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"Ohhhh, please shoot now, Scotty! Shoot all your cum up my cunt! I need to feel it soooo bad! Hurry, Scotty, don't make me wait for it any longer! Give it all to meee!" Gail cried, desperate to feel dog-cum flooding her pussy.

Scotty barked as he wedged his prick into the deepest reaches of his mistress' pussy. And he came.

"Yesssss!" Gail shrieked as she felt her pussy filling up with dog-cum.

There was so much jism that it surprised her. More than ever before. There seemed to be no end to the thick goo which spewed out from the tip of Scotty's cockhead. The hot cum spattered against the back of Gail's pussy, coating the cunt walls, before beginning to back up and run out of her pussy.

"That feels soooo good!" Gail yelled, coming again. She could feel her dog's cum mingling lewdly with her own orgasmic juices, and she closed her eyes again. At the same time, she opened her mouth and screamed out with delight.

Scotty's howls mingled with his mistress' screams as his hot cum continued to gush into her cunt.

"That's it, Scotty, that's a good doggy! God, how I love the feel of your cum filling me all up!" Gail screeched as she thrashed her ass around wildly. Her pussy muscles clamped down hard around her dog's prick.

"I'll be Goddamned!" Biff cursed, putting down the camera and stroking his bursting cock as he moved closer to the front of his little sister.

Gail continued to come, thrilled by the knowledge that she and her dog were coming together. Her young face contorted with pleasure and relief as she felt her powerful climax possessing her entire body.

And still, the Irish terrier continued to shoot his load of cum up the teenager's pussy. The hot cock cream filled her cunt, dribbling out from between her bloated cuntlips. It trickled on down her thighs in thick streams.

"Aieeee!" Gail cried, still coming as the relentless waves of bestial orgasm washed over her again and again.

Scotty barked as he continued to come. He thrilled to the lewd sensation of his mistress' pussy spasming in climax around his deeply embedded prick.

Gail still had her eyes tightly closed and her mouth wide open, screaming louder and louder. Suddenly, her screams were abruptly cut off, turning into guttural groans as her mouth filled with hard cockmeat.

She gasped and her eyes snapped open to see her big brother standing before her, feeding her his throbbing prick. Gail looked up at Biff with an expression of gratitude and lust as she immediately went to work on his cock.

"Suck it good! Swallow my cum!" Biff muttered thickly, fucking his entire prick into her mouth and down her throat.

Gail sucked hard, closing her eyes again and moaning in pleasure. When she felt the first wad of cum bursting from her brother's cock and sliding down her throat, she came again. As her orgasm struck her with full force, she eagerly swallowed Biff's thick cum.

The fact that she was being fucked both in the mouth and in her pussy made Gail's orgasm peak with a savage intensity.


When Biff finished coming, he pulled his softening cock out of his little sister's mouth and backed up, collapsing with a sigh into the nearest chair.

Scotty had finished coming by then, too. His eyes glazed over sleepily. He whined with satisfaction and then yawned. He lay on top of Gail's back for a minute or two and then pulled out of her pussy. His cock was wedged inside her cunt so tightly that it made a wet sucking sound when it pulled free.

Gail gave one last moan and turned over onto her back, watching her pet as he jumped down from the table. He trotted over to the coffee table and curled up into a furry ball under it, obviously intending to take a nap to restore some of the energy he had just exerted in fucking the horny teenager.

"Good doggy," Gail said with a little sigh.

"Good thing Mom and Dad weren't the ones to find you with that dog's tongue up your cunt!" Biff said. "I doubt that they would have been quite as understanding as me."

"Oh, they're never home anyway," Gail said softly.

Her tone of voice held no trace of sadness. In fact, the young girl had long ago resigned herself to the fact that her parents would never give her and her brother the kind of attention and love they needed and deserved. It used to bother her. But that was when she had turned to her dog for his special brand of loving. Now, Gail couldn't care less that her mother and father were rarely home, that they were always out on business or enjoying one of their many social activities. Gail simply used those frequent occasions to fuck with her dog. And now, it looked as though she and Biff had just embarked on a new dimension to their sibling relationship, one which would make the young girl need her parents even less.

It had even gotten to the point where Gail resented it whenever her parents happened to be home. For, those times, she was unable to have the necessary privacy to fuck with Scotty. Her parents always acted so remote and unreachable those times when they were home, that, more and more, Gail found herself wishing they would just go away and never come back.

"Yeah, I know they're never home," Biff said finally. "Mom and Dad are the kind of people who never should have had kids. But I don't care much anymore. Do you?"

"No, I don't," Gail said, looking up at her brother with a grin.

He returned her grin and, in that instant, Gail knew with certainty that she and her brother were now closer to each other than ever before.

"I'm going up to my room for a nap. I'm all petered out," Biff said with a yawn as he rose from his chair and moved toward the door.

"Yeah, I'll say," Gail laughed, staring pointedly at her brother's drooping cock, which was still hanging out of his pants.

After her brother left the living room, Gail climbed down from the table and walked over to the couch.

A nap seems like a good idea, she thought, stretching out on the sofa and closing her eyes. She liked the idea of sleeping with her dog so close, right under the coffee table.

About half an hour later, Gail awakened to the delicious feel of a long, wet tongue fucking between her juicy cuntlips.

"Yeooowww!" she screeched, looking down between her tits and seeing Scotty lapping at her pussy. She writhed on the dog's tongue, feeling little tremors of pleasure dancing through her body.

While the dog continued to tongue-fuck his mistress' cunt, Gail began to stroke her heaving tits.

"Yessss, Scotty, keep it up! Keep shoving that rough tongue of yours into my cunt! I love it!" Gail yelled, throwing her head back and crying out like a mating animal.

Scotty gave a low growl in response. He trembled, loving the feel of the girl's strong cunt muscles grabbing at his tongue.

The dog's cock began to grow hard and thick as he continued to lick his mistress' pussy.

Suddenly, Gail sat up, bending at the waist. She wanted to get a good look at Scotty's prick. When she saw his cock growing and throbbing, she gave a little strangled cry and reached out for it.

Scotty began to lick Gail's pussy harder as he felt her stroking his cock.

The feel of the dog's prick twitching and pulsating in her hands aroused the teenager even more, and she shuddered violently with renewed bestial desire.

"Yeah! Fuck me with your tongue, Scotty!" Gail cried as the animal rammed his tongue in and out of her tight pussy.

She wriggled and writhed on the dog's tongue. He was tongue-fucking her faster now, his pink taster flying in and out of her. She could feet his dog-cock jerking wildly in her hands, and she knew that her pet was just as excited as she was.

"Commmiiinnnggg!" Gail suddenly cried out as a gigantic orgasm crashed through her.