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"Just come on, Bev," Randy said, beginning to turn away and leave her room just as his twin brother had. "Ross has a sort of, uh, prop he wants us to use when we fuck you. He says you'll love it!"

Alone again, Bev stared at the empty doorway, wondering what Ross had in mind. Knowing Ross, it could be anything. She had heard the note of uncertainty in Randy's voice when he hid told her that she would "love it", and she had to wonder what little game Ross had thought up now, and just who would actually love it… she or Ross himself.

She pushed all doubts from her mind and eagerly sprang up from her bed, following her brothers to Ross' room. She was hornier than ever now, and desperate for an orgasm. The image of the boys' huge hard cocks filled the woman's mind, and she moaned excitedly, wondering just how they would both fuck her.

Ross stood next to the king-sized bed in hit bedroom, holding a long winc bottle and grinning lewdly at Beverly who was already panting hard at the thought of the forbidden three way fuck she was about to experience with her brothers. Bev felt a fresh jolt of cunt-juice flood her cunt when she realized what the boy had in mind.

"You'll love this, Bev!" Ross said with another grin. "It should really make you come hard!"

"Yeah! Better than your fingers can do," Randy aid, also grinning.

Bev swallowed hard, noticing how thick the bottle-neck was.

"It's so thick!" she gasped. "It'll really hurt my little pussy!"

"Right!" Ross laughed. "That'll make you love it even more, right?"

"Yeah, right," Bev said, nodding slowly, her eyes fixed on the big bottle which was about to become her lover.

She heard both of her brothers laughing excitedly and she returned her gaze to them. She groaned when she saw that their cocks were even harder and thicker now. They were obviously super-aroused by the thought of bottle-fucking the young woman.

"Wonder what she'll look like with that sticking out of her pussy," Randy said huskily, his prick hardening more against his stroking hand.

"Come on, Bev. Lie dawn on my bed so we can get siarted with our little party. You know that Mom and Dad won't be home 'til late so we don't have to worry about getting caught," Ross said.

"Yeah, and that way we don't have to worry about sharing her, either," Randy said, and the twins laughed again.

Beverly eagerly climbed onto Ross' bed. She lay on her back and spread her legs wide.

"OK ready! Here comes your glass lover! You'll never have to worry about this guy going soft on you! He'll stay hard for you just as long as you can take it," Ross said as he placed the lip of the hard bottle against her throbbing cuntlips.

Ross teased her clit with his fingers as he pushed the bottle a little bit inside her.

"Omigod!" Bev squealed.

She had never felt anything like it, and she felt a little ashamed for being so turned-on by a hard, thick bottle. Her hungry cunt sucked at the bottle, drawing it in deeper. It slipped easily into her, but then it suddenly stopped as the bottle grew too thick to go in anymore.

"Shit!" Randy groaned disappointedly. "It's not gonna go inside her anymore."

Ross drew the bottle halfway out of Bev's pussy and then fucked it back into her.

"Ooh, good!" Bev cried, but she knew she wanted to feel the bottle deeper inside her… much deeper… and she only wished that the bottle were not too thick to fit inside her horny cunt-hole.

Ross shallowly fucked Beverly's little pussy several more times while she moaned and writhed on the bed.

"Too bad we can't make it go any deeper inside her," Randy said in a dejected tone of voice.

"That's what you thin…! We're gonna get this whole bottle inside this cunt one way or another," Ross growled.

"No, Ross!" Bev cried fearfully. "You'll tear me up with that huge thing!"

"That's what you said when I wanted to fuck your ass! But YOU changed your tune fast enough. You ended up begging me for more, remember?"

When Beverly didn't respond, the youngster gave a hard, cruel twist inside her with the bottle, filling her with pain.

"I asked you a question, cunt! Remember?" Ross said between gritted teeth.

"I remember, Ross," Bev murmured, a flush of memory sweeping over her face.

"I don't know, Ross," Randy said uncertainly. "I mean, I'd love to see the whole bottle inside Bev's pussy just as much as you would. But look at the size of that thing! And her pussy's tiny! I'm afraid we'll really hurt her if we force it into her." Ross laughed.

"Guess you don't know our sister as well as you this you do," Ross said. "She digs the pain. Don't you?"

"Well, yes, sometime, but I don't know about this bottle. It just might give me too much… more than I can handle," Bev said, trembling all over.

"There isn't any such thing, Bev," Ross said with another laugh. "No such thing as too much… not as long as it's connected to sex!"

"I still don't want you to shove that whole bottle inside me!" Bev said half-angrily.

"Shut up, cunt!" Ross roared, slapping her hard across her face. "It's not up to you to say what we're gonna do to you!"

"Hey, hey, take it easy, Ross," Randy said, over to the bed as if wanting to protect his big sister.

"Just look at her face, Randy. This is one chick who gets off on being slapped around!" Ross crowed triumphantly.

Randy looked at Beverly's face and saw the raw sexual hunger there, the pleasure that glazed her eyes, and he smiled at his brother.

"You really do like being treated a little roughly, don't you, Bev!" Randy asked hoarsely.

"Yes," she said softly, closing her eyes and blushing.

"Don't worry about her, Randy," Ross said. "I just know her little pussy will be able to take this bottle."

He stroked her pussy, making her grow hot and wet so the bottle would slip inside her more easily not just have to shove it into her really hard. Her brother's words made Beverly shudder.

But this time, she realized that fear was only one of the emotions making her body tremble so violently. The other emotion was excitement at the idea of being raped by the big hard bottle.

Her cuntlips were fitted snugly around the neck of the bottle. Pussy-juice dripped from her cunt-hole, making the surface of the bottle wet and slick. She unconsciously thrust her crotch up, trying to capture more of the bottle inside her. SM had to have it, all of it!

"Look at her!" Ross cried, and both he and Randy laughed. "She can't wait to get deep fucked by this glass lover!"

"You know, I haven't had a chance to fuck her ass yet. How about if I ass-fuck her while you fuck her pussy with that bottle?" Randy asked huskily.

"Yes, do it!" Bev cried wantonly, feeling totally depraved now. Again, the twins laughed.

Randy leaped up onto the bed and pushed Beverly over onto her side, aiming his cock at her ass. He spread her asscheeks wide and showed the full length of his hard prick right up her tight asshole.

"Yeeeee! Aicece! Yesss, Randy! Yes! Fuck my ass! I want it! I need it sooo fucking bad!" Bev cried, her ass trembling against Randy's crotch.

Randy grinned as he fucked his prick in and out of Bev's asshole. Her hot pussy-juice streamed into her ass crack, lubricating his cock and making it easy for him to fuck her deeper.

"Stop fucking her for just a minute, Randy," Ross said. "Give me a chance to get this Goddamned bottle up her cunt. Then you can get back to fucking her ass while I bottle-fuck her cunt!"

"Hurry, Ross!" Bev squealed excitedly as Randy stopped ass-fucking her. "Shove that bottle all the way inside me!"

She rocked back and forth, feeling Randy's big cock embedded up her ass and the bottle halfway up her cunt. She needed more and she knew by the look of savage determination on Ross' face that she was about to get just that.