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"What lie are you tired of living, Mom?" Beverly asked, tears of fearful anticipation filling her eyes.

"OK, children, it's nothing," Lydia said with a wave of her hand as if to dismiss the matter. She tried to sound nonchalant, but her tone belied her words.

"Don't give us that crap!" Ross snarled, his hands clenched into fists.

"Yah, Mom," Randy put it in a gentler tone, "I've heard enough to know that you've been keeping a secret from us… something that concerns us all."

"That's right," Beverly said as she moved to the bed and sat on the foot of it.

Rankly and Ross followed, sitting down next to her.

"Don't you think it's time to tell us what's going on?"

Nick glanced at his wife and saw her face pale even more. He could feel her shaking like a leaf in his arms, and he wanted to give her time to compose herself.

"Hey, how come all three of you are naked?" he asked in an obvious attempt to change the subject and ease the tension that filled the room.

"We've been getting it on," Ross said with a leering glance at Beverly's pussy.

"Great! Your mom and I have been wondering how long it would take you to get around to that," Nick said with a chuckle, but in truth, he was feeling just as worried and frightened as Lydia was.

"Come on, Dad… Mom," Bev said softly, looking from one to the other. "It's time. Give. Tell us what's been going on all these years that we've known nothing about."

"She's right, honey," Nick said, turning toward his wife now. "It'll be hard, but like you said, we've been living a lie all these years and now it's time to tell the truth… the entire truth."

"I know. You're right," Lydia said finally. Then she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "Okay, it is time for the truth."

"This is so hard on you, honey," Nick said solicitously, "let me tell them."

"No, Nick!" Lydia said, her voice stronger now we need to say it. "It will be a kind of purging, and I need that after all this time… all this deceit. But, I want you all to listen to me without one word of interruption until I've finished because otherwise I may lose my nerve. Agreed?"

Beverly, Ross, and Randy all nodded silently, their eyes intent on the older woman's face.

"Fine. There's no gentle or easy way to say what I have to say. So I'm just going to come out with it," Lydia said, taking another deep breath.

"Sure, Mom," Randy said gently.

"No, Randy," Lydia said, her eyes boring into his. "I'm not your mother. I'm your grandmother."

"What!" Randy and Ross cried in unison, while Beverly's jaw dropped and she began to tremble.

"You're crazy! You're our mother!" Ross cried.

"No, she's not, Son," Nick said.

"Then who…" Randy began.

"Beverly," Lydia said with a nod toward her daughter. "Beverly is your mother."

"She's our sister!" Ross cried.

"No, honey. That's the lie. That's what we led you all to believe all these years. That's what we thought was best. But the truth is that Beverly is your mother and I'm your grandmother."

"Oh my God!" Beverly gasped, one hand flying to her mouth. "Mom you saying that my child didn't die… that he wasn't still-born?"

"That's what I'm saying," Lydia said, feeling stronger and more sure of herself with each truthful word she spoke.

As worded as she was about the trios reaction, she began to feel a tremendous weight roll off her, and a heady relief replaced it.

"It was my child who didn't survive. You, Beverly, gave birth to healthy twin boys. But of course, you were knocked out at the time, and when you awoke, you were lied to. It was our idea… mine and your father's… but our doctor agreed to go along with it once he understood our reasons."

"What reasons, Mom? Why? Why?" Beverly asked tearfully.

"Honey," Lydia began to explain, "I was devastated when our son was still-born. I knew that I would probably never be able to have another baby."

"I… I didn't know that," Bev said softly.

"That's what the doctor told me. I would probably never get pregnant again, and if I did, I probably would not be able to carry the child to full-term," Lydia said with a trace of sadness in her voice. "And you-you were going to give your child up for adoption, anyway. Nick and I were so afraid that you would still want to give the twins up for adoption even if you knew that I had lost my baby and wanted to raise your children as my own."

For a few minutes, the room was silent. Lydia and Nick wanted to give Bev, Randy, and Ross a chance to fully absorb the startling words they had just heard. Then Beverly raised a tearstained face to her parents.

"You were right to do what you did," she said, looking from her mother to her father and then back to her mother again.

"Do you mean it, honey?" Lydia gasped, hardly daring to believe that she heard right. All these years, she had been so terrified that Beverly would never be able to forgive her and her father for that fateful decision all those years ago.

"I mean it," Bev said firmly. "I was so young. I hardly knew what was happening when I found myself pregnant. Just the idea of trying to raise a child, alone… let alone two kids… the responsibility was awesome. And even though you were willing to raise Randy and Ross a your own kids… I don't think I could have handled that… living with them, seeing them all the time, knowing that they were really my kids, but that I couldn't assume responsibility for them. No, I know I never could I have handled that. You're right, Mom. I'm sure that I would still have insisted on giving them up for adoption. Thank God you did lie to me!"

"Oh, honey, do you really feel that way?" Nick asked gruffly, reaching out and drawing his daughter into the embrace he shared with his wife as Beverly moved toward her parents.

"Oh, yes, Daddy!" Bev cried fervently, smiling at the couple through her tears. "Just think… if it had been left up to me. With me being so very young and all, I'd have given these two wonderful boys up for adoption! What a loss that would have been!"

Beverly turned toward the twins and held out one arm toward them. Her other arm as still embracing her mother and father. Randy and Ross grinned as they slid into the woman's cuddling hug the woman they had just learned was their mother.

"As it is, because of your loving lie," Beverly continued, "we've all lived such a happy life. Your lie allowed the family to stay together in a way we never could have otherwise. My only problem is trying to get used to the mind boggling idea that Randy and Ross are really my own sons, instead of the brother's I've always believed them to be."

"I'm already used to it and I think it's great," Randy said, fondling one of Bev's tits. "Now I understand why I've always felt so super-close to you, Bev, uh, I mean, Mom."

They all laughed and the tension was broken. Nick and Lydia exchanged a look… a look of relief that the truth was finally out for once and for all and a look of gratitude that they had the kind of daughter in Beverly who could understand why they did what they had so many years ago. A daughter who could not only forgive her parents, but who could actually be grateful to them for their deceit, realizing that it had been best for the entire family.

"I bye the idea that you're my mother," Ross said huskily as he reached out and began to caress Beverly's cunt. "After all, it's a lot sexier to fuck your own mother than your sister!"

"Oh, Ross, you're incorrigible!" Bev laughed, silently agreeing with the young boy.

More than once in the last few minutes, since learning the truth about her real relationship with Randy and Ross, Bev had felt a jolt of incestuous lust. She knew Ross was right. It was a lot more exciting to get it on with your own son than your brother. If I fuck Randy and Ross now, even thought, turning on more, now that I know they're really my sons, I'll probably come harder than I ever have before! It'll be just like all those thrilling times I've fucked with Daddy.