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"Damn!" he said.

He stood there at the window, hoping against hope she'd come back and stand there and let him look at her naked pussy some more. Behind him and all around him, the dogs kept milling and yapping, occasionally snarling at each other.

He glanced around. "Shut up!" he ordered. They didn't obey him, and he turned angrily back to the window. As long as the light stayed on, he figured he'd be safe. Tish wouldn't come down and see what all the fuss was about without turning off the light. She was funny that way. It was about the only thing that Tish and Carol had in common-shutting off things when they went out of a room.

Harley blinked suddenly. He stared and blinked again and couldn't believe his eyes. There was another naked figure at Tish's window, and there was no mistaking those big round tits.

It was Carol!

Harley stared and stared. Shit, she was an eyeful!

He's never thought about fucking Carol before, but he thought about it right then. His hand slid up and down his prick again as he took in the big melons of her tits.

It took a moment for him to realize that she was naked with Tish in Tish's room, and then his mind seemed to explode.

"God damn!" he swore softly.

He tried to put the pieced together in his mind. He wasn't as stupid and they both thought. He could figure things out.

They were both in Tish's room. They were both naked. Therefore, they were fucking each other. His sisters!

He gasped suddenly, and his prick throbbed so heavily he nearly let it explode and hose down the side of the wall with hot jizz. What was that beside Carol's hip? A dog?

He looked back at the cages quickly. His eyes went up and down the long rows, looking for an empty one. None of them were empty, though, because there were too damn many dogs now to give out single cages any more.

A piece of the puzzle into place in his mind and made him gasp again.

"Shit, they been fucking the dog! Just the way he was going to screw that big Labrador bitch in heat!

"Oh, damn it!" he cried suddenly, slapping his prick with his hand harshly.

His balls spasmed. He gritted his teeth and strained to hold it back. White cum foamed at the tip of his prick, one drop, two-no more.

He let out his breath with a harsh sound. He grinned to himself and felt masterful. He'd held it. Most of it. But there wasn't any more waiting.

He turned away from where he was. Carol had left the window anyway, and the light was still on. He hurried down the center aisle past the yammering dogs, his prick standing straight out from his body, still dripping sperm.

He came to the cage where the Labrador was. She was dark, steel-blue in color, sleek-furred and as horny as he could hope for. He'd put two other females in with her, and the Collie was licking her twat and shifting around and licking it again, as if she were coming into heat, too.

He opened the cage and closed it behind him, reaching into his pocket for the dog candies he'd brought with him. He fed then to the dogs and patted the Labrador, giving her special attention.

The big dog chomped on the candy tidbit and sniffed the straining rod of his stiff cock. He got onto his knees and ran his hand down her flank, holding his prick with the other one.

He could see that there was going to a height problem. On his feet, he was too tall for her pussy, and on his knees, too short. He thought about a stool or something to kneel on but then gave it up. They didn't have a stool. Besides, he didn't want to wait any longer.

His fingers worked toward the dog's rump and twat. She looked at him and stood in an odd position. A strange expression came to her sleek face, and her tongue licked out. The Collie licked her snatch again, and the little Cocker sat in her corner and watched.

The other dogs began to settle down again, and that suited him just fine. He was a little jittery about this. He'd never fucked a dog before. In fact, he'd never fucked anything before, except his hand. And Tish-in his dreams.

He got half behind the Labrador and looked at her pussy. It was wet and slippery-looking. He moved his fingers gently and cautiously towards the damp lips, all the while keeping an eye on her to be sure she didn't whip around and bite him.

She didn't. A soulful kind of look came into her eyes, and her tail lifted out of the way. Harley's prick jerked, and his hopes soared.

She was going to let him fuck her!

He touched the wet dog cunt. The Labrador quivered and made an encouraging sound. She braced her feet wider on the floor and moved her butt towards him, as if asking for more.

Harley became bolder and moved almost squarely behind her. His fingertips massaged her pussy mouth and got all wet with cunt juice.

He probed a fingertip into the opening of her cunt and felt the silky texture of her hole. His prick bucked and throbbed with anticipation, and he had to grip it with his free hand.

The dog was fully cooperative-eager, in fact. She stood there impatiently and let him play with her pussy all he wanted to. Finally, he couldn't wait any longer.

He got to his feet and half squatted behind her ass. He aimed his trembling shaft towards her pussy. The tip touched hot silk and slid partway between the bloated, slippery lips.

Eager as hell to fuck his cock all the way into her hot cunt, Harley drew back and stood full length and unbuckled his pants. He pushed then and his shorts to his knees and squatted again.

It was better that way. The tough material of the Levi's made a band around his knees that helped brace them.

He stretched his cock forward again and put the tip at her juice-slick hole once more. He wondered if she was cherry. The idea thrilled him.

He pushed, bracing himself and her with a hand on her flank.

"Ohhhhhh, shit!" he whispered breathily.

The dog made a sound of protest and moved away a little. She looked around at him and backed up again, as if unable to resist getting fucked, even if the cock probing at her pussy were a little blunt and abnormally big.

Harley fitted his dick into her cunt mouth once more and pushed again. The wet twat lips slipped around his knob and nearly made him lose his load in the tight-gripping box.

His prick was too dry, that was the problem. He pulled his tool back and smeared saliva all over it and tried again. He watched the arrowhead knob throb and swell and pry the juicy cunt tissues apart.

He was persistent this time. Oddly, so was the Labrador. She fairly pushed back at him, making crooning sounds in her throat, looking back at him.

He couldn't believe the satiny texture, the heat, the slippery feel, the incredible tightness that threatened to strip the flaming skin from his cock.

It went in and in. God, it was a tight cunt!

"Ohhhh, Christ!" he gasped.

He shoved for the bottom of her cunt, wanting to feel that wonderful sensation all around his prick shaft, all down the length of it.

He didn't make it. His prick swelled mightily and blew apart inside the silken sheath, spewing his monstrous load of cum into her pussy.

The jizz hosed and steamed from the end of his prick, filling her tight cunt so full it spurted out backwards and drooled from her gasping twat lips and shot over his balls.

"Yaaaaagh!" he cried.

The moment all the slippery fuck juice shot into her pussy, his cock zipped forward, going in and in. His pubes crushed up against her furry rump, and her tight, quivering, sucking cunt grasped the very root of his prick and pulled with sucking motions that drove him up the wall.

"Ahhhhgh!" God! Oh, shit! What a tight fuck! Ohhhhh!" he cried, over and over.

He kept his cock imbedded in the bitch's gasping cunt. The way he felt right then, he didn't ever want to take it out. Christ, he knew what it was all about, now. It was why men paid money for it, why they stole and lied and killed for a piece of ass.

No hand job could ever compare with the feel of hot, slippery, silky cunt!

The dog looked at him. She licked the air and growled, then jetted around. Her cunt spasmed and sucked and then stopped doing that, and she seemed to want to be rid of him then.