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"Can you get your cock in my cunt without taking your finger out of my ass?" Betty asked.

"I don't know," Joey said as he tried.

He pulled his hips back so he could get his bucking prick into his sister's crotch. He managed that all right but he wouldn't be able to stick his prick up her cunt with a finger up her ass.

"Wait," he said. "I'll have to take my finger out for a second."

He pulled his finger out, stuck his prick in her cunt, then reached for her asshole with his finger again.

When he put his finger back up his sister's ass, he could feel it with his prick through the wall that separated those two chambers.

They staggered back until Betty was pressed to the wall. Then Joey began pumping his prick.

"Ah-h-h-h-h!" Betty wailed.

Joey found that it was a wonderful sensation to have a finger wiggling in his ass while fucking his sister. And he liked being able to feel his prick sliding in and out of her cunt with the finger he had up her ass.

When he came, though, Joey realized how nice it was to have a finger in his ass. And Betty seemed to know just how to move her finger around in there to make his orgasm really special.

"Uh-h-h-h, uh, h-h-h, uh-h-h-h-h," Joey groaned as huge mounts of jism rushed through his cock.

As he pumped his hips in wild passion. Betty's finger slipped out of his ass. But by that time it didn't matter. Joey was too far gone to notice.

Then Betty hit her peak of passion. As she moaned in ecstasy, she lifted her leg over the arm that her brother had reaching to her ass. Then she lifted her other leg so Joey was holding her against the wall in his arms. She seemed to be suspended on his prick and the finger he had up her ass.

"Oh-h-h-h-h-h!" she cried desperately.

By the time they were finished fucking, they had slid to the floor. Now, in their exhaustion, they sprawled out on the wet tile.

"We'd better clean this mess up," Betty said after a while.

As they mopped up the floor and put the douche kit away, Joey wondered if there would be an end to his sexual discoveries. What could possibly follow this?

"Yes, Joey's here," Betty said into the phone.

Joey went to where his sister was talking on the phone. He reached for the receiver.

"It's not for you," Betty said. "It's Jane. She just wanted to know if you were home."

Joey remembered the last time he had heard his sister talking to Jane on the phone about him. It was when he had gone to the drive-in with Jane and finger-fucked her. That had been the beginning of his sexual education.

Now that Jane was asking about him again, Joey was practically panting.

"Is she coming over?" Joey asked his sister excitedly.

Betty nodded. Then, into the phone, she said, "Wonderful. We'll be waiting for you. We won't start without you."

Betty hung up. Joey's prick had stiffened and was threatening to tear his pants.

"Wow," he said. "I've been waiting to get my hands on Jane again."

"What's the matter?" Betty said, teasing her brother. "Haven't I been enough for you?"

"Sure," Joey said. "But fucking Jane makes me appreciate you more. Besides, I love watching you two sucking each other's cunts."

"Yeah, I love eating Jane and having her eat me," Betty said. "I can't wait."

"When is she coming?" Joey asked.

"Not till after lunch," Betty said sadly.

"Maybe we can warm up before she gets here," Joey said, reaching for his sister's tits.

"Uh-uh," Betty said. "I told her we wouldn't start without her."

Joey wouldn't want Jane to find him and his sister all fucked out when she arrived. Besides, a promise was a promise. But Joey didn't know how he was going to wait a couple of hours before Jane got there.

"Hey, did you ever see that pack of dirty playing cards in Dad's drawer?" Joey asked his sister.

She said she hadn't. So Joey went and got the cards to show her. Holding the cards in his hand, he showed each one to his sister as she leaned over him.

"Gee," Betty said. "Look at the size of those tits."

"Yeah, there's another picture of her that makes them look even bigger," Joey said.

"Look at her cunt," Betty said, referring to another model. "Her inner lips stick out so far!"

After looking at each card carefully, they looked at them all again. Then they picked out their favorites.

"Does it turn you on looking at them?" Joey asked his sister.

"A little," she said. "I'd like to suck some of those cunts. And I like the really big tits a lot. Do they turn you on?"

"Yeah," Joey said. "But not as much as they used to before I got a chance to fuck you. Before then, I used to look at these cards and jerk off all the time."

"Look at these old-fashioned garter-belts," Betty said. "Is that supposed to be sexy?"

"Yeah, don't you think so?" he said.

"Well, they're more sexy than pantyhose," Betty said. "You can't get fucked wearing pantyhose."

"I think chick looks sexy with a garter-belt on," Joey said. "And I like this picture with the girl pulling the crotch of her underpants into her cunt-lips."

"Do you really think that's sexy?" Betty said.

"Sure. And so do most guys," Joey said. "That's why they took that picture like that."

"You must be right," Betty said.

"Why don't you try doing that?" Joey suggested.

"You mean right now?" Betty asked. "Before Jane gets here?"

"Sure," Joey said. "That wouldn't be starting without her. All we'd be doing is fooling around with sexy poses like in the pictures."

"Okay," Betty said. "Jane wouldn't mind." They went up to Betty's room, taking the deck of cards with them. Betty undressed to her panties. Then, standing in front of her mirror, she slipped the crotch of her panties into the cracks of her cunt and ass.

When Joey saw her hairy cunt-lips with the white material of her undies between them he licked his lips. Betty turned. The sight of her panties diving into the crack of her ass was terrific too.

"That feels sort of nice," Betty said.

She bent her legs, spreading her thighs, then pulled her panties up higher.

"The crotch of my panties is pressing right on my clit," she said.

Joey wished his prick was pressing right on her clit. But watching was almost as good. He sure was getting hot, though.

"Hey, Mom has a garter-belt in her drawer," Joey said. "Why don't you try it on?"

"Okay," Betty said. "But how do you know she has a garter-belt in her drawer?"

Joey had trapped himself. He had checked out his mother's underwear a few times in his horny days. But he hated to admit that to his sister. Of course, there was no need to admit it now. She knew.

"So you've been looking at Mom's underwear, huh?" Betty said with a smile.

Joey didn't say anything.

"I'll bet you tried some of it on, too," Betty said.

"I did not," Joey said.

He had, of course. But that was too kinky to admit to his sitter, even though they were on intimate terms now.

"Well, let's go to her room," Betty said. "I'll try on her garter-belt."

Joey followed his sister to their parents' room.

She still wore only panties, and she left the crotch band tucked into her cracks.

"Walking with my underpants in my cunt like this feels good," she said. "It sort of rubs my clit. I'll bet I could come if I walked far enough."

Joey was envious. He imagined himself being able to wear his underpants in such a way that it would stimulate him when he walked. If he could do that, he would wear his underpants like that all the time. Instead, his stiff prick was bent painfully in his pants, and he had to rearrange it all the time just to be able to walk.

When they got to their parents' room, Betty opened the drawer where their mother kept her underwear. Together they rummaged around until they found a garter-belt. It was under everything else since it had become obsolete with the invention of pantyhose.