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"Yesss, yessss, ycssss!" she hissed as she felt his hot jism dribbling lewdly down her naked thighs.

"Yes! Keep shooting! I'm gonna come soon, tooooo! Gimme more jism, Ross! Keep shooting your cum inside meee!" Beverly wailed whorelly.

Her body jerked backward with each hard thrust of Ross' orgasming cock. The incestuous lovers were fucking each other in sync, matching thrust for thrust.

Over and over, Ross pumped his spurting cock into Bev's ass. His thick spunk jetted from his cum-slit and splattered against the woman's tensed asswalls before flowing back out.

"God! Can't believe how much cum… never had so much before!" Ross panted, and he realised that it was the thrill of incest which had cased his balls to make so much cum.

"Good, good, good!" Bev groaned. She clenched and unclenched her ass muscles, squeezing he youngster's prick so violently that for a few seconds, the boy was afraid that she was going to wrench his cock right off him.

Her little ass jerked and wiggled, and she jammed her ass muscles down hard on his huge, thrusting, spurting cock. She gasped and moaned with erotic pleasure, tossing her head wildly from side to side on the lawn.

"Unnnhhh, aaarghhh!" she gurgled, still thrusting her ass back to meet the boy's brutally thrusting cock. She mashed her asscheeks against his hairy crotch, fully skewering herself on his long, thick rod of prick meat.

She humped her ass back and forth in perfect tempo with the thrusting pace of Ross' fat, hard cock. She could hear the sound of her asshole sucking up all of his cum. And she could hear the wet sound of his hot cum burbling out of her asshole. And she turned on even more, desperately needing to come.

While Ross continued to shoot his load into her, Beverly finally felt the start of her own much-needed orgasm. Keeping his cock buried deeply inside her now, Ross reached around and began to stroke Bev's twitching cunt, wanting to make her come with him.

"Yes, Ross, play with my clit! Make me come!" Bev yelled hornily.

The feel of her baby brother's fingers moving hard over her stiff clit was all it took to bring the woman over the edge. A huge orgasm smashed through her, leaving her shaking and breathless with pleasure.


A few days after her thrilling fuck session with Ross, Beverly lay naked on her bed, idly stroking her pussy and thinking how horny she was. The entire Cornell family had been very busy during the last few days. They had all gone their separate ways, going to school, going to work, running errands, entertaining a few relatives who had stopped by for an overnight stay, and so forth. There had been no time for fucking or for anything else sexual. And now Beverly was feeling super-horny, badly in need of a big cock.

She knew that she was the only one home this late afternoon, and she sighed, wishing her father was home to fuck her. Or her brothers, Randy aid Ross. She moved her hand faster over her cunt-mound and closed her eyes, feeling little starts of pleasure shooting through her.

A stream of fuck-juice oozed out from between her rapidly swelling cuntlips and she trembled, beginning to stroke her clit now. As she played with her aroused pussy, she thought about how much closer she felt to her brothers now that the sexual ice had been broken between them.

I should have started to get it on with those two hunks a long time ago, she thought, continuing to rub her clit. Yeah, I always have been unusually close to those two, more than most sisters are to their brothers, that's for sure. But since fucking with them, I feel even closer to them, almost as if the three of us are triplcts! Beverly giggled at the funny thought and pulled hard on her clit.

"Oh! That feels good!" she gasped, her thoughts turning to her mother. If the older woman were home, Bev would have asked her to lick her pussy for her until she came.

Bev sighed again, thinking how lucky she was to have a mother like Lydia. Most of her friends had trouble with their mothers. But Beverly never experienced anything like that with her own mother. The two women were like sisters, confiding in each other, and spending long hours talking and of course, eating each others pussies.

Although Beverly and her mother had always been close, it was when the two females discovered that they were both pregnant all those years ago that a special intimacy had sprung up between them. They had laughingly congratulated Nick on his tremendous virility since he had made both his wife and daughter pregnant at the same time. And Beverly and Lydia had shared nine happy months of pregnancy, each understanding what the other was going through in a way none of their friends could.

Bev groaned, tugging her clit so far out that it protruded way out between her cuntlips. She pinched it hard, remembering how she and her mother had gone into labor within two hours of each other. Bev had had a difficult, exceptionally painful delivery. And when the girl, a young teenager at the time, had awakened from her drugged sleep, she had been told that her baby had been still-born. She had grieved for the child she would never see, but her sorrow over the loss of her son had been eased even more when she had learned that her mother had successfuly delivered healthy twin boys, Randy and Ross. Beverly's initial jealousy and resentment was understandable, but they did not last long. She quickly and completely fell in love with her adorable little twin brothers. And now that she had started to get it on with the teenage boys, she felt a kinship and intimacy witch she had never thought possible.

"I'm so lucky to have a family like mine," Bev panted now as she stroked and pinched her clit toward orgasm. "Just how they were here to fuck me!"

"We are here, Bev!" Randy and Ross said from, the doorway, both of the youngsters laughing delightedly at the expression of surprise and excitement that crossed Beverly's face as she turned to meet their lust-filled gaze.

"Where'd you two come from?" she asked thickly. "And, oh God, you're both naked!" she added, her gaze moving down to the boys' enormous hard-ons, which were jutting straight out from their hairy crotches.

"About time you noticed," Ross said dryly, slowly running his fist up and down the length of his hard prick.

"We got home just a few minutes ago, Bev," Randy said, answering his sister's question. "We peeked in here and saw you playing with your little pussy. Seeing you like that really turned us on, so we went back to our rooms and stripped."

"Then we came in here to get you," Ross added, finishing his brother's sentence in the way the twin boys often did.

"To get me?" Bev echoed, batting her eyes coquettishly at her brothers. She had been about to come when the twins had appeared in her door way. But even though they had robbed her of her climax, she was beside herself with excitement to see them, sure that their gigantic hard-ons would give her more than just one orgasm. "Why, whatever did you want to get me for?"

"You know perfectly well what we came to get you for," Ross began.

"To fuck you!" Randy finished.

"Great! Come on, then! Let's not waste any more time! Climb into bed and let's get it on! Who wants to be first? Randy? Ross?"

Randy and Ross exchanged a meaningful glance. Then they both looked back at Bev and laughed shortly.

"You don't get it, Bev. You've already made it with me…" Randy said.

"And you've already made it with me. Now we think it's time that both of us got to fuck you together!" Ross said.

"Wow! Hot idea! I always knew you two were bright, but now I think you're fuckin' brilliant!" Bev cried with a little squeal of excitement. "So, come on, get in bed with me."

"No Bev, we want you to come into my room," Ross said, already turning and beginning to walk out into the hallway.

"But why? I don't get it," Bev said, confused. She was aware that her hand was still slowly stroking her clit, and she trembled with pleasure as she waited for Randy's response. His brother had left, but Randy remained close to Bev's bed, gazing down at her leeringly, watching her play with her pussy while he fondled his hard cock.