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Kathy Harris

Sister_s hot secret


Beverly Cornell was in her late twenties but she had the sexy, firm body of a young teenager. She had a thick, long mass of blonde hair which exactly matched the shade of hair between her long, slender legs. Her tits were big and juicy looking, with big rosebud nipples which tilted upward invitingly.

Beverly was completely naked and lying on her parents' big king-sized bed. Lying next to her was her father, Nick.

Nick was tall and well-built with not an ounce of fat on his well-muscled body. Unlike his daughter, Nick was dark and swarthy. His eyes were almost black, and now they were smoldering with incestuous passion as he gazed down at his beautiful little girl.

Incest had long been a way of life in the Cornell family. But even though Nick and his beautiful daughter, Beverly, had fucked each other countless times, each fuck-session was so thrilling that it seemed like the very first time for both of them.

Beverly spread her legs and fingered her pink little pussy. She tugged on her stiffening clit with two fingers and moaned lewdly as she winked up at her daddy.

"Come on, Daddy, fuck me. Fuck your little girl," Bev cooed, knowing that she would always be her daddy's "little girl", no matter what her age.

Bev's sweet, girlish tone never failed to make her father's cock hard with a lust-filled frenzy.

"You sexy little bitch!" Nick growled as he quickly moved over his daughter. His cock was rock-hard and filled with lust for the beautiful young woman.

Bev smiled up at her daddy as he slipped his hands under her ass and lifted her up slightly.

"Fuck me now, Daddy," she moaned, her big tits already heaving with desire. "Fuck me hard and fuck me good!"

"You got it, baby, you got it," Nick murmured as he slammed his hard prick into her and she moaned with incestuous delight.

Beverly wrapped her legs around her father and she started to move with him.

"Oh, that feels good, Daddy!" she moaned. "It sure does, baby!" Nick said thickly, feeling her tits poking into his muscular chest.

Bev's big nips always grew super-long when she was aroused. And now the twin buds were over an inch long, protruding obscenely from her full, ripe tits. They were a dark-red in color, thoroughly engorged with blood, and Nick could feel them throbbing against his chest. As they continued to fuck, the father and daughter kissed lewdly. Nick stuffed his tongue into Beverly's hot mouth. The young woman felt their saliva mingling and she moaned with pleasure. Giant-juice seeped into her pussy and she felt the thick sauce running out from between her bloated cuntlips, soaking her inner thighs.

Bev could not stop her eager trembling as her daddy explored her mouth with his big wet tongue.

"Mmmm!" she moaned, running her hands over his tail, muscular body.

She lifted up greedily to meet his hard cock as it fucked into her again and again. She could feel his thick column of prick meat throbbing against her pussy-walls.

"Ungh, that's good, Daddy, you always fuck me soooo good!" Bev crooned, tightening her pussy-muscles about his hard-driving cock.

Each time Nick fucked into his daughter, he thrust the full length of his large prick into her little moist fuckhole, stretching it widely.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Bev sobbed with lust, and her steaming pussy-juice soaked the man's hard cockmeat.

"God, but you're tight! Can't get over it! After all these years… after having a kid, how the fuck do you keep your pussy tight?"

Beverly grinned up at her father, pleased by the compliment.

"Jut naturally lucky, I guess," she cooed coquettishly.

What she didn't tell her father was that she did pussy-tightening exercises at least several times day to keep her cunt nice and snug for fuckin. If there was one thing Bev loved, it was the incredibly thrilling sensation of a fat cock forcing her narrow cuntwalls wide apart as it rammed into her. Bev did her pussy-tightening exercises as much for her own pleasure as her lover's.

Nick gripped his daughter's asscheeks hard, holding her lustily writhing body steady. Growling with incestuous lust, he worked his cock in and out of her pussy.

"Uhhhh, yes, get that big fat cock of yours into me all the way, Daddy!" Bev cried sobbing and clinging tightly to Nick. She was half out of her mind with incestuous pleasure now. As many times as she made it with her father, Bev never failed to be aroused, to a feverish pitch by the man's hard-thrusting cock.

"God, your tight little pussy is squeezing my prick half to death! Keep it up, baby! Work those muscles around my cock!" Nick groaned.

"Ohhhh, yeah, Daddy, I'll keep squeezing your cock! Give me every inch of it to squeeze! Jam my little cunt with it, Daddy!" Beverly cried, clawing at his broad shoulders.

Her greedy little cunt was still expanding to take her father's massive prick. And it was juicing more and more, too, thoroughly lubricating his hard fuckmeat.

Beverly panted and sobbed with incestuous joy as she felt her daddy's swollen prick completely filling her pussy, as it had so many times before. His enormous cock throbbed against every single inch of her gripping pussy. Her little cunt was soaking Nick's deeply-thrust cock with rush after rush of pussy-juice.

Nick grinned down at his daughter, feeling her lusty shuddering.

"Wow! You really are horny today, aren't you? Even more than usual – what's going on with you?"

"It's just you, Daddy," Bev said with a flush. "Don't give me that," Nick laughed, still fucking in and out of Beverly's pussy. "I know you really turn on to fucking with me, but there's something else today… something that's made you extra hot. Now give. What is it?"

"It's… it's really nothing, Daddy," Beverly said, flushing again. She glanced away, unable to meet the man's penetrating gaze. She had to admit to herself that he was right. She was especially hot and horny today, and it was because of something… or rather, someone who had nothing to do with him. But she couldn't tell him about it. Not yet, anyway, for her own feelings were still too confused and uncertain.

"I know you better than that, Bev. But if you don't want to tell your daddy what's made your pussy killing hot, that's okay with me," Nick said with another laugh. "I'm just glad that something's got you all fired up! Whatever it is, it's my cock that gets to reap the benefits!"

Bev flashed her father a brilliant smile, grateful to him for not pressing the issue. She pushed her secret to the back of her mind and concentrated on fucking back at her daddy's cock with all that she had.

Each time Nick rammed his cock downward, Bev lifted her little ass up from the bed, slamming her cunt against him, helping him to impale her fully on his prick. She tightened her cuntmucles about his cock, and they groaned in unison with pleasure.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" she gurgled happily. "Fuck my brains out!"

Nick groaned with excitement. He gripped his daughter's hot, writhing ass and brought her up tightly against him. He continued to piston his huge hard cock in and out other snug, slippery cunt while she whimpered in ecstasy beneath him.

"Don't ever stop, Daddy. Keep fucking me like that?"

As Bev continued to fuck back at her daddy's hard-drilling cock, her cunt gripped it greedily.

"Aaarghhh!" Nick growled. His daughter's clasping cunt felt fiery-hot around his impaling prick. He felt more and more pussy-juice soaking his cock and he shuddered all over. He always loved fucking his little girl. For, unlike so many of the passive women he had fucked in the past, Bev had always been extremely responsive. She always eagerly fucked back at her daddy, hungrily gobbling up the full length of his prick with her horny cunt.

"Ohhhhh, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" she babbled.

She jerked her hips up and back, keeping pace with her father's fucking rhythm. She felt her hard clit being rubbed raw by his sawing cockshaft and she trembled with pleasure and excitement.