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Carol knew she was in trouble now. Her cunt throbbed heavily as Tish fucked her finger back and forth in her sweet little pussy, all the while pumping Charger's stiff, shiny prick.

Carol felt her own pussylips bloat and spread away from her leaking hole, and she couldn't keep from clamping her hand over her cunt and squeezing hard. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from crying out and betraying herself.

The squeezing wasn't enough. She keened in the back of her throat and knew she was going to have to masturbate shamelessly. The cutoffs around her hips and tight ass suddenly pinched and bound at her crotch.

She unzipped them and shoved her hand into the gap and hissed with the sudden intake of breath. Her fingers curled under her crotch and held her pussy tightly. The wetness was already there, thick and slippery, oozing from her fantastically hot cunt.

She stared through the window at Tish and saw her sister slip her dainty hand from her panties. Her middle finger shone with hot pussy juice. She fondled Charger's sheath and prick and balls, then extended her wet finger towards the dog's snout.

Charger sniffed. And sniffed. He licked out with his tongue. His tail wagged once, and he danced on his hind legs again, swinging around slightly.

He lapped and licked at Tish's finger, cleaning all the cunt juice from it as if he couldn't get enough. His red prick stained back and forth, now sliding through the small circle Tish had made of her dainty fingers.

Tish smiled broadly, her lips turning up at the corners with terrible mischief. She pushed her cleaned finger back into her pussy and fucked it there several times and brought it out once again.

Charger licked and lapped eagerly. He tried to bite her finger. She chastised him until he knew that he could only lick at the good stuff, and then she laughed gleefully, hugging his neck tightly.

She cast another furtive glance around, then opened her legs a little wider. She held Charger's head in both hands and aimed his snout at her spread crotch. She tipped her pussy up and scooted her tight butt along the ground, encouraging him.

He finally got the idea. He put his head between her thighs and sniffed at her pantied cunt. There was a line of cunt juice down the center of the crotch band.

Charger didn't have to be encouraged any more. He licked and lapped and snorted at the green strip, attacking the scent and flavor there with youthful energy.

He dug his hind feet in and pushed and bowled Tish over backwards in the grass in his eagerness to get at her pussy juice. She laughed and squealed with delight, encouraging him.

Carol gasped and gasped. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. But there it was, right in front of her. Tish had seduced a young, horny dog!

"Ohhhhh, God! God!" she squeaked tightly.

Her hand was going wild in her panties now. She couldn't stop her fingers. They dug into the satiny wet grove between her bloated pussylips.

The nylon panties were soaked worse than ever. It felt as if she'd squatted in a bucket of fresh honey. She moaned repeatedly and shook her head and knew she couldn't hold out any longer.

She pushed her cutoffs to the tight undercurve just below her round asscheeks to give her hand room, then shoved her hand into her cupping panties and slipped her finger into the silky, spasming hole.

It slid all the way in, until her palm cupped her sodden cuntlips and pressed juice from their slick surfaces. Her twat sucked and pulled at her finger, imbedding it in the churning center of her body.

She came immediately. She tipped her head back and groaned loudly and shuddered from head to toe. She slumped against the wall and slid along it, nearly falling over, her finger still fucking and twisting in her writhing, drenched pussy.

"Ohhhh, God! Now, I've done it!" she cried, her voice full of dismay.

She thought of Alec immediately. Tonight… She was going there to his apartment tonight. She was going to have him fuck her silly again, even up her asshole-everywhere.

Just like a slut who couldn't stay away from his thrusting, fucking, spewing cock. And it was all Tish's fault. If Tish hadn't seduced that dog…

Chapter 6

Carol heard the rumble of the truck coming up the drive. She gasped and whirled around and knew that would have to be Harley with another load of dogs.

She snatched her hand from her panties and pulled up her cutoffs quickly, zipping them. She wiped her wet, drooling finger on the shorts. She trembled all over.

Not because Harley had nearly caught her masturbating, although that would have been shameful enough. She trembled because the one orgasm hadn't been enough. One was never enough. And she knew herself well enough to know that she was going to be an absolute mess until she got to Alec's and let him fuck her and fuck her.

Self-loathing washed through her briefly. She could see Alec's smug grin already. He was a cagey, cruel bastard after all, just the way Tish always said. He'd stayed away and hadn't called her because he was so damn sure of himself, so sure she wouldn't be able to stay away from his thrusting prick.

And he's right, Damn him!

The truck stopped. Barking sounded in the air. Harley slammed the door, and the barking paused and started up again. She went out to greet him, her legs and fingers still trembling. She didn't know what to do.

She felt so tugged and pushed and pulled and bent out of shape she didn't know how much more she could stand. Alec pulled one way, and Tish the other. Her wanton desires made her feel slutty, but they couldn't be denied. And through it all, she had to act as if nothing bothered her at all-not even the knowledge that Alec had fucked dear, darling, sweet little Tish.

She looked at Harley. She stood there and wanted to cry because it was all so impossible, so hopeless. Harley swaggered around the side of the truck in boots and Levi's and that silly cowboy hat he'd brought himself.

"Hey there, Carol!" he waved at her.

He cocked his hat on the back of his head and spat to the side and chewed on a toothpick. He put one foot on the bumper of the truck the way a real cowboy would do it and grinned at her.

"Lookee in the truck and check the passel of stock I got me," he drawled, trying for Texan and ending up barely intelligible. "Man, what a bargain!"

He grinned from ear to ear. He was pushing twenty, but he acted twelve most of the time. Something in Carol's stomach sank, because the commotion in the truck didn't sound like six Great Dane puppies. It sounded as if the county pound had been packed inside, and the first thing she could think of was the money-all the money.

Before she could ask him anything, he spun on his boot heel and opened the side door. A swarm of dogs spilled out into the gangway and ran exploringly around the side of the kennel into the fenced yard.

A river of dogs. All sexes, all ages, all colors, all kinds, purebred and mongrel and everything in between.

"Oh, Harley!" Carol cried, watching the flood of furry flesh with horror. "What have you done?"

"I bought us a passel of dogs, Sis," he grinned. "Real cheap. This guy I saw knew of another guy who was going out of business, and I took them all. Man, that's stock!" he cried gleefully. He whooped at them and slapped his hat on his pants like the dangedest cowboy around.

Carol stared at him. She said nothing. She turned around after a moment and marched towards the house. She was shaking again, but for a different reason this time.

Tish had insisted he could be trusted. With nearly the last of the money. The dollars had slipped away so fast it was dizzying, and Carol knew she should have put her foot down earlier. But she hadn't. And now she stood at the sink in the house and looked into the yard at the milling mass of dogs and nearly cried.

Alec had been right about that, too. The venture had been doomed from the start. But he'd been right for the wrong reason. There was nothing wrong with the kennel idea. It was Tish-and Harley.

Carol turned away and went to her room. She lay on her bed and indulged herself in an orgy of self-pity. Years of scrimping and hoarding, guarding the money-and for nothing. For a yardful of yapping mutts that no one would buy. She wondered if there was enough money left to feed them all for the next three months.