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"Take it all, cunt! Take every fucking drop!" Biff ordered, feeling his orgasming cock twitching inside his sister's mouth and down her throat.

His words were unnecessary. There was no way in the world that Gail would ever waste one drop of anything as precious and delicious as cum.

Biff grunted. He clenched his asscheeks making his swollen balls squeeze out the last few drops of cum from his prick. Gail gave a little sigh as she felt her brother's prick softening inside her mouth.

Biff pulled his prick out of her mouth and looked down at her with a triumphant gleam in his eyes. The boy still did not realize that his little sister was fully enjoying his savage treatment of her.

Gail stared at Biff's prick and balls. They were red, sticky with cum and her saliva. She felt her little pussy quivering as her big brother wiped his cock clean on her long hair.

"You're gross," she muttered, feeling that she should at least offer a bit of protest at this point. But her pussy quivered again and she knew that she loved what was happening.

Her only complaint was that Biff was making her and Scotty wait too long to fuck each other. She wondered if the dog would tire of waiting and run off. But she glanced over at the animal and smiled, seeing that there was no chance of that. Scotty was scooting his hindquarters back and forth across the rough surface of the carpet. He was whimpering softly each time he felt his hard dog-cock rubbing in friction against the rug. His eyes burned into Gail's and she knew that, just like herself, her pet would never be satisfied until they fucked.

"I don't think you've quite learned your lesson yet," Biff said.

He pulled his jeans up and zipped them. He pulled his leather belt out of the loops of his pants.

Gail whimpered. "God, Biff, haven't you already done enough to me?"

"Obviously not! If you'd been punished enough, you wouldn't still be staring at your dog like you were in love with him!" Biff snarled.

Oh, shit, Gail thought to herself, wishing she had not let her brother see the fuck-starved look had passed between her and the Irish terrier. "Now I'm going to have to beat you," Biff said with a grin.

"You were going to beat me anyway!" Gail cried angrily, her face flushing. "Why don't you at least be honest about it?"

"Shut up, cunt!" Biff yelled, and he looked about the room, as if in search of some way to further humiliate his little sister. His eyes glittered strangely as he saw one of Scotty's dog toys lying on the carpet near the table. It was a big rubber bone. He snatched it up from the floor and shook it in front of his sister's face.

"Here, Sis, you wanna get it on with a dog, then act like a dog. Chew on this!"

"Oh, no!" Gail cried, feeling that things were getting out of hand between her and her brother.

"Oh, yes!" Biff laughed. "Fill your mouth with this dog-bone. Now be a good little doggy and open wide!"

Scotty cocked his head to one side, briefly pausing in his attempts to rub his stiff dog-cock against the carpet long enough to look at Biff with a confused expression in his eyes. It was obvious that the animal could not understand why the boy was offering one of Scotty's toys to Gail. But, as the throb in the dog's cock grew stronger, he whimpered and once more began to shove his haunches back and forth, sending the length of his dog-cock over the friction of the carpet.

"No! I won't do it!" Gail protested. But even as she refused to chew on the dog bone, she felt an odd little quiver in the pit of her stomach which let her know that she was enjoying her brother's degrading treatment of her.

"Oh, yes, you will, you dog-whore!" Biff yelled. He raised his leather belt high in the air with one hand and brought it crashing down across his sister's back.

"Yeeeooowww!" Gail screeched as she felt the thick belt cutting into her naked flesh.

As she opened her mouth to scream out in pain, Biff stuffed the rubber bone between her jaws, cramming it tightly.

"Now chew on that thing, bitch! And if you try to spit it out of your mouth, I'll whip you twice as hard!"

Gail knew her brother meant what he said and she began to chew on Scotty's rubber bone.

Biff climbed up on the table and straddled his naked sister, sitting on her back and facing her ass. He doubled his belt in his hand for added striking power and began to whip Gail's trembling asscheeks.

"Aieeee!" the youngster sobbed as her brother beat her mercilessly. She instinctively began to raise and lower her hips, making whatever moves she could in a futile attempt to escape the punishing blows raining down on her helpless little ass. Each time she wriggled or shoved her hips up and down, Biff whipped her ass still harder.

"Unghhhh, it hurts soooo much," Gail whimpered around the rubber dog-bone, her eyes brimming over with tears.

But, as she continued to hunch her hips up and down, she felt her drooling pussy rubbing against the surface of the table and a deep, intense pleasure filled her. She knew her brother's belt was raising welts on her ass flesh but now the pain mingled with a heady brand of pleasure which made the young girl chew harder on Scotty's toy bone.

Biff continued to sit astride his sister, viciously beating her ass. The round swelling cheeks of her ass were whipped to a deep red color. The boy's cock began to grow hard again. Finally he stopped, more from exhaustion than from any mercy.

Gail's body shook with sobs of pain and pleasure. She looked up as her brother climbed off of her, rubbing his hard-on through his pants. The young girl still clutched the bone between her teeth.

"C'mon, Scotty!" Biff suddenly called out to the Irish terrier, which was still dragging his stiff dog-cock against the carpet. "Get over here! Time for you to join us now!"

"Oh, my God!" Gail gurgled around bone, realizing that at last she was going to get what she craved with every fiber of her being… at last she was going to get to fuck Scotty.


Scotty gave a little yelp as he ran over to the table in the middle of the room. He stood there, gazing up at his naked mistress, his long, pink tongue lolling out of one side of his mouth. Dog-drool dribbled off the end of it. He panted. His body was tensed. He looked as if he were barely able to restrain himself, but he seemed to sense that Biff was the one in charge here and that he had best not move until he received his next command.

"Ready for Scotty now, Sis?" Biff asked hoarsely.

"No!" Gail protested, thinking that no matter how much her little pussy was throbbing with desire for her dog's cock, she had better put on an act for her brother's sake.

"Oh, really? Hell, Sis, you're in no position to argue with me!" Biff growled as he gripped one of her tits. He worked the mound of tit flesh out to the side and pinched the nipple until Gail cried out.

"Now are you going to do as I say?" Biff demanded, not realizing that his little sister's cry was one of excitement as much as of pain.

Gail nodded dumbly, saliva spilling out of her mouth around the rubber bone.

"That's better," Biff laughed. "I thought you'd see things my way."

Scotty whined eagerly, expectantly as he watched the humans' actions. He could smell the scent of sex in the air, and he could smell the aromatic juices dribbling from his mistress' pussy.

"Hungry, Scotty?" Biff asked with another laugh.

Scotty barked.

"Okay, you two stay right here. I'll be right back," Biff said, striding quickly from the room.

While her brother was gone, Gail remained obediently in place across the top of the big circular table. She could hear her dog's harsh panting. And she could feel her little cunt burning and itching with desire.

"Don't worry, Scotty," she whispered, "I don't know just what Biff's got in mind, but let's just play along with him… 'cause I've got a feeling that it's gonna be good!"