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"By God, I will," Alec growled again.

He ripped his shirt off. He pushed his pants down. He didn't bother with his shoes. The slut didn't deserve any better than to get plowed by a guy still in his shoes and socks.

He jacked at his big prick. He saw Carol stare at him with wide eyes. "What the hell are you looking at?" he said to her. "You want a mirror so you can see yourself, baby?"

Carol looked away, hiding her shame by burying he face in her hands. Alec looked down at the nearly bald little twat. It was open and red and wet, and he hadn't had a good fuck since Carol had been to his place a month ago.

He was ready.

He was more than ready.

Even with a rotten bitch like Tish.

He got between her legs and aimed his cock. He didn't wet it. He put the tip against her cunt mouth and felt the slippery silkiness of it, the heat and juice.

The big Irish next to him howled and shuddered sinking his red prick into Carol's asshole and blasting her butt full of hot, boiling sperm.

The sight infuriated Alec. He saw red. He shoved his cock forward as hard and brutally as he could, raping it into Tish's open, shuddering maw of silky cunt meat.

"Yaaagh!" Tish bellowed.

The sound of her pain gave him immense satisfaction. He drew back and gave her another brutal lunge, banging his pubic bone against heres, making her naked butt scoot backward across the bed.

"Ahhh, God! Finally! Finally!" Tish cried.

Alec paused. That wasn't agony in her voice. That was triumph!

He looked at Carol. Carol had heard it, too. She looked into his face, and her color drained.

"Oh, Alec…" she said softly.

"I told you, Carol! I told you the little bitch had been lying to you! I told you I'd never fucked her!"

"Ahhh, you're doing it now, you big-pricked bastard. I knew I could get you. I can get any bastard I want. You just took a little longer, that's all. Carol, look at your boy friend. He's fucking me, Carol. See him fuck his big prick into my hot little pussy? Aren't you jealous, darling? Aren't you going to go off and pout for months on end again? Ahhhh, what a big prick he's got! Mmmm, I just love all your boy friends' big pricks!"

Tish tipped her head back and opened her mouth wide and laughed shrilly at the ceiling, at the gods above, at Fate itself. The whole world was hers to fuck. All she had to do was smile sweetly and shake her ass and spread her silky little twat open, and the earth itself would grow a spire up into her cunt!

Alec banged and plunged and thudded against her with fury. It had no effect. She loved it. She absorbed all the blows of his pounding momentum-packed hips.

And she thrived on it.

There was a perverse thrillingness to the knowledge. He'd heard of woman like that. The ones who could take anything and love it and come back for more. The ones you could expend the totality of your sexual energies on, no matter what form those took, and it would be like pouring water into a bottomless hole.

As a youngster, a horny, cock-centered youngster, he'd dreamed of meeting such a woman. Now he had her under his pounding hips, her cunt wrapped silkily around his ramrod cock. And he felt his anger begin to turn to lust.

He had full balls. Very full. His cock had been deprived for a month. He should be ready to blast her bottomless, savage cunt full, but something stayed him.

There was a sickness to this kind of woman he'd dreamed about as a youngster. A rank stench that didn't sit right in his nostrils.

He looked at Carol. The dog had gotten off her ass and was now fucking the Labrador. Carol was watching him, tense, expectant-afraid?

He thought back to his time with her. She had been bottomless, too. As alive and willing and open as any man could ever hope for. But there was a sweetness and beauty to her kind of appetite, something he wanted to care for, not punish.

He felt his prick throb on the verge of exploding.

"Carol!" he gasped.

"Oh, Alec… don't…"

"Don't what?"

"Don't-obey her."

"Have you stopped, Carol?"

"Yes, yes-oh, yes! Darling…"

She moved towards him, half rolling onto her back. He round tits rolled on her chest. Her lips fell slack and full and expectant. Her eyes were hazel and open and soulful.

And her pussy was wet and pure and open to him.

Tish growled and writhed under his pounding thrust. She gurgled with victory in the back of her throat. He looked down at her and wanted to spit in her open mouth and gag her.

He yanked his cock from her churning pussy, her grasping, sucking, evil cunt. He shifted his position and came against Carol, and she spread willingly under him with a small sound of gladness, of total acceptance.

His prick slid into her oiled cunt, the sweet haven that had no equal anywhere on this earth.

She rose up to meet him, and his sperm spilled from the tip of his prick and flooded into her cunt, cleansing her, washing out all the bad that Tish had placed there, and leaving her clean and pure again.

"Darling-darling, I was such a fool to listen to her!" Carol cried, flinging her arms tightly about his neck, hugging him, tears of joy leaking from her eyes and wetting her cheeks.

"Ahhh!" she cried blissfully, sliding her sucking pussy up around his throbbing cock, milking it, conforming to it all along its length until they were as one.

The sound came from far off. It was an ugly intrusive sound. It punched through the satiny, nebulous bliss of their togetherness and was raucous in their ears.

"Bastard! Fucking dirty bastard!" Ohhhh, you left me hanging! But I got you! I got your cock into me! I made you fuck me! I can make anybody fuck me! Harley, you little shit-get over here and finish me off! Harley, your cock! Give me you cock!"

Carol looked at her brother. He stood near the center of the room, watching them all. She held her breath. Don't do it, Harley! she cried inwardly.

He went over to the fucking dogs and batted Greenie's ass until he jumped down off the bitch. Harley lifted his prick and stuck it in the Labrador's pussy.

"Harley, you little shit!" Tish screamed at him, her face red and ugly now.

Harley fucked the dog and didn't look at her. Greenie watched him, his eyebrows lifted up and down alternately in disappointment. He turned and walked towards Tish, then hopped up between her legs and panted at her face.

"Nice doggy," Tish moaned, hugging him. "Give me your big horny prick, you beautiful dog. Ohhh, that it! Now you've got it, darling! Ohhh, right in my cunt! Fuck it! Fuck my Cunt! Yes, yes, like that! Ohhh, what a big, wonderful prick! I'm going to love training dogs!"

She tossed her head back and forth and made her gobbling, bottomless pussy suck up and down his shaft. She moaned and crooned and hugged the dog tightly to her body and came furiously, flinging her legs about his furry body.

Alec looked at Carol. They stood up. They picked up their clothes. Carol paused at the door, looking back. Harley looked at her. He said nothing, buy there was a sadness in his face that said more than words.

Alec tugged on her arm. She looked at him for a moment, then turned her back on the room and went with him.

For always, this time.