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"Harley, you little sneak!" Tish said finally, deciding to laugh instead of knocking his dumb head off. "I'll bet you sneaked up the stairs and peeked in my room and then ran down to fuck those two hot pussies, didn't you?"

Harley pulled back slightly and looked down his nose at her. His cowboy has was pulled half over his eyes now, and he swelled out his chest and stood with his legs braced and slightly bowed.

"Never mind what happened last night, Tish," he said casually. "The question we've got going now seems to taken a new turn. Instead of selling dogs in heat to horny old men, it looks like we can sell dogs with big pricks to horny young women, too."

"It's terrible!" Carol cried again.

Harley swiveled his head slowly and gave her the same authoritarian look. "I think it makes sense, Carol. I'm big enough to admit I kind of dicked up yesterday buying all those mutts."

"Kind of!" Tish hooted.

Harley ignored her for once, and the ability to do it was dizzying to him. "Besides, it takes a long time to train a dog to attack. Training him to fuck would be lots easier, something almost natural to him-with women, I mean."

He hitched up his pants and hooked his thumbs in his belt and rocked on his boot heels. "I could get the females used to taking a big dick. Shit, I got a good start on two of them last night. And Tish, here, could help out training the males to fuck pussy. We'd have us a hell of a going thing here, girls." He turned his head to the side and spat from the corner of his mouth, rocking on his heels again, the sagest bastard who ever rode the plains.

"Jesus," Tish breathed, pulling back, a strange smile on her face. "Listen to him, will you! He thinks he runs the place now!"

"It was your idea, Tish," Carol said softly, unable to keep a smile from her lips. The little bitch had been caught in her own trap for once.

Tish looked at her challengingly. "All right, big sister. I'll go along with it. I'm game. I'll fuck anything. But I'm not training all of them. You're helping."

"Now, just a min-"

"That's fair, Carol," Harley broke in.

She looked at him. She'd just begun to have a little respect for him. Now he was siding with Tish again, and things were back the way they were.

"We can start right now, Carol," Tish grinned reaching out for Carol's hand. "You can have the Great Dane. I'll take the Cocker."

Harley guffawed and whipped his hat off and slapped his pants with it.

"Oh, shut up, you little bastard!" Carol cried.

She whirled around and stalked towards the house. Harley stared after her with surprise. His balloon had just popped, and he wasn't sure why. But it had been fun while it lasted.

Carol slammed into the house and plopped onto one of the kitchen chairs. She stared at the wall a long moment, then dropped her face into her hands and made a choking sound.

Alec-come get me out of this madhouse! she cried inwardly.

Sometime later, she stepped out of the shower, frying herself with a towel that seemed very heavy. She sighed and held it to her full tits and walked stiff-legged to the bed.

She flopped down on her back and stared at the ceiling. She didn't feel like getting up. Maybe she would never get up again. What the hell was the point.

She heard a car drive up into the yard and stop. The sun came in through the window and warmed her and made her feel even more sluggish.

After a moment, sheheard a woman's voice. It was astonishingly grating and shrill. The woman had an obnoxious laugh and she used it frequently.

Wondering finally what was so damn funny to her. Carol lifted up on her elbow and looked through the window.

She recognized the woman. Not by name, but by sight. She was fortyish, and she lived alone in a small house on the street Carol used to take to Alec's apartment. Carol recognized her because she was always working in a lush little garden in her front yard.

The woman was talking to Tish, doing a lot of gesturing with her hands, laughing when there couldn't be anything at all to laugh at.

Carol watched them, wondering if maybe the woman wanted a dog for company, since she lived alone. Then she caught sight of Harley in the penned yard. He was brining Charger along, leading him towards the kennel.

A quick throb went through Carol's chest. It was a strange sensation-akin to dread.

Not Charger!

And then she noticed that Harley wasn't taking him to the front where the woman was but to the side room.

"Oh, no…" Carol groaned.

She got off the bed quickly, coming to sudden life again. She dressed hurriedly, picturing the side room in her mind.

The kennel had been a huge old garage at one time. Harley had done most of the work converting it over, laying the cement floor and the rest of it, and he's done a good job. It was one of the reasons Carol had gone along with the whole idea in the first place-the good job he'd done and the hope that he might be ready to make something of himself after all.

But the side room…

That had housed the chauffeur or whatever he was called back in the days when the place was built, back before her parents had bought it and made it their home. Her father had fixed up the side room for study. It hasn't been used much since then.

But Carol had the feeling that it was going to be used plenty from now on.

She glanced through the window again. The woman and Tish were entering the kennel, the woman still waving her arms in gesture and grating out that terrible laugh again.

Carol hurried down the stairs. She'd thrown on a shirt dress, not taking the time to slip into panties. Droplets of water from the shower made spots of darkness on it. Her damp muff made a fuzzy patch over her lap. But she didn't care about that. The only thought on her mind was to stop Tish from giving them a reputation that would make her parents spin in their graves.

Or was it to keep her from selling Charger…?

Carol hurried into the yard towards the kennel. She went in. The females they'd known to be in heat were in their cages. They looked out at her, wagging their tails in greeting.

Carol went the length of the kennel and turned at the end, where the short hallway led from the old garage to the room.

There was a small alcove just this side of the door to the room. Off it had been a rather large closet. The door to it was only half-closed. Tish stuck her head out quickly and put her finger to her lips in a stern shushing gesture.

Carol stopped up short. She heard the woman's voice on the other side of the door to the room. She looked in the closet and saw that Harley was in there with Tish.

"What are you doing?" Carol demanded, whispering angrily. She didn't know why she whispered, except that Tish had told her to be quiet.

Tish gestured with her hand, Harley looked at her and grinned sheepishly, then went back to staring at the wall inside the closet.

"Have you gone nuts, Harley?" Carol whispered to him.

Tish reached out and took her wrist and pulled her into the closet. She gasped sharply. Harley wasn't staring at the wall. He was looking through a pane of glass into the room.

"It's a one-way mirror," Tish whispered.

Chapter 13

Carol stared. Her cunt throbbed and squirmed and a flash of lust jolted through her body and made her nipples swell against the thin fabric of the shirt dress.

Harley had made room for her to stand next to the wall and look through the panel. He now pressed up against her back, and felt the line of his prick grow rigid against her lush buttcheeks.

"Man, look at that," he breathed in her ear.

Tish stood beside Carol and let out a soft moan, as if remembering the night before and knowing what the woman was feeling right at that moment.

They heard her grating moan through the wall. She stood in the middle of the room, looking down at Charger. At least, as his back. His head was out of sight. It was buried under the hem of her dress.

"Tish!" Carol gasped. "Oh, Tish, you didn't!"

Tish looked at her. "What's the matter with you, Carol? That was the agreement we made this morning, wasn't it?"