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His boots clumped to the floor. He pushed his Levi's after them, then stripped out of his shirt. His prick was iron-hard and throbbing, standing straight out in front of him. He moved towards Tish, fully expecting to finally fuck her and fuck her.

"Take you goddamn Stetson off, dummy," Tish said. "You can't do a proper job of sucking my pussy with a hat on."

"Sucking it?" Harley half cried, disappointment obvious in his husky voice.

"Don't you want to smell and lick my pussy, honey?" Tish said, tipping her crotch up and down, making her cunt hole pulse wetly for him. "If you don't, then you can just get the hell out of here and let us figure out what to do with this dumb dog."

"Naw!" Harley barked. "Sure, I'll suck it. God, yes! Anything you say, Tish."

Carol watched him with growing disgust. For just a moment this morning it seemed as if he might come out of his servile role and actually tell Tish where to get off.

But it was back to the usual already. He was no more than a willing slave for her. He'd never be anything else. Not really.

"Down on your knees, brother," Tish ordered. "Right there-between my legs. All right, dummy, you can quit staring at it. Start sucking. Do you know how? Have you ever sucked a cunt before? Any cunt? Even that Labrador's?"

"Yeah, sure," Harley said. "What the hell!"


He looked down and shook his head slowly, licking his lips with the embarrassing admission. Nearly twenty, and he's never sucked or fucked a real cunt.

"Well, I'll tell you about it, darling. You just listen to your sister."

Tish put out her hands and cupped the sides of his head. She drew him forward. He went crosseyed looking at her strawberry-fringed pussy. Then his lips touched her gash, and he didn't really need a hell of a lot of instruction.

Tish moaned. She rocked her crotch up and down under his lapping tongue. Her clit stiffened and her cunt became extra slippery and wet.

Carol watched with a horrified kind of fascination. She listened to the slurping, sucking sounds. She watched Harley's lips suck the stiff clit tip between then and draw on it, and she heard Tish's moan of rising heat.

Her pussy was getting wet now, all right. Good and wet. And so was Carol's. She watched Harley and remembered the way Alec sucked her cunt, and her twat lips bloated apart and drooled slippery juice.

The dog seemed totally disinterested. He slid his forepaws out in front of him and laid on the floor, opening his mouth and panting softly.

Harley knelt on the floor in front of Tish and ate out her snatch furiously. His cock jutted between his thighs and throbbed with every beat of his heart. His naked buttcheeks flared apart, showing a crack deep enough to be a woman's.

"Ohhhhh, that's good, Harley!" Tish moaned. "Mmmmm, yes like that! Use your tongue-your sweet tongue. Do it the way Charger did it to Mrs. Jenks this morning. Deeper! Fuck it in deeper, Harley!"

Harley slurped and stabbed and licked at her gushing cunt. He gripped the sides of her hips with his hands, sliding them up and down the firm curves. Then he slid them under her ass and lifted her twat up. He kneaded her buttcheeks, and he drank from her cunt as if he had hold of a two-handled mug.

"Eeee, I'm going to come, Harley!" Tish cried in a moment. "Stop! Stop sucking my cunt!"

He didn't believe she meant it. She was right on the verge of coming, and he wanted to be the one to thrill her. She'd let him fuck her then, and he could hardly wait for that.

"Stop, damn it!" Tish cried, hitting the side of his head.

Harley jerked back and put his hand to his temple. Tears stung his eyes from the blow.

"Hell, Tish!" he cried.

"I told you to stop."

"I thought you wanted me to suck you all the way off and make you come!"

"Not this time, sweetie," she said, smiling at him quickly. "I just wanted you to get my pussy flowing and juicy. Now that it is, bring Greenie over here and let's let him get a taste of my honey and see if he can learn as fast as you did. Harley."

Harley looked crushed. His prick pounded in the air. But he got to his feet and came over, hoisting the dog between Tish's legs.

"Damn," he said. He looked at Carol as if for aid. "Damn," he said again.

Chapter 16

Tish and Harley both worked at the dog, holding his head and pushing his snout into Tish's draining cunt. He licked his nose after each dip into the wetness of her oozing box, but he didn't seem to want to keep licking.

"Damn it, Harley, do something!" Tish cried. "I'm hot. I want to come. I want this damn dog to learn to lick my cunt. Think of something!"

Harley groaned with frustration. Carol waited for him to tell Tish to think of something, but he didn't.

"Hey, I've got it!" he cried suddenly.


He didn't answer. He got up and went to his pants. He reached into one of the pockets and pulled out several of the little dog candies.

"Here, Greenie," he called.

The Setter turned his head, spotted the candies, and licked his chops. Harley fed him one. He sat on his butt and chewed it, and it was astonishing that he didn't bite through the long, fat, lolling tongue at the same time.

Tish lifted up her elbows and looked at Harley as if he'd lost the rest of his marbles.

"What the hell are you doing! Don't reward him before he licks my pussy, you dummy!"

Harley ignored her. He fed Greenie another candy and watched him chew it up. Soggy bits of the biscuit crumbled under the shear of the sharp teeth and fell to the floor.

"Hey, fella you want another one?" Harley asked.

He waved one at the dog, holding it in plain sight between his fingers. The dog snapped and licked out after it, but Harley didn't let him have it.

He brought his hand closer and closer to Tish's spread crotch. She let out a yip and tried to close her legs.

"What are you trying to do-have him bite my cunt!" she squeaked.

"You'll see, Tish," Harley said quickly. "You'll see!"

He laid the small wafer right into the mouth of her pussy. The dog went after it, drew back, yowled with wagging tail, then looked at the tidbit again.

"Hold still, Tish. I think we've got him."

"The bastard better not have me, or I'll make the bulldog bite your dick off, Harley!"

"Shhh! Come on, Greenie. Here it is," Harley coaxed, pointing right at Tish's spread pussy with his finger. He licked his lips. He reached down and held her twatlips open. The tidbit circled and jumped with each twitch of Tish's cunt muscles.

After a series of feints and withdrawals, Greenie lapped out for the candy.

"Ohhh, he's doing it!" Tish whispered. Her cunt spasmed and pulsed. The wafer was getting dark and soggy as it absorbed her pussy juice.

"He pushed it in a little," Harley said.

"Oh, God. That's all I need-a cunt full of doggy dough. You ass, this had better work."

Harley was beginning to look worried. Greenie didn't want to go after the one in her snatch any more. He wanted another from Harley's hand.

Harley gave him one. He chomped it down in one gulp. Harley let off a sickly grin and taunted the dog with another candy. He put it into Tish's pussy mouth again.

"That's it, Harley. That's the last goddamn one," Tish said warningly.

Green licked at it. He licked again. He glued his muzzle to her cunt and slipped his flexible tongue into her silky tissues, flipping it around the solid candy and drawing it out. He ate it. He wagged his tail and grinned.

"Here, boy-there's another one in there," Harley said, growing more confident again. He pried Tish's cunt lips wide apart so that Greenie could see it.

Greenie saw. He lapped into Tish's cunt after it, sinking his tongue inches inside her satin, slippery hole.

"Ohhhh, God! What a tongue!" Tish moaned. "Carol, It's better than Charger's! I swear it is! Ooohhhh!"

Greenie got the soggy wafer out. It slid down his throat, soggy and coated with cunt juice.

"Here, boy!" Harley said again. He looked positively radiant with his success now.