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"Yes, I guess one of these days soon, either you or I will have to take those twin boys in hand and teach them about sex," Lydia said with a knowing glance at the younger woman.

"Oh Mom!" Beverly cried eagerly. "Do you really think we should do that?"

"I'm surprised you'd ask such a question, the way your father and I have brought you up. You know your beliefs, Beverly… it is our responsibility to give those boys their first sexual experience."

"To be sure that it's really good for them because we love them so much!" Beverly finished for her mother, her eyes gleaming as she thought how good it would feel to have her brothers cocks buried inside her.

"That's right, dear," Lydia murmured, proud of her daughter. "And by the way, I really like your new shorts."

Beverly saw the lust-filled, expression in her mother's eyes as the older woman stared down at Beverly's crotch, and she smiled. Her new shorts were so tight that they fit snugly against her crotch, making her pussylips clearly visible. She liked the feeling of the shorts snuggling up against her little pussy, and she was glad they turned her mother on, for their sexy conversation had really aroused the younger woman. And the feel of her mother's hand, now sliding up and down her naked thigh, only served to fuel the flame of desire.

"Thanks, Mom. I'm glad you like them," Beverly said softly, admiring her mother's big tits and slender, young-looking body.

Lydia was several inches taller than her daughter. Although her hair was blonde, her skin was darker. Her eyes were almond-shaped which, along with her olive complexion, gave her an exotic appearance.

"Wanna get naked and get it on?" Lydia asked with a grin.

"You bet! I'm really horny, Mom!"

The mother and daughter quickly stripped and climbed onto Bev's big bed. Due to the incestuous way of life in the Cornell household, each bedroom was equipped with a king-sized bed, even the twins', although they had not yet had the opportunity to use the bed for the purpose for which it had been bought.

Lydia rolled on top of Beverly and they pressed their mouths together. At first they kissed only with their lips. They moaned softly, their lips wet and slippery from their mingled saliva. They lightly flicked the tips of their tongues together. And Beverly's bedroom seemed to crackle with a sudden burst of sexual electricity.

Beverly felt the blood pumping into her crotch as her sexual arousal grew in leaps and bounds. Her inner thighs began to tingle madly, and she felt an ache of lust deep inside her pussy.

Lydia felt both her outer and inner cuntlips swelling rapidly. There was an exciting pressure mounting in her lower belly, and she heard both her daughter and herself beginning to pant with lesbian desire.

The other and daughter rolled their tongues togethr, thoroughly exploring the insides of each other's mouth.

"Ugh!" Beverly moaned, feeling gooseflesh breaking out all over her body.

Lydia felt her pussy growing wet with her juices, and her heart began to race. Her rib cage heaved up and down against Beverly's big tits.

More and more fuck-juice seeped into Beverly's pussy as she and her mother continued to tongue kissed each other. She let her saliva trail out of her mouth so Lydia could suck it away. They were both breathless with incestuous passion by the time their series of tongue-kisses ended.

They looked directly into each other's eyes. They spoke feverish. Wanton. Depraved.

Beverly felt her little clit swell at the top of her pussy-slit. She could feel the little nub poking out from under the protective sheath, growing to several times its usual sire. It throbbed and quivered its way out of its nest. It grew red and hard, resembling the head of a cock.

"Ohhhh, Mom, make me come!" Beverly purred into her mother's ear.

"I will, honey," Lydia murmured.

Lydia kissed and licked up and down the sides of her daughter's neck. At the same time, Beverly ran her fingers all aver her mother's heaving tits, lightly pinching her stiffening nipples.

Beverly heard herself moaning with each exhaled breath. She groaned loudly when her mother gave her neck little nibbling bites. Then Lydia flicked the younger woman's earlobe with the tip of her tongue before thrusting as much of her tongue as possible into Bev's ear.

"Ooooh!" Beverly grunted, feeling her body growing flushed and sweaty with her horniness.

Lydia rolled off Beverly's body and slid down the bed so she could more easily caress her daughter's tits with her fingers and mouth. She cupped Beverly's tits with both hands, feeling her long, hard nips pulsating against her palms.

"Mmmm, your nips get so long when you're horny!" Lydia groaned, feeling her own pussy throbbing with lust as she fondled and squeezed her daughter's tits.

"And they're super-long now, right?" Beverly asked in a voice that was thick with desire and pleasure.

"Oh, yes!"

"Then I guess that means that I'm really horny!" Beverly said with a little giggle which made her sound like a young teenager.

With a little groan, Lydia parted her full lips and the tip of her tongue darted out between them. She put her tongue-tip lightly on top of Beverly's right nipple. It felt hard and hot against her tongue. Lydia could feel the nipple growing even larger and harder against her sensitive tongue-tip.

"Oh, that's good!" Beverly panted.

Moving continually, Lydia rolled her tongue slowly over Bev's nipple hard-on. In seconds, the entire blood-engorged rosebud was wet and slipper with the older woman's hot saliva.

Beverly whimpered hornily.

Lydia pulled her mouth a few inches away from the wet nipple as she began to massage Beverly's left tit with her skillful fingertips.

"Oh Mom, good!" Bev whined.

Lydia smiled. Then she blew a stream of cool air into the girl's wet nipple, drying it.

"Oh my God!" Bev groaned.

She tound it impossible to keep her hips still as her horniness grew stronger. Her pussy quivered and her clit pulsed, growing larger.

Lydia flicked the tip of her tongue back and forth across her daughter's wet nip until the muscles in Beverly's thighs began to tense uncontrollably. She put the balls of her feet flat on the bed and raised her knees, her thighs parted wide.

Lydia wrapped her wet lips around the younger woman's left nip and began to suck. She hollowed her cheeks inward, creating a delicious vacuum against the trembling nipple. She licked Beverly's nip as she sucked as hard as she possibly could.

"Yes!" Bev screamed. Her face turned bright-red. "Suck it harder!"

Her lips pulled back over her even white teeth, her face contorting with incestuous lust.

Lydia moved her mouth to her daughter's right tit, sucking her nipple hard into her mouth. Again, she hollowed her cheeks to increase the suction against the trembling rosebud nip.

"Lick my pussy, Mom!" Beverly cried suddenly, overcome with lust.

Lydia whined as she released her daughter's tit and quickly slid between the younger woman's legs. She breathed deeply, savoring the heady aroma of Beverly's aroused cunt. It was musky and rich, and it made Lydia's pussy ignite and grow wetter.

"Hurry, Mom!" Beverly begged in a whimpering tone of voice. "Lick my pussy for me! Make me come!"

"Don't worry, baby, your mommy will lick your pussy hard until you come," Lydia purred.

Lydia licked her pouting lips with the tip of her tongue to moisten them more.

"Hurry, Mom! My pussy's on fire!" Beverly pleaded.

"Don't worry, sweetie. As always, your mommy will help you," Lydia purred.

The older woman began to stroke the insides of her daughter's quivering thighs, moving her hands closer and closer to Beverly's boiling pussy.

"Oh, Mom!" Bev gasped, bucking up and down.