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"No," Ann said.

That was it then. Joey knew his effort wasn't going to pay off. He wasn't angry. But he wasn't going to keep kissing and feeling Ann if it was a dead end.

"All right," Joey said. "I would have liked to fuck you, though."

Ann didn't know what to say. Joey had said it so matter-of-factly.

Joey took his arm from around Ann's shoulder. He leaned back against the arm of the couch.

"You don't live around here, do you?" Joey said.

Ann didn't know what to make of this. At first she merely looked at Joey with a puzzled expression. Then she asked him to kiss her again.

"I'd better not," Joey said quietly. "If we sit here kissing. I'm going to get so horny my balls will ache. It really hurts, too, you know?"

Ann looked across the room. Don and Gail were necking up a storm. He had his hand on Gail's tit, outside her blouse. And Joey was willing to bet that that was as far as he was going to get.

Joey noticed that Ann was getting nervous. Then he realized that it wouldn't look too good for her if Joey refused to neck. He began to enjoy his position in this contest.

"Where do you live?" he asked.

Gail and Don were beginning to glance at Joey and Ann. They had heard Joey's conversation, and they wondered what was going on.

"Okay," Ann whispered. "Let's go to Don's room."

"Will you fuck me?" Joey asked.

He said that loud enough for Don and Gail to hear, although he hadn't meant to. And Don looked over at Joey with a frown.

Joey realized that Don was worried Joey would spoil things for him. But Joey didn't think having a chick get mad and stop necking was spoiling things. Spoiling things was sitting around necking until your balls hurt.

"Do you expect me to tell you now that I'll fuck you?" Ann said.

"Sure," Joey asked. "Why not?"

"Well, I'm not going to fuck you," Ann said, getting angry.

"Will you blow me?" Joey asked.

"What do you think I am?" Ann asked.

"I don't know," Joey said. "But it's beginning to look like you're a typical teenage virgin."

Ann thought about that for a while. She really didn't know what to think about this brash boy who wouldn't neck with her.

"Please come to Don's room with me," Ann said as she glanced at Gail and Don, who were panting and kissing across the room.

Joey agreed to go with Ann to Don's room. He was enjoying himself, and he wanted to continue the conversation.

So they went to Don's room, Joey following Ann and admiring her shapely ass.

They sat on Don's bed. Ann unbuttoned her blouse. When Joey saw one of her big upturned tits, he felt himself slipping from his all-or-nothing position.

"Here," Ann said as she lifted one of Joey's hands and slipped it into her blouse.

"Um-m-m-m, gorgeous tits," Joey said. "Does this mean you're going to fuck me?"

Again, Ann didn't know what to say. Joey kept holding her tit, though. He could see that she was heating up.

"Why do you have to fuck me to be satisfied?" Ann asked.

"I don't have to fuck you," key said. "You could suck me off, or bring me off with your hand. I like all those things. But I don't want to get all hot and bothered and not get a chance to come. It's perverted."

"It is?" Ann asked.

The girl was melting, Joey could tell. Now, though, in spite of himself, he was getting all hot and bothered.

"Sure it's perverted," Joey said. "But coming isn't. That's terrific. I'll tell you what. Give me a hand job. Then I'll make you come any way you want me to."

Ann was looking at Joey again as though she didn't know what to think.

Joey took advantage of her bewilderment. He lay her down on the bed, opened her blouse wider, and kissed her on one big, erect nipple.

"Oh-h-h-h," Ann moaned when Joey pressed his mouth to her tit.

But Joey felt himself falling into a trap. If he didn't watch out he would wind up with blue-balls yet.

So he lifted his face suddenly. He could see the disappointment on Ann's face when he stopped sucking her nipple.

"How about it?" Joey asked.

"You mean I have to jerk you off?" Ann asked.

"Right. Then I'll do anything to you that you want," Joey said.

"All right," Ann agreed. "But first kiss my tit again."

In his victorious pride, Joey dove to Ann's tits again. He filled his hands and mouth with their warm softness. She had the nicest tits he'd encountered so far. He could feel the girl trembling under him. She would keep her promise, Joey could tell by her nervousness.

After sucking her tits for a while, Joey was ready to have her jerk him off. So he stood, unfastened his pants and pulled them down.

When Ann saw his prick, she looked like she had seen a miracle.

"Haven't you ever seen a hard cock before?" Joey asked.

"S-sure," she said. "But not such a big one."

Joey didn't believe her. He thought the only cocks she'd seen were on little kids when she saw them get their diapers changed.

Joey suddenly realized how far he had come in the short time since he began sucking his sister. Here he was, with his prick sticking out, hard and bouncing, in front of this fully-clothed chick whom he had just met. And he wasn't the least bit embarrassed.

"Want to take your clothes off?" Joey asked Ann.

He almost smiled when he saw the look on her face. He could see her mouth trying to say no. But she was fighting it.

Her eyes were still on Joey's prick as she struggled with herself.

"O-okay," she finally croaked.

Joey sat down next to her to help her undress. The poor thing really was nervous. The last thing she thought she would do was take her clothes off with a guy's stiff prick jerking beside her. But that's what she found herself doing.

Although she was nervous, Joey didn't feel sorry for her. After all, he was going to introduce her to the glory of fucking, or at least he was going to give her an orgasm in any way she wanted.

Since her blouse was already unbuttoned, Joey helped her slip it off her shoulders. When he saw how firm and huge her tits were without the blouse in the way, his eyes widened.

Moving right along before Ann could change her mind, Joey unbuttoned the button that held her jeans closed. The girl had been stuffed into the tight jeans, so when the button opened she nearly popped out of them. Her belly showed where the top of her bikini undies crossed her smooth skin.

Joey grabbed her pants and began tugging them on. The girl let him. Her panties followed.

"God, you're beautiful," Joey said, and he meant it.

Ann was gorgeous. She could have been the fold-out center-spread in a girlie magazine.

Her interest in Joey's prick seemed to make her forget to be bashful. She let her thighs open so Joey could see a swath of pink flesh running down the middle of her curly black cunt hair.

He sat next to her and put his arm around her again. He was smiling warmly. Ann finally took her eyes from his prick and looked him in the eye.

Joey kissed her. Kissing a naked chick was completely different from kissing a clothed one, he found. He could smell the sweet heat of Ann's body. There was the slightest hint of simmering cunt juice about her.

Joey wrapped a hand around one of her tits again.

His tongue slipped into her mouth.

Could this be the same girl who had stopped him from sticking a hand into her blouse? She didn't act like it. And Joey congratulated himself on his successful strategy.

Joey moved closer to the girl. His prick began knocking against the side of her hip. When Ann felt that, she shook with unleashed lust.

"Hold my prick," Joey said softly.

The girl obeyed. Her touch was hesitant and shy at first. But after exploring the length of Joey's prick with her fingers, she gripped it more firmly.

Joey covered her hairy mound with his hand. Before sliding a finger into her drooling slot, he merely held her plump cunt mound.