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"Okay, you sexy whore, get ready!" Ross snarled. "You begged me for it and now you're really gonna get it! You're gonna really get off on fucking this bottle with your little pussy!"

He screwed the bottle a little farther into her cunt. Then he pushed it deeper. And the bottle stopped again, refusing to go any farther.

"Shit!" Ross cursed. Then he placed the palms of both of his hands flat against the bottom of the bottle and shoved forward with all his might, sending the entire bottle slamming into Beverly's aching pussy.

"Yeeeooowww! Aeeeee!" Bev screamed as the bottle-lip struck painfully hard against the back wall of her pussy. The bottle stretched her to the limit, filling her entire pussy painfully but pleasurably. Her aching cuntmuscles expanded around the cold, hard glass.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God!" she babbled over and over again, her eyes rolling back in her head.

Just as the mouth of the bottle struck the bottom of her cunt, Randy plunged deeply into her asshole. Her hips moved instinctively with his fuck-thirst. Her horny body took control of the double fucking. She loved it.

"Yesss, yessss!" she moaned, lurching back and forth between the asshole-skewering cock and the pussyhole-impaling bottle.

Bev didn't know which little hole felt more filled, more turned-on. She only knew that the dual sensation of having both her asshole and cunt-hole stuffed to the hilt and fucked at the same time was the thrill of a lifetime. And knowing that it was her very own little brothers who were so deliciously dual-fucking her only added to her joy and excitement.

"It's soooo good! Soooo good! I love it, love it, love it!" Bev groaned, shuddering with pain and pleasure.

"It's all the way inside her, Randy! What a sexy cunt!" Ross grunted, shaking his head in awe. "Jesus! Her cuntlips are puffed out. God, what a turn-on sight!"

He rammed the bottle in and out of the woman's gaping cunt. Her juices ran out thickly from her stretched-out fuckhole, trickling down Ross' arn as he pinched her clit with his free hand.

"Shit, I don't believe this! I can feel the bottle from back here," Randy groaned excitedly. "Jesus, fuck her hard with that damn thing! It's hard as a rock against my prick! I can't stand it! Gonna come soon!"

Randy's lust-filled words made Beverly shake with excitement and she shuddered between the two boys.

"Yeah, Ross, you heard your brother! Fuck me harder with that bottle! I'm gonna come soon too!" she cried, feeling like a depraved slut and enjoying the sensation.

Randy gripped Bev's ass tightly and pumped deeply into her.

"Oooh, Randy, I love the way you're fucking my ass! Shoot! Come inside my asshole! I can't wait to feel your cum shooting up my ass!" Bev cried, shaking her ass and humping her cunt forward to capture the bottle which Ross was continuing to fuck into her pussy.

"Yeh! I'm gonna come now, Bev! Suck my cum out of me with your hot little shitter! Aaaarhhh, my balls are gonna burst! I've gotta come! I'm gonna… comnmmmiiinnnggg!" Randy cried.

With a final thrust into her ass, he fell onto her back. His cock lurched against the walls of her tight asshole as he shot his hot wad deep into her bowels.

"Yes, Randy, yes! I feel you coming inside meeee!" Bev wailed, hunching down savagely on the bottle and almost taking Ross' hand into her at the same time.

"Fuck me harder, Ross!" she screeched. "I have to come, too! Cram that hard bottle deep in my cunt and make me come, you bastard!"

"Jeeesus!" Randy moaned. He slipped his softening prick out of the woman's ass and scooted around in front of her, to see his twin reaming out her cunt with the huge, juice coated bottle.

Ross grinned, plunging the greasy bottle in and out of Bev's cunt, deeper with each plunge. At the same time, she thrust her hips up in perfect timing with his stabs into her pussy. As her glass lover slid into her, her cunt squirmed down the hard surface, greedily gobbling the bottle up.

"Oh God, I'm gonna come now! Ohhh, this one is gonna be incredible!" Bev said as her orgasm finally began. Shudders of deliciously hot climax washed over her trembling body as her pussy spasmed violently against the bottle inside her cunt. Her cuntmuscles tightened painfully around the bottle, holding it in place. Ross found that he couldn't pull the bottle out, her muscles were gripping it so hard.

"Jesus, what a sexy cunt!" he murmured, standing back and watching Beverly come.

"This is it! Commmiiinnngg!" she screamed. Her pussy convulsed so powerfully at that moment that it popped the bottle all the way out of her cunt with a lewd, wet sound. The bottle fell onto the carpet near the foot of the bed, rolling over and over from the force of the cunt explosion, as if it too, were coming.

"Okay, Bev, keep coming!" Ross growled. He suddenly knelt between the woman's quaking legs. "'Cause I wanna feel that hot little pussy of yours twitching all over my prick while I fuck you."

"Oh, yessss, Ross, fuck me now!" Bev screamed, reaching out for the boy as be brutally thrust his cock all the way up her stretched-out cunt-hole.

And just then, she felt Randy's hard-again prick slip into her mouth. She moaned as she closed her lips about it, sucking hard from the very start.


Beverly and her two brothers got it on for long hours, fucking and sucking each other in every imaginable position. Then they fell asleep, all cuddled together. And when they awoke much later, they all felt hungry and decided to go to the kitchen for something to eat.

Giggling, the three incestuous lovers made their way out of Ross' room down the long hallway toward the kitchen. They were all still naked and as they padded down the hall, the two boys reached out now and then and grabbing Beverly's tits and cunt. She responded by reaching out for their cocks and balls.

But as the three lovers approached the master bedroom, which was way at the opposite end of the hall from Ross' bedroom, they slowed their pace and grew silent, exchanging startled glances. For the door to their parents' room was halfway open, and through it they could hear their mother and father talking.

"He's home!" Bev whispered. "They must've come home while we were fucking."

"Yeah, wonder what they're talking about," Randy whispered.

"Let's find out," Ross said. "Then, maybe all five of us can get it on!"

Beverly and her little brothers grinned at each other like three naughty children as they topped just outside the doorway to the master bedroom, prepared to listen to their parents' conversation.

"I'm just so tired of living this lie, Nick," Lydia was saying.

"I am too, honey, but what choice do we have?" Nick responded warmly.

"What lie?" Beverly mouthed to her brothers. But Ross put one finger to his lips in a signal for her to remain silent and the three eavesdroppers turned their attention back to the mysterious conversation.

Inside the master bedroom, Lydia turned toward her husband with a worried frown and he drew her into his arms, lightly stroking her big tits.

"I just cringe, Nick, every time I think about what Beverly and the boys would say if they knew the truth – we could lose them, lose their love, you know," Lydia said, her voice cracking with emotion.

Before Nick could respond to his wife, the door flew all the way open with a bang against the wall and, to their shock, Beverly, Randy, and Ross rushed into the room to confront their parents.

"Ohmigod!" Nick gasped, sitting up in bed, his eyes darting from Beverly's face to Randy's and then to Ross'. All three faces showed expressions of confusion, anxiety, and some anger.

"Ohhh, nooo!" Lydia moaned helplessly, sitting straight up in bed next to her husband. She felt weak and dizzy, and put one hand on Nick's arm. Nick saw her pale face and reached out, taking her protectively into his arms again.