the surface of the tabletop. Gail could feel her tits aching in protest at being pushed so hard against the table. But the ache just mingled with her desire, and she had to fight her impulse to beg Biff to let Scotty fuck her now.

"Good girl," Biff murmured approvingly.

He stared down at his little sister's ass which was jutting upward. Her thighs were spread, exposing her cunt fur and pussylips. The boy reached down again to stroke his bursting hard-on, giving a little groan.

"I-I'm scared, Biff," Gail lied.

"Good! I want you to be!" Biff laughed.

The boy moved around to the other side of the table to face his sister. He grabbed a fistful of her long blonde hair and twisted it, pulling it until tears of pain filled her eyes.

"Owwwww!" Gail cried.

Across the room, Scotty barked fiercely.

"It's okay, Scotty… I'm okay," Gail told her dog.

Biff jerked on her hair again.

"Stop talking to that stupid dog!" he growled, pulling his sister's head upward so he could slap her face a few times.

"Oh, God," Gail whimpered. But, as before, the pain only seemed to increase her excitement.

Her cheeks were red and stinging where her brother had struck her. Biff held Gail's head up with one hand wrapped in her hair. He used his other hand to open his jeans and push them down. He wore no underwear, and Gail gasped as she saw his thickly haired crotch and his huge cock.

The boy lurched forward, pressing his hard cock against his sister's face.

"Lick my balls!" he demanded huskily.

Gail eagerly stuck her tongue out and licked all over her brother's balls.

"Now lick my cock!"

The young girl obediently licked as much of Biff's prick as she could reach. She lapped up a little drop of pre-cum and thirstily swallowed it down.

"Open your fucking mouth wider!" Biff yelled.

As Gail opened her mouth more, Biff shoved his cock inside.

She held her brother's prick inside her mouth, rubbing the underside of it with her wet tongue. She could feel the boy's cock growing harder and thicker on her tongue. His prick shuddered and spasmed. It stiffened and grew, and nearly doubled its length and thickness in her mouth. As his cock grew, its head slid down into her throat.

Gail began to choke on her brother's cock. She could hear her dog whimpering excitedly across the room and she sensed that Scotty somehow understood. He understood that what was happening between Gail and Biff now was only making Gail all the hotter and more ready than ever to fuck with the terrier.

As Gail gagged on the head of her brother's prick, she could feel it growing even harder. Her discomfort was arousing Biff all the more.

"Suck it good, bitch! Just pretend it's your dog's cock and suck it real good!" Biff said with a laugh which abruptly turned into a groan of lust-filled pleasure.

He wound his fingers in Gail's hair, holding her head up. Her moans rippled through his cockmeat, adding to his excitement. His jeans were down and he was naked from his waist to his knees.

"Gonna fuck your face now," he panted, beginning to fuck the full length of his cock in and out of her mouth with hard, deep strokes.

Gail gurgled around his meaty prick, trying not to let her brother guess just how turned on she was. She sucked him harder and harder, anxious to make him come. She longed to taste his cum, but more than that, she needed to fuck her dog. And she hoped that after she made Biff come, he would "force" her to do just that.

"Commmiinnnggg!" Biff cried suddenly. He shoved his prick deep inside his sister's mouth and down her throat, holding it there while he came.

Gail was amazed but excited by the heavy rush of cum which filled her mouth and slid down her throat. She sucked the thick jism down as fast as she could to keep from choking on the stuff. She loved the taste of it, although she knew that she preferred the tangy-yet-sweet taste of Scotty's dog-cum. She could feel her brother's jizz coating her throat as it slowly trickled downward into her belly.