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With a savage jerk off her chest, Ross groaned and shot a huge hot load of jizz straight from his twitching cum-slit and into Bev's wide open mouth.

"Ummm!" she moaned with pleasure she swallowed it all, feeling it form a warm little pool in her tummy.

Suddenly, her pussy exploded in another orgasm, sending streams of hot juice pouring out of her aching cunt-hole. As she came, she groaned with excitement, and she continued to swallow her baby brother's jism, which was shooting thickly into her mouth. The last of his delicious cum trickled from the corners of her lips and splashed down onto her big tits. She purred with ecstasy and licked it up.

"Too bad you just shot all that cum," Bev said, her eyes tightly closed as the last of her orgasm fluttered through her drenched pussy. "I wanted you to fuck me, but now we'll have to wait till you get hard again!"

"Are you kidding? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Look!" Ross exclaimed.

Bev gasped as she saw that the boy's cock was still rock-hard. It was long, thick, and meaty. Its head was purplish, and blue veins pulsated along its sides. There were a couple of stray drops of cum dribbling from his cum-slit. The sight of his huge cock, obviously ready for more action, made Bev's mouth water. And it made her pussy quiver expectantly.

"Ohhh, Ross, now you can fuck me!" she squealed.

"Yeah, now I can fuck your little asshole! That's another fantasy of mine!" Ross said with a lewd chuckle.

"No, Ross, don't fuck me that way! My little ass is too tight for your big cock!" Bev said, feeling a sense of panic filling her.

"Tough! 'Cause in the ass is the way I'm gonna fuck you, whether you like it or not!" Ross growled as he roughly shoved the woman over onto her stomach, pressing her face into the grassy lawn. She choked as the springy grass filled her mouth and covered her nose, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"Get ready, bitch!" Ross snarled. "Your baby brother's gonna fuck your ass!"

Beverly forced her head to one side and breathed in several lungfuls of much-needed air. She cried out frantically, hoping to stop her lust maddened brother from ass-fucking her.

"Nooooo!" she wailed. "Think about it, Ross! Your cock will tear my little asshole apart!"

"I'm thinking about it, slut!" Ross growled. "The idea of fucking your tight little asshole really turns me on! I can't wait!"

"But it'll hurt me so much!" Bev sobbed.

"Like I said… tough!" Ross spat out.

"You'll kill me with that great big cock of yours!" Beverly screamed desperately.

But Ross just laughed and slapped his hand across her lily white asscheeks, leaving his red handprint on both mounds of trembling flesh.

"Just shut up, Bev! You know you really want it! You want to feel my huge cock up your ass! You're just too much of a prick-tease to admit it! You'll love it! I've never fucked ass before, but I think it's about time I learned, don't you? And I also think that I should start with your sexy little ass!"

Beverly whimpered in fear, thinking again how very different the twin boys were from each other. Randy could always be counted on to listen to reason, and he would never think of making anyone do anything they didn't want to. But Ross was different. Ross had always seemed to have a sort of mean streak. He seemed to enjoy bending others to his will. And once he made up his mind about what he wanted to do, there was no way to stop him.

Bev took a deep breath, willing herself to remain calm. She was sure that no matter what she said or did now, Ross was going to rape her ass. There was absolutely nothing she could do to stop him. And she told herself that it would be best to try to relax her ass-muscles just as much as possible, so that maybe it wouldn't hurt her so much.

That's what the young woman thought. But she was about to find out differently.


Ross slapped Beverly's nakedly quivering asscheeks again, enjoying the shock which shot through her body, making her ass jerk against his hands.

The young boy worked his fingers into the tight moist crack of the woman's ass, pulling her firm asscheeks wide apart.

"Oh, God!" Bev said, and she jumped as she felt Ross' thumb against her tiny asshole.

Her heart pounded and her mouth went dry. It wasn't as if she had never been fucked in her ass before. Her daddy had ass-fucked her a couple of times. But his prick was not quite as thick as Ross' and he had been so gentle with her that it had been all right. She had enjoyed it, although both she and her father had decided that they preferred it when he fucked her in her pussy.

But now Ross was about to fuck her up her ass… Ross, with his super-thick prick and his mean streak. She knew that his cock would hurt her unbearably and that the boy would not be sorry when it did. He would go right on fucking her until he came inside her, and she couldn't be able to stop him with her pleas and sobs of pain.

"You're really gonna do it to me, aren't you, no matter how much I don't want you to?" Bev asked now, her voice quavering with fear. "You're really gonna rape my ass with your huge cock, aren't you?"

"Damn right, I'm gonna fuck your sexy little ass! I've been wanting to do it for a long time! As for your not wanting it… shit, Bev, I don't believe that for a minute! Besides, I've heard about chicks who beg a guy to hurt them with his cock, and then they end up begging him for more! That's probably what you're gonna do before I'm through fucking your tight little asshole!"

Ross growled, pushing his thumb harder against her resisting bunghole. He couldn't wait to fuck his big sister's asshole out with his hard prick. Already, his cock was strained to the bursting point, and he knew he had to fuck her soon or die from sheer lust. And there was another reason why he wanted to ass-fuck her, in spite of her pleas not to. He had been feeling resentful that his twin brother had gotten first crack at Bev's little pussy. Ross had been feeling jealous ever since Randy had filled him in on all the torrid details. Now he was determined to get into Beverly's ass before Randy did. And he thought it would teach the woman a lesson for choosing Randy over him the night before.

He jammed his thumb deep into her tight asshole.

"Omigod!" Bev gasped in pain and tear. If her brother's thumb hurt her that much, how much more would his cock hurt?

The teenager's big thumb gouged and dug into Beverly's softly puckered shit-chute. It tore at her painfully, pushing and wiggling and torturing. She gasped again and again with the sharp pain as Ross buried his fat thumb deeply inside her moist asshole.

"Ohhh, it hurts sooo much!" Bev sobbed, tears streaming down her lovely face.

But Ross just grinned. He wiggled his thumb up inside the young woman's slick shit-chute, pressing it into the firm muscles within her bowels. His cock hardened and swelled more.

"Omigod!" Bev gasped.

She raised the lower half of her body up from the ground, trying desperately to shake her tormentor's thumb out of her ass. But it didn't work. In fact, the more she wriggled, the more she opened her asshole up to Ross' raping thumb, and the deeper he shoved it into her bowels.

"Take my thumb – take it and love it!" Ross growled. He gouged his fingers into Beverly's trembling asscheeks and spread them wider apart as the woman wiggled against his hands.

Suddenly, to her surprise, Bev found her body beginning to respond lewdly. She began to turn on.

Her baby brother's thumb felt like a miniature version of his huge cock as he shoved it even deeper into her bowels. Now he was driving her crazy with raw, hot pleasure. She groaned with excitement and lifted her ass, wiggling it invitingly in the boy's flushed face.

"I knew it! You're turning on!" Ross cried triumphantly as he yanked his thumb out of Beverly's aching asshole.

"Ohhh nooo!" Bev moaned with pain and disappointment as she felt the boy's thumb withdrawing from her asshole. But she reminded herself that the best was yet to come. And her pussy drooled with anticipation.